Eating after installing dentures, medical and cosmetic procedures are carried out to treat the problems suffered by most people and so that the results achieved are maintained, proper care and attention to the condition of the teeth is essential so as not to cause damage or other problems. Through this article, we will explain what dentures are and the advice provided after installing dentures and other essential elements.

Eating after denture installation
Eating after denture installation
It is necessary to take care of the general dental health after installing the denture so that problems are not repeated again or damage to the gums or mouth occurs. For this reason, non-harmful foods that do not cause damage to the denture must be consumed.
It is better not to eat immediately after installing the denture so as not to lead to breaking the denture. If this happens, it must be changed or it must not be reinstalled again. All sticky foods that stick to the teeth must also be avoided, causing the denture to loosen from its place.
What are dentures?
Dentures are a type of prosthesis used to treat severely damaged or decayed teeth. It is also called a dental crown or veneer. It is a cover or veneer that covers damaged teeth after root canal treatment or other procedures to protect the tooth from erosion or damage again. Dentures are commonly used for anterior teeth.
It is installed after treating the diseased tooth root and making sure there are no problems that could damage the denture. The denture is placed on the tooth surface to give an aesthetic external shape to the teeth.
How to install dentures
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Denture installation takes place in just two sessions to complete it, as follows:
First session or visit
During this session, the teeth are prepared and examined thoroughly to ensure there are no other problems with the teeth. After that, the size and dimensions of the affected tooth are taken so that the denture can be manufactured in the same sizes so as not to cause damage after denture installation if the denture is higher than the tooth level.
The dentist then sends these measurements to the medical laboratory to prepare the denture suitable for the patient’s condition. During this session, a temporary denture is installed to maintain the health of the tooth until the permanent denture is installed.
Second session or visit
After the permanent denture is manufactured, it is installed and secured above the tooth using a strong adhesive material to help strengthen the denture and prevent it from falling off easily.
Benefits of denture installation
There are several advantages of dentures, which leads to their widespread use in medical centers, so we will get to know these advantages through the following paragraphs:
- No pain is felt after denture installation, and it lasts for a long time while retaining its appearance and function.
- The denture is shaped and manufactured to the same size and dimensions of the affected tooth, so you do not have to remove the tooth itself or make changes to its shape or size.
- Dentures made of zirconium material are more commonly used because they are strong and rigid and can also withstand food chewing.
- It is very suitable when installed for anterior teeth as it helps beautify their external appearance since it is one of the most transparent types and also does not contain any metals.
To learn more about cosmetic prosthetics click here
What are the main types of dentures?
Each type varies according to the type of material used in the denture and the health condition of the affected tooth on which the denture is to be installed, and according to the function of each type. Denture types include:
- Gold dentures: This type consists of copper and different metals, and this type is used based on the patient’s need. It is not widely used because it does not resemble the natural tooth color, but this type has a number of advantages, including:
- It has extreme strength and rigidity so it withstands food chewing and external influences.
- When cared for, it will last a long time.
- A percentage of natural teeth must be removed when installing it.
- This type is preferred when treating posterior teeth.
The disadvantages of this type are:
- This gold type affects some cases, especially those with metal allergies.
- Its color is completely different from the natural tooth color and is not preferred when treating anterior teeth.
- Ceramic dentures: This type is made of porcelain material, and it is also widely used in medical centers. It has several advantages, including:
- This type gives a natural, aesthetic shape to the teeth because it is similar in size, shape and color to natural teeth.
- It is one of the best types that helps rebuild and shape the anterior teeth.
- It is compatible with the biological changes in the mouth and does not cause any damage, because it does not contain any metals.
However, this type has some disadvantages:
- These dentures are less strong compared to other types, and they must be cared for to last a long time.
- It is one of the types that requires high cost for installation.
- Metal-fused ceramic dentures: This is one of the most widely used types in clinics and medical centers because they contain a type of metal and ceramic layers, each performing a function to improve damaged teeth.
The advantages of these dentures are:
- They do not require high cost for installation.
- They are characterized by strength and rigidity because they contain hard materials.
- They give teeth an aesthetic shape.
The disadvantages are:
- This type of denture causes black lines to appear on the gums due to the metals used.
- Some cases may be prone to erosion and damage easily when this type of denture is installed, especially in people with bruxism or constant pressure on the teeth.
- Zirconia dentures: This is one of the most commonly used modern types of dentistry. It is also called E-Max and is made of zirconium silicate.
The advantages of these dentures are:
- It gives the teeth and mouth a distinctive shape and is one of the lightweight types on the teeth.
- It can be used to treat posterior and anterior teeth.
- It is characterized by strength and durability.
The disadvantages of these dentures are:
- It is expensive and requires high cost to perform.
- Many dentists have stated that the use of these dentures failed when installed on posterior teeth.
- Lithium disilicate dentures: This is one of the modern denture types commonly used in dentistry, also called E-Max. They are made of lithium silicate.
The advantages of these dentures are:
- It gives the teeth and mouth a distinctive shape and is one of the lightweight types on the teeth.
- It can be used to treat posterior and anterior teeth.
- It is characterized by strength and durability.
The disadvantages of these dentures are:
- It is expensive and requires high cost to perform.
- Many dentists have stated that the use of these dentures failed when installed on posterior teeth.
Advice after dental prosthesis
Experience comfort and beauty in denture installation that suits your individual needs. Contact us.
There are several tips and guidelines to follow after dental prosthesis installation, including:
- Teeth should be cleaned well using proper toothpaste and brush to get rid of food residues that may lead to problems between the gums and teeth.
- Removable dentures should be removed before sleeping and placed in a medical solution so that bacteria do not accumulate on them and also to protect them from any damage.
- Avoid hard foods that are difficult to chew, as well as cold or hot drinks, especially after the initial installation periods.
- Chew food slowly and away from the installation site.
- Avoid smoking immediately after denture installation.

Advice after dental prosthesis
Instructions for eating after denture installation
Many doctors recommend following a number of steps when eating after denture installation so as not to lead to its falling or breaking, especially during the first period after denture installation. These steps include:
- Avoid hard or sticky foods that easily dislodge the denture and also stick to the denture, causing erosion.
- It is better not to eat immediately after installation until the denture is well fixed in place. You can then eat after a long few hours.
- It is necessary to chew food away from the denture site, especially after its installation.
- Drink warm drinks that help soothe the mouth and prevent any damage.
Treating gingivitis after denture installation
The problem of gingival inflammation under the denture occurs due to poor oral and dental hygiene, leading to accumulation of food residues and spread of bacteria and microbes on the teeth, as well as the appearance of tartar on the teeth.
When the denture is installed incorrectly and the gaps in the affected tooth are not filled, and also when choosing an inappropriate denture for the teeth, all this will affect the health of the gums.
Ways to treat the gums after denture installation include:
- Regular cleaning and sterilization of teeth using appropriate brush and toothpaste, especially if you have sensitivity.
- Taking some painkillers and antibiotics to help reduce existing gum inflammation.
- When an abscess forms due to gum inflammation, the denture is removed, then a hole is made in the roots to treat them, after which the denture is reinstalled or changed to another type to ensure it does not fall out.
- Gargling with salt water to relieve pain or reduce inflammation.
Can dentures fall out?
Yes, denture installation can fall out when improperly installed or when expired. In this case, the dentist must be informed so that it can be changed or another type can be chosen and it must not be reinstalled in its place.
To learn about denture alternatives, you can read this article
Best dental center for denture installation
The The Dental Centeris one of the leading centers in treating all dental problems. It is also one of the best centers providing high-quality denture installation service because it has several advantages, including:
- The Dental Care Medical Center has a group of experienced and skilled doctors when performing all types of prosthetics accurately and easily.
- It provides a number of modern techniques and devices used in all medical procedures.
- It provides global and successful results through dental medical and cosmetic procedures.
- It also provides high-quality medical services as well as constant follow-up with patients.

Best dental center for denture installation
What is the cost of denture installation?
We care about your appearance and budget, so we provide affordable denture installation at the The Dental Center.
The cost of denture installation varies from place to place, depending on the type of material used in the denture manufacturing and the health condition of the affected tooth.
The cost of dental dentures starts from 600 EGP for just one tooth. As for the prices of types used in dentures:
- The cost of metal dentures made of porcelain starts from 650 EGP for just one tooth.
- Dentures coated with porcelain start at 400 EGP.
- The cost of dentures made of zirconium material starts from 1000 EGP for just one denture.
- The price of acrylic dentures starts from 240 EGP for just one tooth.
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Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry.
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