How to get beautiful children's teeth and what is the best medical center to do so? - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

How to get beautiful children’s teeth and what is the best medical center to do so?

Beautiful Children’s Teeth, All mothers strive to make their children’s teeth healthy and beautiful. To that end, they try to follow healthy and nutritious diets to protect their teeth from any problems they may face. In this article, we will discuss the most important problems that children may face, their causes, and how to prevent them. We will also recommend a center that will help every mother care for her child’s teeth.

Beautiful Children's Teeth

Beautiful Children’s Teeth

Beautiful Children’s Teeth

To have healthy and beautiful teeth, the mother must pay attention to everything related to her child’s teeth, such as caring for them, cleaning them, and monitoring the nature of their growth. It’s also important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet for better growth. In the following sections, we will provide information on how to monitor the growth of your child’s teeth and protect them from problems.

“Our outstanding team at The Dental Center uses the latest technologies to treat primary tooth problems, ensuring a comfortable treatment experience and effective results for your child.”

What are the most important problems that children’s teeth face?

Children’s teeth may face several problems due to neglecting their cleanliness and consuming unhealthy foods. Here, we will provide a list of problems that a child may suffer from:

  • Tooth Sensitivity: Children can experience tooth sensitivity just like adults. It is a condition where the child feels severe pain when consuming hot or cold foods. This occurs due to sugars reacting with bacteria, forming acids that cause enamel erosion, gum recession, and potentially reaching the nerves in the dentin, causing sensitivity.
  • Mouth Inflammation: This is one of the diseases that a child may suffer from, where they develop sores and bumps inside their mouth, the most common being canker sores. These are white or gray spots surrounded by a red circle, formed by oral fungi resulting from infection or allergies, causing difficulty in eating. They can last for two weeks and disappear without any treatment, but may recur.
  • Tooth Spacing: It is common to have spaces between teeth due to some not growing in, but these typically close when the permanent teeth erupt. However, if this does not happen, it could indicate jaw deformities, small teeth, or irregular growth, which can be treated with orthodontic treatment or surgical intervention, as determined by the dentist.
  • Gum Abscess: This is an infection inside the mouth, forming a pus-filled sac. It occurs due to the spread of bacteria in the mouth until it reaches the pulp of the teeth, causing sensitivity and severe pain. The child’s cheek may appear swollen.

Children also suffer from other problems such as cavities and gum diseases, which we will discuss in more detail in the following sections due to their importance.

Primary Teeth in Children

Primary Teeth: These are a set of temporary teeth, consisting of 20 teeth that appear gradually from infancy when the child is 6 months old until the age of 12 years. They start to shed one by one and are replaced by permanent teeth. The stage during which they appear is called teething.


  • Facilitates the chewing of soft foods for the child.
  • Improves the appearance and look of teeth when smiling.
  • Reserves space for the permanent teeth that will replace them.
  • Helps the proper eruption of permanent teeth.


  • Excessive saliva production in the child’s mouth.
  • Difficulty in eating properly.
  • Continuous crying due to pain in the area where the tooth is erupting.
  • Inability to sleep properly.
  • The child tries to bite on everything.
  • Swelling and redness of the gum in the area where the primary tooth will appear.

Teething Chart for Infants

The child goes through several stages of primary tooth development during the first months. In this section, we will provide a chart showing the order in which teeth appear:

Appearance Period

Type of Teeth

5 to 10 months

Lower Central Incisors

6 to 12 months

Upper Central Incisors

9 to 13 months

Upper Lateral Incisors

10 to 12 months

Lower Lateral Incisors

12 to 19 months

Upper Anterior Molars

12 to 19 months

Lower Anterior Molars

16 to 23 months

Upper Canines

16 to 23 months

Lower Canines

20 to 33 months

Lower Posterior Molars

25 to 33 months

Upper Posterior Molars

Teething Chart for Infants

Teething Chart for Infants

Gum Diseases in Children

Gum diseases are among the most common diseases affecting children due to various factors. Here, we will discuss the most important ones:

Gingivitis: This is one of the common gum diseases in children and adults. It occurs due to the accumulation of tartar or plaque, forming bacteria on the tooth surface, inside the gum, and on the tooth roots. It can happen due to several reasons, including:

  • Failure to clean teeth, increasing the buildup of food debris between teeth.
  • Consuming large amounts of sugary foods like chocolate.
  • Deficiency of certain vitamins in the child’s body, such as vitamin C.
  • Decreased saliva production in the mouth, causing dryness, which can occur due to certain medications.
  • The mother’s failure to take the child for regular dental check-ups.
  • The child may have jaw deformities.
  • Tooth decay resulting from improper brushing with toothpaste and a toothbrush.
  • The child consuming unnatural drinks like canned juices and sodas.

The mother can recognize if the child has gingivitis through the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding when the child brushes their teeth.
  • Bad breath in the child’s mouth despite cleaning their teeth.
  • The child complains of severe pain in the jaw.
  • The child’s gums change from pink to a dark red color.
  • Swelling and inflammation of the gums, feeling hot.
  • The appearance of sores and white spots inside the mouth.
  • The child starts losing teeth prematurely.
  • Noticing gum recession and exposed tooth roots.

How to Prevent Children’s Dental Problems

Every mother should pay attention to her child’s teeth to avoid problems that may cause discomfort. In this section, we will provide the most important ways to prevent children’s dental problems:

  • Regular follow-up with a dentist for the child.
  • Encouraging the child to brush their teeth by engaging with them.
  • Using a toothpaste containing fluoride, which protects teeth from cavities.
  • Teaching the child the proper way to clean their teeth.
  • Establishing a healthy diet rich in leafy greens and natural vitamins and nutrients.
  • Preventing the child from consuming large amounts of sugary foods.

Cavities in Children

Cavities: Cavities are one of the most common diseases affecting children. They occur due to the reaction between bacteria in the mouth and sugars from consuming processed foods, forming acids that gradually cause tooth decay. The mother can recognize if the child has cavities through the following signs:

  • Erosion of the enamel layer, which can be seen as white spots in the affected areas.
  • The child complains of severe pain in the affected teeth.
  • An empty brown spot appears on the tooth, which turns black as it deepens.
  • The child complains of pain when consuming hot or cold foods like ice cream, indicating that the decay has reached the nerve inside the tooth, causing sensitivity.

There are several causes of cavities, including:

  • Neglecting to clean teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • The child may be using the toothbrush incorrectly.
  • Consuming large amounts of sugary foods.
  • Weak enamel due to genetic factors.

“Is your child suffering from cavities in their primary teeth? Visit The Dental Center and get the best innovative treatment solutions to restore your child’s radiant smile.”

How to Care for Beautiful Children’s Teeth

There are several ways a mother can follow to care for her child’s teeth, including:

  • For primary teeth in the early stages of eruption, up to one year of age, the mother can wrap a piece of cloth around her finger, moisten it, and gently massage the teeth and gums. This should be done once after the child’s last feeding. If the mother wants to use toothpaste, it is recommended to avoid fluoride-containing toothpaste.
  • When the child is between one and three years old, the mother can use a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a small amount of toothpaste. Fluoride-containing toothpaste is allowed at this age. The mother should gently clean the child’s teeth while teaching them the proper way to hold and use the toothbrush.
  • For children aged 3 to 6 years, the child should brush their teeth themselves under parental supervision. The mother should teach the child the appropriate amount of toothpaste to use and ensure they do not swallow it. The mother can also use dental floss to help the child remove food debris.
How to Care for Beautiful Children's Teeth

How to Care for Beautiful Children’s Teeth

Children’s Orthodontics

Children’s Orthodontics: This is a cosmetic treatment method that helps improve the appearance, shape, and function of teeth. It can be fitted for children from the age of 8, but before that, the dentist may place some appliances to prepare the child for the proper age for orthodontic treatment.

Is it necessary to replace missing teeth in children?

Yes, it is essential to replace missing teeth to maintain space for the permanent teeth that will grow in their place and help the child chew food properly. Tooth replacement also allows the child to pronounce words correctly.

The Best Center for Treating Children’s Teeth

Many mothers search for the best center to provide treatment for their children’s teeth. Today, we recommend The Dental Center, which has a team of highly skilled pediatric dentists with expertise in solving all problems related to children’s teeth, such as cavities, gingivitis, and primary tooth extraction. They use the latest technological techniques and provide guidance to mothers on caring for their children’s teeth and preventing potential dental problems.

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"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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