Learn with us about the problems of teething in children and what is the best teething gel? - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Learn with us about the problems of teething in children and what is the best teething gel?

Problems with Teething in Children, Many and varied problems arise with teething in children that leave every mother perplexed about the appropriate way to deal with them. Believing that you deserve assistance, we present in this article some important and distinctive information that will greatly help you identify these types of problems and deal with them in the best possible ways, in addition to a lot of important and useful information on this matter, so follow us so that we can be of benefit to you.

Problems with Teething in Children

Problems with Teething in Children

Problems with Teething in Children

Teething in children can be accompanied by some problems and challenges. Here are some common problems that may occur during teething:

  • Teething can be painful and uncomfortable for children due to irritation and swelling in the gums around the teeth.
  • Teething may be associated with increased drooling in children, which can make them breathe more thickly and become less attentive to swallowing saliva.
  • Some children may experience a slight rise in body temperature during the teething period.
  • Pain and inflammation from teething can lead to disruptions in the child’s sleep and difficulty sleeping.
  • The child’s interest in eating may be affected due to pain, and it is preferable to give soft, pureed food to reduce pressure on the gums.
  • The child may have a desire to scratch the gums or mouth to relieve itching and irritation.
  • It is rare, but some children may experience mild diarrhea or vomiting during teething.

Rest assured that when facing teething problems in your child, it is important to provide comfort, support, and care. You can use numbing gels formulated for children if needed, and you can gently massage the gums with a clean finger to reduce inflammation. If your child is experiencing severe or persistent pain, it is best to consult a pediatrician or dentist to assess the condition and provide advice and treatment. For more information about dental problems in children, click the following link.

What are Deciduous Teeth?

Deciduous Teeth: These are the first set of teeth that grow in humans, also known as milk teeth or baby teeth. Deciduous teeth appear during childhood, usually starting to emerge in infants around 6 months of age and continuing until around 3 years old. Deciduous teeth replace the primary teeth of infants and children and consist of several main types:

  • Upper and lower incisors (front teeth)
  • Upper and lower lateral incisors (lateral incisors)
  • Upper and lower molars (back teeth)

Deciduous teeth fulfill their role in facilitating the nutritional process for children and help them with proper pronunciation. After the age of 6, deciduous teeth gradually begin to fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth, the stage in which tooth development is complete.

What are Deciduous Teeth?

What are Deciduous Teeth?

Symptoms of Teething in Children

Teething in children can be accompanied by several symptoms and changes. These symptoms may start a few days before the tooth emerges and continue for a period after the tooth appears. Among the symptoms of teething in children are:

  • The gums in the area where the tooth is emerging may be red, swollen, and painful.
  • The gums around the growing tooth may become swollen.
  • The child may feel itching in the gums and mouth, leading to a sense of irritation.
  • The child may drool during teething, leading to an increase in saliva.
  • There may be some general symptoms of teething, such as sleep disturbances, inflammation, irritability, and lack of appetite.
  • The child may be more prone to crying and fussing than usual due to feeling pain and irritation.
  • The child’s appetite may decrease, or they may prefer breastfeeding or soft foods over solid foods.

How to Relieve Teething Pain in Children

Pain sometimes appears when the child’s tooth starts growing, and this can be quite painful and uncomfortable for them. There are several ways you can follow to relieve teething pain in children:

  • Use your clean finger or a clean cloth to gently massage the child’s gums. This may help relieve pressure and irritation in the area.
  • Approved fever-reducing medications for children (such as paracetamol) or numbing gels containing local anesthetics can be used, but it is best to consult a pediatrician before using any medication.
  • Engaging and interacting with the child during the teething period can be helpful. You can also encourage your child to play with their favorite toys and give them attention to distract them from the pain.
  • If the child is eating solid foods, try to offer them in smaller, easier-to-chew pieces.
  • Check their mouth for excessive irritation, swelling, or signs of infection. If there is persistent swelling or severe inflammation, it is best to consult a pediatrician or dentist.
  • The child may find relief in chewing on clean, properly sanitized objects, such as soft, child-safe teething rings.
How to Relieve Teething Pain in Children

How to Relieve Teething Pain in Children

What Causes Delayed Tooth Development in Children?

It is important to know that delayed tooth development in children can result from various factors. Some of these factors include:

  • Heredity can be a factor affecting the timing of tooth development in a child. If one or both parents experienced delayed tooth development, the child may inherit this trait.
  • The timing of tooth development can vary among children based on individual development, as there is a normal range for tooth emergence, and some children may develop faster than others.
  • Some general health issues can affect tooth development. For example, children who suffer from malnutrition, hormonal problems, or thyroid issues may experience delayed tooth development.
  • Sometimes, there may be a relative delay in tooth development due to environmental factors. For instance, if the child is under significant psychological stress or tension, such as a change in environment or starting school, this can affect tooth development.
  • In some cases, there may be direct issues with the teeth that affect their development, such as infections or developmental abnormalities.

How Long Does It Take for a Child’s Teeth to Erupt?

The timing of tooth eruption in children varies, but generally, the following schedule can be considered an average for the eruption of deciduous teeth (the first set of teeth):

  • Lower front teeth (lower incisors) usually erupt between 6-10 months.
  • Upper front teeth (upper incisors) usually erupt between 8-12 months.
  • Upper and lower lateral incisors usually emerge between 9-16 months.
  • Molars (back teeth) usually erupt between 13-19 months.
  • Second upper and lower incisors usually appear between 25-33 months.

These time frames should be considered general guidelines, and there may be variations among children. Tooth emergence can also be affected by genetic and overall health factors. If some teeth do not appear at the expected times, do not worry excessively, but it is best to consult a pediatrician or dentist if the delay persists for an extended period to rule out any other health issues.

How Long Does It Take for a Child's Teeth to Erupt?

How Long Does It Take for a Child’s Teeth to Erupt?

How to Care for Children’s Teeth

Caring for children’s teeth from an early age is crucial for ensuring the health of their teeth and future oral cavity. Here are some tips for caring for children’s teeth:

  • The child’s teeth should be cleaned after the first tooth appears using a soft, age-appropriate toothbrush. A child-specific toothpaste with a suitable formulation can be used.
  • It is important to start regular dental care for the child from an early age. Clean their teeth twice a day, after breakfast and before bedtime.
  • Try to limit the consumption of foods high in sugars, such as candy and chocolate. Excessive sugar intake can cause tooth decay in children.
  • Schedule regular visits to the dentist starting at an early age. This helps monitor the health and proper development of the child’s teeth.
  • Try to make toothbrushing a fun activity and involve the child. You can use educational tools like a timer to ensure they brush their teeth for a sufficient duration.
  • Avoid putting the child to bed with a bottle of milk or juice, as this habit can lead to tooth decay.
  • Children love snacks and sweets, but try to offer healthy, nutritious foods that promote dental health, such as fruits and vegetables.
  • After meals, give the child a cup of water to rinse their mouth and clean away any remaining food particles.

The Best Center for Children’s Dental Treatment

There are many excellent centers for children’s dental treatment in the country that can provide ongoing care for you and your children. Some of the most important factors in choosing the best center for children’s dental treatment are the use of modern techniques, the expertise and skills of the dentists, and the availability of unparalleled professional services.

If you are confident in these factors regarding a particular center, you will undoubtedly be able to receive excellent treatments and successful follow-up care from the center’s dentists and nursing staff. On this occasion, we recommend one of the most important and largest centers of its kind: The Dental Center. Do not hesitate to seek their assistance if needed.

Best Medical Center for Dental Cosmetics and Treatment

Best Medical Center for Dental Cosmetics and Treatment

What is the Best Teething Gel?

There are many types of teething gels for children, and these different types can help provide the greatest possible relief for your child during this distinctive age, when tolerating pain is not easy for a young child.

One of the best teething gels that can be used at this time is Ashton & Parsons gel, which works to relieve your child’s pain and discomfort. This gel is free from sugar, lactose, and numbing agents, and it contains aloe vera extract. It also comes with a soft brush to help massage your child’s gums.

“The various teething problems no longer have to be difficult for you or your child, thanks to The Dental Center.”

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