What is the treatment for milk teeth decay in children? And details about the prices in Cairo - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

What is the treatment for milk teeth decay in children? And details about the prices in Cairo

Treatment of Milk Tooth Decay in Children, Milk teeth in children are the beginning of tooth eruption in children, where they appear in a tiring and fragile form, causing tension for parents as it is a worrying stage and causes pain and disturbance for the child and their parents. Therefore, it is necessary to know all the details of this stage, which is what we will discuss in this article gradually.

Treatment of Milk Tooth Decay in Children

Treatment of Milk Tooth Decay in Children

Treatment of Milk Tooth Decay in Children

It is important to follow up with a specialized dentist in all the stages that your child goes through with decay, as neglecting the situation may lead to exacerbating the problem and causing the child great difficulty in eating. Therefore, different procedures are taken by the doctor according to the child’s condition and the extent of decay in their teeth, and treatment can be done through:

  • Filling.
  • Crown placement.
  • Tooth extraction.
  • Root canals.

“Milk tooth decay is not just about aesthetics, it also affects the function of your child’s teeth. Schedule an appointment at The Dental Center today and get the appropriate treatment to maintain the health and beauty of their teeth.”

What are Milk Teeth in Children?

Milk teeth in children: These are the primary set of teeth that appear in children, consisting of 20 teeth and lasting for a certain period, after which they naturally fall out and are replaced by other permanent teeth. They are also called deciduous teeth, milk teeth, or temporary teeth. Children’s teeth begin to appear consecutively from the age of 6 months, initially with the lower incisors, and the rest of the teeth follow gradually over two and a half years. Some children may experience a delay in the appearance of their teeth, which may start from the age of 7 or 8 months.

What are Milk Teeth in Children?

What are Milk Teeth in Children?

What Causes Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay: It is an ongoing damage that occurs in the teeth, also known as tooth rot. It appears as small holes that occur as a result of a combination of bacteria and microbes present in the mouth interacting with foods and sugars, producing acids. These acids are what cause tooth decay, which is one of the most common dental problems, especially in children. There are several causes of milk tooth decay in children, including:

  • Infant milk formula: This milk is the main cause of early childhood tooth decay, starting with the front teeth and then spreading to the upper teeth, and it may spread to other teeth.
  • Giving the child sugar-containing drinks for a long period, as mothers use this as a trick to make the child fall asleep or as an alternative to a pacifier (soother) used to reduce tension and anxiety in the child.
  • Transmission of bacteria and microbes through saliva when the mother and child share a plate and use the same spoon.
  • When the mother gives another child’s pacifier to her child or breastfeeds another child instead of her own.
  • Not giving the child enough fluoride, which helps protect their teeth from decay.
    What Causes Tooth Decay?

    What Causes Tooth Decay?

Symptoms of Milk Tooth Decay in Children

Most mothers and fathers believe that tooth decay is accompanied by severe pain, so if the child does not complain of pain, they assume the child is not suffering from decay. However, this is incorrect because decay does not always cause pain in children. Therefore, close attention should be paid to other signs of decay in the child, which include:

  1. Noticing the appearance of white or brown spots and discoloration on the surface of the child’s teeth.
  2. Rapid anger and severe crying, feeling upset and in pain.
  3. The child cannot tolerate consuming very cold or hot foods and drinks.
  4. Swelling and severe redness in the gums.
  5. Loss of appetite and reluctance to eat anything.
  6. The child feeling excessively lethargic and lazy most of the time.

Types of Milk Tooth Decay in Children

“Is your child suffering from milk tooth decay? Visit The Dental Center and get the most innovative therapeutic solutions to restore your child’s bright smile. It is well known in the field of pediatric dentistry that the cause of tooth decay is acids, which are formed as a result of bacteria and microbes. However, there is a difference in the type of decay for each child, which can be:

  1. Decay on the outer surface.
  2. Decay in the grooves of the molar.
  3. Root decay, which is the most severe and painful type of decay.
    Types of Milk Tooth Decay in Children

    Types of Milk Tooth Decay in Children

Treating Tooth Decay in Children

Of course, we find that a young child does not go through the same stages and procedures for treating decay as adults. However, if the decay progresses, it must be controlled and prevented from causing further damage before the permanent teeth erupt. This can be done through the following cases:

Early stages of milk tooth decay: The doctor uses fluoride as a method to treat the teeth, to strengthen them and restore the mineral that the tooth enamel needs. This method is effective and successful in the case of small cavities.

Moderate cases where fluoride is not suitable: The doctor needs to remove the affected area of the tooth or may fill small cavities with suitable fillings.

Severe cases of tooth decay in children: Where the decay may reach the root, the doctor will then partially or completely remove the nerve, depending on the condition. If there is no other option, the only effective treatment will be tooth extraction.

“When it comes to your child’s dental health, quality is priceless. Trust our expertise at The Dental Center to treat milk tooth decay and enjoy your child’s enchanting smile again!”

Can Pain Relievers Be Used for Tooth Pain in Children?

Some medications and treatments can be used to relieve pain in children without needing prescriptions. Medications containing ibuprofen or paracetamol can be used to effectively relieve pain, or the child can be given a special cough syrup for tooth pain. However, it is important to ensure the correct dosage is given. If the child has an aspirin allergy, do not give medications containing ibuprofen. It is advisable to consult a doctor or pharmacist about a suitable pain reliever for children. The mother can also resort to home remedies, which can be effective and safe.

Can Pain Relievers Be Used for Tooth Pain in Children?

Can Pain Relievers Be Used for Tooth Pain in Children?

4 Home Remedies for Milk Tooth Decay

If the mother is unable to take the child to a dental clinic, she can resort to simple home remedies when the child is suffering from pain due to tooth decay. These remedies can help reduce and alleviate the pain and include the following:

Warm water and salt solution: This is one of the oldest and most well-known methods for relieving pain and providing effective results. The salt and water work to kill bacteria and reduce swelling.

Mint tea bags: Mint has been proven to be effective in relieving tooth decay pain in children. These bags can help relieve pain and relax the gums. This is achieved by placing the mint tea bags in the freezer until frozen, then placing them between the child’s cheek and gums to relieve pain.

Garlic paste: Garlic is known for its antibacterial properties and helps prevent plaque formation and tooth decay. The paste is made by crushing two cloves of garlic and placing it on a piece of cotton, then applying a layer of it on the teeth.

Honey: Honey is used to kill germs and bacteria present in the mouth and gums. This is done by the mother gently rubbing the child’s gums with honey.

4 Home Remedies for Milk Tooth Decay

4 Home Remedies for Milk Tooth Decay

Prevention of Tooth Decay in Children

The main idea in protecting a child’s teeth from decay is to reduce the duration of exposure of the teeth to sugars and acids that lead to decay. This can be achieved by following these steps:

  • Make sure the child only drinks water before bedtime and does not consume milk or juices.
  • Ensure the child consumes healthy foods and low-sugar meals, and include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in their diet.
  • Teach the child to care for their oral health and brush their teeth with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste before bedtime.
  • The toothpaste should contain fluoride and no preservatives.
  • Gently clean the child’s teeth and use dental floss.
  • Regular visits to the dentist during the child’s early years for proper teeth cleaning.
    Prevention of Tooth Decay in Children

    Prevention of Tooth Decay in Children

Protecting Children’s Teeth from Milk Tooth Decay

“Milk tooth decay can cause pain and distress for your child. Rest assured, our professional team at The Dental Center will provide excellent care and ensure a comfortable and successful treatment experience. The mother can take care of her child’s teeth from birth until they are one and a half years old, and she can consult us, and we will provide her with the most important protection methods she can resort to, which are as follows:

  1. The mother starts cleaning the gums using a piece of damp gauze, gently wiping the gums after breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.
  2. The child must be taken to the doctor for regular dental check-ups before the age of two if decay appears.
  3. The child should be accustomed to using a toothbrush and toothpaste from the age of 3 years. Training at an early age will make it a habit for the child, helping them clean their permanent teeth when they erupt.
  4. Parents should assist their children in the early stages of their life in cleaning hard-to-reach areas of their teeth and ensure the child does not swallow the toothpaste, as it may harm them.

Cost of Treating Tooth Decay in Children in Cairo

The cost of treating a child is determined by various factors, including the type of filling and the method used by the doctor to treat the decay in children. There are many medical centers in Cairo that are concerned with treating tooth decay, and one of the best is the Medical Center for Dental Care, where the cost of treating children’s tooth decay ranges from 600 to 900 pounds, and it may reach 1000 pounds, depending on the condition of the child’s teeth.

“We understand the importance of a healthy smile for your child. Schedule an appointment with The Dental Center and let us provide the necessary care to treat milk tooth decay and maintain their beautiful smile.”

Best Medical Center for Children’s Dental Treatment and Aesthetics in Cairo

It is well known that there are many important and accredited centers in the field of orthodontics that work to identify the patient’s problem and assist them in solving it and achieving the most satisfactory result. This is due to the availability of numerous proposals, which prompts us to choose the best and largest specialized centers, which is The Dental Center. It has a large group of specialists in the field of orthodontics with sufficient experience, in addition to equipping the center with modern devices and technologies. Therefore, at our Medical Center for Dental Care, we care about the health of your teeth and the beauty of your smile, and we provide services for treating tooth decay in our children at the highest level of quality.

Best Medical Center for Children's Dental Treatment and Aesthetics in Cairo

Best Medical Center for Children’s Dental Treatment and Aesthetics in Cairo

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"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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