What does the gum look like during teething? And get to know the best medical center for dental treatment and cosmetic dentistry - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

What does the gum look like during teething? And get to know the best medical center for dental treatment and cosmetic dentistry

Gum shape during teething, the gums play an important role in the overall oral health of children and adults and by maintaining gum health, many potential problems such as infections and bleeding can be prevented and healthy gums provide a strong base for the teeth and help maintain long term dental and jaw bone health.

Gum shape during teething

Gum shape during teething

Gum shape during teething

Many parents wonder what is the gum shape of children during teething? The answer is that the gum shape during teething for children can be an important topic that parents should pay attention to; as the gum shape changes during the teething period, and there may be some signs to monitor to ensure the child’s gum health is sound.

It is normal for red and sore gums to appear during teething and the child may feel some discomfort and irritation as it’s a normal stage of their tooth development and there is no need to worry too much, topical treatments like soothing gels can be used to relieve gum pain and irritation but a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted before using any products.

“Are you worried about your child’s teething? Our The Dental Center provides an in-depth article on a child’s gum shape during teething. Join us and let us help you get through this period with ease.”

What are the symptoms of teething in children?

Teething symptoms in children vary from one child to another, however there are some common symptoms that parents may notice such as:

  • Drooling: Parents may notice an increase in saliva secretion in the child which can lead to a skin rash around the mouth, chin and sometimes neck.
  • Loss of appetite: The child may suffer from loss of appetite or refuse food due to teething pain or discomfort.
  • Biting: The pressure caused by the growing teeth on the gums causes a lot of discomfort for the child, to relieve the pain the child instinctively bites and this is called counter-pressure, so mothers will notice the child trying to bite everything around them during this period, including their toys, fingers, pacifier, etc.
  • Sleep disturbances: Teething may affect the child’s sleep and cause them to wake up at night due to pain or feeling the need to breastfeed or comfort.
  • Gum pain: The child may feel pain or itching in the gums as the tooth grows, the child may be moodier than usual and want to bite on things to relieve the pain.
  • Ear pulling, cheek and chin rubbing: Children going through the teething phase usually try to pull their ears and rub their cheeks and chins because the gums, ears and cheeks all share nerve pathways, however this should be closely observed as ear pulling may also indicate an ear infection or inflammation.
  • Changes in behavior: The child may become more irritable and moody during this period.
  • Gingival edema: The gums get swollen due to the pressure of the emerging teeth on them and this swelling is often bluish in color and resembles a bruise under the gum, although this symptom is not alarming, a doctor should be consulted if the edema gets larger in size.
What are the symptoms of teething in children?

What are the symptoms of teething in children?

Is diarrhea a symptom of teething in children?

It is a common belief that teething causes diarrhea in children, however this is an incorrect inherited concept, modern pediatrics indicates there is no direct correlation between teething and diarrhea in children.

Regarding teething and diarrhea, teething usually occurs around 6 months of age, which is when most mothers start introducing food to the baby, and it may take some time for the infant’s digestive system to adapt to these changes and new foods, which can affect stool consistency and cause diarrhea.

The child loses the antibodies they acquired from the mother at birth around 6 months, and since during teething the child tends to put surrounding objects in their mouth, there is a higher chance of contracting an infection that causes diarrhea. However, teething itself does not directly cause diarrhea and if the child has diarrhea, vomiting or fever, a doctor should be consulted.

Early teething signs

Some children may be born with one or two teeth already in their mouths, but this is very normal; some children start teething early even before birth and it is also possible for children to start teething at 2 months of age. Early teething signs include:

  • Trying to chew on things.
  • Refusing food.
  • Increased drooling.
  • Changes in sleep patterns.
  • Fever.
  • Constant fussiness and crying.
  • Red and swollen gums.
Early teething signs

Early teething signs

How long do teething symptoms last?

Many mothers wonder how many days do teething symptoms last and the answer is that the teething discomfort period can be temporary, the teething period usually ranges from 6 to 24 months but can vary between children. There are some common symptoms the child may exhibit during teething such as red and inflamed gums, irritation, fussiness and difficulty sleeping and the rest of the symptoms as we mentioned in the article.

The symptoms start 4 days before the tooth emerges and 3 days after its emergence, and can last longer depending on each child’s condition.

Best pain reliever for teething in children

One treatment available over the counter if your child is exhibiting excessive crankiness, you may want to consider children’s medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen products like Tylenol and Motrin.

And through the following article you can know the timeline for the order of children’s tooth emergence.

Best pain reliever for teething in children

Best pain reliever for teething in children

How to relieve gum pain during teething

Gum pain during teething is a normal part of tooth growth in infants and occurs due to emerging new teeth puncturing the gums, however this pain can cause distress for babies and may impact their overall growth and sleep. Ways to relieve this pain include: The following:

  • Placing a clean, cool wet cotton pad on the gums can help relieve pain and swelling.
  • Use a teething toy made of safe material that infants can chew on to relieve gum pain, this process is called counter-pressure.
  • Applying a mild numbing cream on the gums can relieve pain and irritation.
  • Gently massaging the gums with your clean finger can help relieve pain and stimulate blood circulation.
  • Consult your pediatric dentist if gum pain is persistent and painful for the infant, doctors can provide advice and appropriate treatment for the condition.

How to care for a newborn baby’s teeth

Caring for your newborn’s teeth is an important part of their overall care, this care needs to be ongoing and consistent to ensure the health and safety of their teeth in the future. Here are some tips on how to care for a newborn baby’s teeth:

  • Use a baby toothbrush with soft bristles and a small head designed to fit their small mouth.
  • Use a small amount of baby toothpaste which has a formulation suitable for their milk teeth and protects against decay.
  • Gently brush the teeth using small circular motions and ensure all tooth surfaces, front, back and sides are cleaned.
  • Also gently clean the gums using small circular motions, this helps strengthen the gums and prevent infections.
  • This provides an opportunity to bond with the child and build trust, use endearing language to get the child excited about brushing.
  • Don’t forget to brush twice daily, morning and before bedtime as this will ensure their teeth stay clean and potential problems are avoided.

And by reading this article you can know the best toothpaste that can be used for your child to care for their dental health.

How to care for a newborn baby's teeth

How to care for a newborn baby’s teeth

How to accelerate teething in children

Delayed teething in children is not necessarily negative, each child develops at their own pace, however there are some approaches that can be taken to address this issue and better stimulate tooth growth:

  • It is recommended to expose the child daily to morning sunlight for some time.
  • The child needs a healthy, balanced diet to promote dental health, foods containing calcium and important vitamins for strong tooth growth should be included.
  • Visiting the dentist to rule out other health issues affecting the child’s teething, additional tests or special guidance may be needed.
  • Starting dental care early, even before teeth emerge and gently cleaning the gums with a soft cloth.

Best medical center for dental treatment and cosmetics

Dental care focuses on improving oral and dental health, and achieving a bright, beautiful smile. There are many medical centers that provide dental treatment and cosmetic services, however it is important to carefully choose to find the best medical center. The Dental Center is one of the best treatment and cosmetic centers with advantages including:

    • Expertise of the medical team in the field of dental treatment and cosmetics.
    • Availability of advanced and modern treatment techniques and equipment.
    • Reputation and positive recommendations from previous patients.
    • A wide range of dental services, such as dental implants, orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry and treating children’s dental problems.
    • Comfort and caring for patients and providing a relaxing environment.
Best medical center for dental treatment and cosmetics

Best medical center for dental treatment and cosmetics

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