Children's tooth extraction and what are the steps? - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Children’s tooth extraction and what are the steps?

Pulling Children’s Teeth, pulling or extracting teeth in children is one of the medical growth stages of the child’s jaw, but are there any harms and when does this extraction occur and other questions that we explain to you in detail in this article:

Pulling Children's Teeth

Pulling Children’s Teeth

Pulling Children’s Teeth

Pulling teeth for children may cause some harm, such as gum swelling and cheek swelling that lasts for a period of time, so it is preferable to keep the milk teeth in place until the permanent teeth erupt. When resorting to the tooth extraction procedure for children, the treatment should be similar to the permanent treatment so that the gum can heal properly.

Milk teeth should not be pulled before the appropriate time, and the possible treatment for the affected tooth should be provided, and the pediatric dentistry specialization can help in maintaining the child’s teeth in a healthy condition.

At the Dental Center, we ensure that your children receive professional and specialized medical care to improve their dental health.

Causes of Pulling Children’s Teeth

The causes of pulling children’s teeth are varied and are as follows:

  1. Crowding of teeth: Some cases of crowded teeth affect the permanent teeth and cause the doctor to decide to extract the milk tooth.
  2. Damaged tooth: The doctor resorts to extracting milk teeth when the tooth is severely damaged and cannot be treated by other methods, whether due to decay or an accident.
  3. Tooth replacement: Tooth replacement in children is a natural process, where milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth starting from the age of 6 years until the age of 13 years, except for wisdom teeth.
  4. Injuries: A child’s milk teeth can be damaged when falling or hitting something, and the tooth is extracted in case of severe injury and the doctor’s failure to restore it.
  5. Bacterial infection: Bacterial infection can spread from the milk teeth to the facial and jaw bones, leading to tooth decay and destruction.
  6. Broken tooth roots: The milk tooth is extracted in case of a broken root, as it becomes very difficult to repair and restore.
  7. Root canal treatment: When a milk tooth is affected by deep decay, root canal treatment may be resorted to, but if the tooth is severely damaged, it is extracted.
  8. Teeth not suitable for treatment: Some milk teeth are not suitable for treatment, especially in cases of complete decay, and these teeth are extracted to prevent their effect on the adjacent permanent teeth.

To answer the question of what are the permanent teeth for children, read this article

Steps for Pulling Children’s Teeth

Tooth extraction for children is considered a sensitive procedure and requires great caution and attention. If the child’s tooth is affected or decayed to the point where it cannot be treated, tooth extraction may be necessary. In this article, we will provide you with the steps for properly and safely pulling a child’s tooth:

  1. Before starting the extraction, make sure to consult the dentist and ensure that the tooth is damaged and needs to be extracted.
  2. Clean the mouth thoroughly and use an antiseptic mouthwash, and reduce the child’s food intake.
  3. Use the previous filling (if present) while cleaning the area around the tooth.
  4. Use a local anesthetic (given by injection) to reduce pain and avoid any outbursts of screaming or crying.
  5. Use tooth forceps specifically designed for children’s teeth.
  6. Apply gentle pressure with the forceps on the tooth to prepare for proper extraction.
  7. Move the tooth with back-and-forth motions, feeling the root’s position while moving it, to facilitate extraction.
  8. Slowly pull the tooth out while maintaining your child’s safety.
  9. If the tooth roots do not come out, consult the dentist to ensure they are properly removed.
  10. Use proper dressing, as you may need several days to fully recover.
Steps for Pulling Children's Teeth

Steps for Pulling Children’s Teeth

Harms of Tooth Extraction for Children

There are harms associated with tooth extraction for children, which are as follows:

  1. Cheek and gum swelling: After extraction, there is swelling in the cheek and gum, which is normal for two to ten days, but it should be monitored to prevent any complications from developing.
  2. Gum redness: If the extraction is accompanied by gum redness, the doctor may recommend placing a space maintainer to prevent the adjacent permanent teeth from shifting towards the extracted tooth space.
  3. Tooth replacement: Children undergo tooth replacement until they lose all their milk teeth. In this case, the extraction requires special attention.
  4. Extraction complications: Some complications and risks occur after extraction, such as osteomyelitis (bone inflammation), dry socket, and others, which occur due to blood clotting in the wound area. However, sometimes this clotting does not form, leaving the bone inside the dental socket exposed.

We are here to care for your children’s health and smiles! Discover our services for children’s dental treatment and improvement at the Dental Center.

What is the Appropriate Age for Pulling Children’s Teeth?

The appropriate age for pulling children’s teeth varies depending on the type of tooth, but the lower and upper front incisors can be extracted between ages 6 to 8 years, and the lateral incisors and lower and upper canines can be extracted between ages 7 to 13 years. However, it is necessary to consult with a specialist doctor to determine the appropriate age for tooth extraction and treatment according to the oral and dental health condition.

When Can a Child Eat After Tooth Extraction?

The child should not eat for one or two hours after tooth extraction, and it is preferable to eat soft foods that do not require chewing on the side where the tooth was not extracted. Soft and easy-to-chew foods like yogurt, jelly, rice with milk, and cheese can be consumed after one or two hours of tooth extraction. On the following day, the child can start using their toothbrush gently and avoid eating hard and hot foods for at least one day.

When Can a Child Eat After Tooth Extraction?

When Can a Child Eat After Tooth Extraction?

Which is Better for Children: Tooth Extraction or Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is better for children compared to tooth extraction, as it preserves the tooth’s space and prevents the need for other surgical interventions. It is also less expensive and has a shorter treatment duration. Root canal treatment is preferred for children until the permanent tooth erupts to avoid any disruption in tooth development.

Providing specialized care for your children is essential. Explore our services at the Dental Center for children to maintain their healthy smiles.

When Should a Decayed Tooth Be Extracted in Children?

A decayed tooth should be extracted in children if there is deep decay in the tooth or gum inflammation. However, it is necessary to maintain the milk teeth until the child reaches the age of 10 years. If the decayed tooth cannot be repaired through filling, the doctor may opt for tooth extraction.

Learn about the best pediatric dentists in Cairo through this article

Tips After Tooth Extraction for Children

Tooth extraction is a common medical procedure that many children undergo, but after the procedure, some tips should be followed to facilitate healing and minimize potential risks. Here are the most important tips that parents should follow after tooth extraction for children:

  1. Avoid rinsing the mouth: Avoid rinsing the mouth on the day after tooth extraction, as well as avoiding mouthwashes and consuming hot drinks for at least 24 hours.
  2. Apply a piece of medical gauze: It is recommended to place a piece of medical gauze on the extracted tooth for more than 30 minutes to reduce bleeding.
  3. Stop smoking: Refrain from smoking for at least two days after tooth extraction, as smoking delays healing.
  4. Stop eating: It is advisable to avoid eating solid and hard foods for at least two days after extraction.
  5. Avoid physical exercise: Avoid physical exercise for at least 24 hours after extraction, as it increases the risk of bleeding and swelling.
  6. Apply tea compress: It is recommended to apply a tea compress on the extracted tooth, as it helps soothe pain and reduce swelling.
  7. Apply ice: Ice can be applied to the extraction area for 10-15 minutes to reduce pain and swelling.
  8. Avoid hot drinks and hard foods: The child should avoid hot drinks and hard foods for at least two days after extraction.
Tips After Tooth Extraction for Children

Tips After Tooth Extraction for Children

Will the Tooth Grow Back After Extraction in Children?

When a child’s milk tooth is extracted, the permanent teeth will grow in the extracted space at a later time. However, the growth of the permanent teeth should be monitored to ensure everything is progressing properly. If the permanent teeth continue to be delayed in their growth for more than 6 months, it is advisable to visit the dentist. Additionally, some children may experience some pain during tooth or tooth extraction, but there is no need to worry.

Best Medical Center for Dental Treatment and Cosmetics

The Dental Center offers a variety of services to patients, including dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, gum treatment, and dental care for children. Among the center’s advantages is the availability of modern medical equipment that ensures the delivery of medical services at the highest level of quality.

The center attracts patients from all regions in Egypt, as patients find the assistance and treatment they need for their oral and dental health. Many clients have affirmed that the Dental Center  in Cairo is considered the best center for dental care in Egypt due to the quality of services provided, the attention to patients, and the reasonable prices.

د. أسماء سمك

"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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