Treating toothache in children and what are its causes? - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Treating toothache in children and what are its causes?

Treating children’s toothache, one of the most annoying pains your child suffers from is toothache, which makes you want to know the cause and the best way to treat it, and this is what we will help you reach through the following paragraphs that address natural methods and medicines used to treat toothache and common causes behind feeling the pain.

Treating children's toothache

Treating children’s toothache

Treating children’s toothache

Many children complain of toothaches and molars, which affects their daily lives and overall health. Fortunately, there are several proven ways to relieve pain and treat children’s toothache. Here are some tips and methods that can help reduce pain and improve your child’s dental health.

1-Oral hygiene: Maintaining oral hygiene can help prevent pain and treat children’s toothache. Children should brush their teeth, tongue and gums twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and use floss to clean between teeth. Additionally, a mouthwash can be used to sanitize the mouth and relieve tooth pain.

2- Medication: Be sure to use medications prescribed by the dentist to relieve pain and treat children’s toothache. The doctor may prescribe pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

3- Visiting the dentist: It is necessary to visit the dentist regularly to detect dental problems in their early stages and improve dental health. Children should visit the dentist to check for any medical problems and early treatment.

Choose our dental care center, where we ensure your child’s comfort and efficiently and gently treat toothache.

Common causes of children’s molar pain

Many children commonly suffer from molar pain during childhood, which is a major source of annoyance for children and parents alike. Today we will talk about the common causes of molar pain in children through this list:

  1. Tooth decay: Tooth decay is the main cause of feeling molar pain in children, as damage to the tooth enamel occurs, leading to nerve damage and pain.
  2. Gingivitis: Gingivitis occurs when bacteria and deposits accumulate in the gums, leading to swelling and pain in the area surrounding the teeth.
  3. Abscess: Decay-causing bacteria penetrate the pulp of the tooth and attack nerves and blood vessels and infect the root. There may be swelling in the gums or an abscess near the root.
  4. Tooth fractures: Teeth can fracture due to trauma or excessive stress. The fracture can cause the child to experience severe pain.
  5. Worn teeth: The outer surface of the teeth gradually wears out due to eating unhealthy foods and poor hygiene habits, as bacteria creep in and attack the outer surface of the teeth.
  6. Crowded teeth: Pain in the molars may be caused by friction from crowded teeth rubbing against each other, leading to swollen gums and inflammation.

To avoid any dental health problems, mothers should take care of their children’s teeth seriously and visit the dentist regularly.

Common causes of children's molar pain

Common causes of children’s molar pain

Do children’s molars have nerves?

Many parents wonder if their children’s milk teeth have nerves, and whether they can be treated if damaged or decayed? The simple answer is yes, milk teeth contain dental cavities full of nerves and blood vessels to hold them in place. Unfortunately, many children suffer from decay and damage to milk teeth, which in some cases requires nerve extraction or removal of diseased pulp from the tooth.

Pulpotomy for children is one of the procedures that many fear, but in some cases helping children by filling the nerve allows many children to retain their milk teeth for a longer period until permanent teeth emerge. Not all cases of children’s teeth require pulp extraction or nerve treatment for removal. In some cases, it is enough to use the protective base used in case of tooth decay but decay has not reached the pulp.

Pain-free experience for your child: Toothache treatments tailored specifically for young children at our dental care center.

Natural remedies for children’s toothache

Children’s toothache is a common health problem among children, which may annoy children and make them feel pain, fatigue and weakness, but the pain can be treated in several natural ways, such as:

  1. Using natural honey with olive oil: Where bee honey works to eliminate germs in the gums and mouth, so natural honey mixed with olive oil can be used to massage the child’s gums.
  2. Rinsing with warm salt water: Which works to remove any food residues, reduce swelling and pain in the mouth.
  3. Using cold compresses on the outer surface near the child’s cheek near the painful area, to help contract blood vessels in the gums.
  4. Using natural oils such as clove oil that works to relieve pain, and honey that works to get rid of germs in the mouth.
  5. Using aloe vera which is considered a natural remedy for toothache, as it contains natural antibacterial properties, and aloe vera gel can be placed on the painful area.
  6. Using garlic which contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances, and a slice of chopped garlic can be placed on the painful area.

Finally, it is important to visit the doctor to determine the cause of pain and provide appropriate treatment, and these natural remedies can be used in the time period between visiting the doctor and relieving symptoms until you are able to visit the dentist.

We understand children’s sensitivity to pain, so we provide innovative solutions to treat toothache in a warm and welcoming environment at our dental care center.

Natural remedies for children's toothache

Natural remedies for children’s toothache

Which is better for children, tooth extraction or pulpotomy?

There are many things to consider when it comes to children’s dental health, including whether to pull a molar nerve or extract it. It is always best to resort to pulpotomy treatment, if possible, because this option retains the child’s molar and limits the risk of developing other problems and complications in the future. Pulpotomy is preferred for children as it maintains the position of the teeth and requires less time to heal. The doctor chooses the appropriate treatment method according to the condition of the tooth, the child’s age and cooperation, as care should be taken to treat decay and maintain dental health for children from an early age.

For extraction, it occurs in cases where tooth health is severely compromised, making it difficult to treat or preserve. Factors relating to the nature of the child’s molar and its general condition, immunity and reaction to local anesthesia, and the child’s general health condition should be considered. It is also necessary to consult a specialist dentist to decide whether it is better to have a pulpotomy or tooth extraction. For more details on the period following tooth extraction for children click here.

Protect your child’s smile with our dental care center, where we provide comfort and superior care for treating toothache with the most skilled doctors.

Do children’s teeth fall out?

Some children suffer from delayed loss of milk teeth and eruption of adult teeth, which is somewhat normal, and may cause anxiety for parents. It should be known that there is a percentage of children whose milk teeth may be late to fall out and permanent teeth erupt, and this may vary according to genetic, environmental, nutritional and general health factors of the child. In some children, the milk tooth may fall out without any pain or complications, while some children may have difficulty losing their milk teeth, thus affecting the emergence of permanent teeth and causing a delay in that.

If permanent teeth do not appear on schedule, the dentist should be consulted to determine the cause and take the necessary action. Although losing milk teeth and permanent teeth erupting is a natural process, factors that may affect it should be considered and the risk of any complications or health problems should be avoided.

At our dental care center, we use the latest technologies to relieve children’s toothache pain safely and comfortably.

When to extract teeth in children?

Many children are exposed during their growth stage to milk tooth extraction, which occurs when the child turns three years old, and milk teeth begin to fall out at that age. Among the teeth that are extracted in children are the first molars between the ages of 6-7 years, the lateral incisors between the ages of 7-8 years, the canines between the ages of 9-13 years, and the premolars at the same age range. When a tooth is extracted from a child, he must hold a clean and sterilized cotton ball for at least an hour after extraction to get rid of bleeding. And it is possible to rinse with water and salt for no less than three times a day to avoid infection.

It is also preferable not to extract milk teeth quickly except in cases of extreme necessity, as those teeth are of great importance, as they protect the jaw and help the permanent teeth grow properly. A child may also feel some pain during loosening of the molar or tooth before it falls out, and cold compresses or some pain relievers can be used to relieve this pain.

It is also important to know that the specialty of pediatric dentistry emphasizes the need to treat the affected molar and treat it like a permanent tooth until the new teeth grow, and not to extract milk teeth at the age of 6 years except in cases of extreme necessity. Tooth extraction in children is usually done if the tooth is broken or there is a case of crowded teeth or deep decay that causes an untreatable infection. It is possible to learn about the most important harms of tooth extraction in children and the most common risks by consulting the available medical resources.

When to extract teeth in children?

When to extract teeth in children?

How to stop the pain of a perforated molar tooth in children?

A perforated molar toothache is one of the difficult problems that children suffer from, so parents need to know the effective ways to help get rid of the pain. Here is this quick guide to treating perforated molar pain in children:

1-Chamomile tea: Chamomile herbs are commonly used in alternative medicine to relieve pain. Boil some chamomile herbs with water to prepare chamomile tea, then give it to the child to drink. You can also rub the gums with chilled chamomile milk to relieve pain.

2-Cold and warm compresses: Cold and warm compresses can be used to relieve children’s tooth pain. Ice packs or warm compresses can be used on the cheek and cheeks to reduce pain. A cold compress should also be used on the outer surface of the teeth to relieve pain.

3Healthy foods: Eating healthy foods can help prevent pain and repair damaged teeth, so foods sweetened with sugar should be avoided and replaced with fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Soft and smooth foods can also be consumed to reduce pain.

Best medical center for dental treatment and beautification

The Dental Care Center in Cairo is the best in Egypt as it provides distinguished therapeutic and cosmetic services using the latest advanced technologies and devices. The center is characterized by a specialized medical team with extensive experience in the field of dentistry and ensuring that appropriate treatment is provided for each case. The center provides comprehensive services from dental implants and orthodontics to dental veneers, pulp treatment and root canal treatment. The center’s services are characterized by precision and attention to detail to ensure the best results in dental treatment and beautification.

The center also has a specialized team caring for teeth who periodically follow up with patients and provide the necessary advice to maintain dental health and avoid any potential problems in the future. Thanks to these distinguished services and attention to the smallest details, the Dental Care Center enjoys a good reputation in Egypt and increasing patient confidence.

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"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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