Get details about dental fillings and discover reasonable prices for filling installation! - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Get details about dental fillings and discover reasonable prices for filling installation!

Dental Fillings, there is nothing more beautiful than a bright smile, as bright teeth increase one’s self-confidence. Fillings are a procedure aimed at repairing damaged teeth due to erosion, whether due to personal hygiene or cavities due to other factors. There are many types of fillings, and the doctor determines the appropriate type based on the medical condition, which is what we will learn through the article.

Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are considered the final stage of a root canal treatment or root canal therapy. In this procedure, the tooth pulp is filled with the filling material after opening the tooth surface using the appropriate equipment for the dentist, then cleaning the cavities and tooth canals with cleaning files. In addition, the teeth are sealed with filling materials to prevent bacteria from entering this area to avoid tooth erosion or cavities again. Afterward, it is possible to place a crown over the filling to preserve it.

There are also many different types of fillings that the doctor presents to the patient according to the appropriate types for their condition, and the doctor and patient agree on the type of filling suitable for their health and financial condition. Most dental filling cases prefer the white filling because it appears natural, like white teeth.

Enjoy a bright smile and renewed oral health with our dental filling service atThe Dental Center

What is tooth decay?

Tooth decay is the erosion of the outer enamel layer of the teeth, resulting in the appearance of many gaps and holes; as a result of the mixture of bacteria with food residues stuck in the teeth, producing acids that react with the bacteria and form a sticky layer called plaque. This layer weakens the enamel and causes its erosion and the breakdown of tooth minerals, then complete decay of the tooth, at which point the third layer of the tooth or what is called the pulp, which contains blood vessels and nerves, is reached. The person begins to feel sensitive to cold and hot drinks or pain during chewing. At this stage, the body tries to resist the bacteria, resulting in white blood cells or what is called an abscess.

In addition, the teeth most susceptible to cavities are the back teeth or what are called molars due to the difficulty of cleaning them with a toothbrush compared to the front teeth, and they are exposed to food for a longer period, and the plaque layer forms on them to a greater degree than on incisors and canines.

Tooth decay is also one of the most widespread health problems in all age groups and different countries around the world. Additionally, it is a problem that requires early treatment so that the holes and cavities do not widen, and the person does not experience pain or inflammation and other complications such as permanent tooth or molar loss.

What is tooth decay?

What is tooth decay?

What are the best types of dental fillings?

Dental fillings are an important therapeutic stage that dentists resort to in order to compensate for the damaged and eroded parts of the tooth due to cavities or holes, in addition to fractures and gaps in the teeth and some bad habits such as biting on teeth or nail biting. The types of fillings differ from one patient to another, depending on the degree of sensitivity to the filling material and the type of filling suitable for their dental condition, including:

  • Amalgam (Silver) Filling: It is the most widespread and common type since ancient times, and it is also called the silver filling due to the inclusion of silver in its composition, in addition to its color, which resembles silver. Mercury is the largest component in the composition of the amalgam filling, representing 50% of its components, to bind the elements of silver, copper, and tin until the dentist obtains a material that is easy to apply. This filling is also characterized by durability and durability, as it lasts for a long period for some patients, ranging from 10 to 15 years. In addition to its strength in withstanding the chewing process, and it is suitable for patients who suffer from a high caries index. It is also the least expensive type of filling.
  • Composite Filling: This is considered one of the most distinguished types of fillings and is widely used in cosmetic dental procedures, closing gaps in the front teeth, in addition to being used as a final filling after root canal treatments, restoring the shape and function of the teeth after treatment. One of the advantages of composite fillings is that it does not require the removal of parts of healthy tissues, as it adheres to them through infiltration into the tissues, and its cost is lower compared to installing a full crown on the tooth. Additionally, it fully restores confidence in the smile due to its aesthetic appearance.
  • Glass Ionomer Filling: It is a mixture of acrylic material and special glass particles, and it has a white color like the color of teeth. However, it is not as efficient as the composite filling and is used to treat cavities that affect the roots of the teeth. It is widely used for filling children’s teeth. The estimated life of the filling lasts up to 5 years at most, but modern types are approaching the estimated life of a composite filling.
  • Gold Fillings: These are among the most corrosion-resistant and non-deteriorating fillings over time, as their expected lifespan ranges from 15 to 20 years. They were previously used for distinction, as they consist of gold alloys with some other elements. However, one of their drawbacks is that they are expensive, and their color does not match the teeth, and they have become the least used type of filling in modern times.
  • Ceramic (Porcelain) Fillings: These are used for making crowns, veneers, braces, and implants. The expected lifespan is 7 years. One of its main advantages is that it resists stains and discoloration compared to light-cured composite fillings and matches all natural tooth shades. However, one of its drawbacks is that it is easily prone to fracture because it is a brittle filling material. Additionally, the dentist needs to reduce the size of the tooth to accommodate the thickness of the filling so that it does not easily fracture.

Get immediate and advanced treatment for dental problems that require fillings, with a professional medical team and extensive experience in dentistry. For more information about dental fillings, click here.

What is the difference between a regular filling and a root canal filling?

Regular Fillings: These are materials placed on a decayed or damaged tooth to restore its shape and basic function. One of the advantages of regular fillings is that they protect the teeth from future cavities. The filling material used in this case is composite or porcelain. Noticeable symptoms that indicate a patient needs a regular filling include black spots or holes, discoloration of the teeth, tooth damage, or fractures.

Root Canal Filling: This is a procedure aimed at treating the pulp and nerve of the teeth, especially in case of inflammation, damage, or infection. The filling extends through the root of the tooth. There are some symptoms that the patient may experience that indicate the need for a root canal filling, such as severe fractures in the teeth and unbearable pain, in addition to swollen or discolored gums, and sensitivity to heat and cold from food and drinks.

Steps followed in dental fillings

  • The dentist anesthetizes the area around the tooth to be filled using a local anesthetic.
  • Removing the eroded area according to the extent of the decay and damage to the tooth using a drill.
  • Examining and testing the area to ensure no remaining decay.
  • Cleaning out the bacteria to prepare for the filling.
  • If the decay is extensive and close to the root, the dentist applies a lining made of composite resin or glass ionomer or other compounds.
  • Curing each layer of the filling using light application.
  • The dentist prepares the composite material to achieve the desired result after completing the layering process, then removes any excess and polishes the restoration.

How long do dental fillings last?

Temporary fillings have a very short expected lifespan, ranging from weeks to months. However, the duration of a permanent filling varies depending on the type of filling material used. The expected lifespan of some fillings is:

  • Dental fillings have an expected lifespan of more than 15 years.
  • Silver fillings last from 10 to 15 years, depending on the patient’s care in maintaining them, but one of their drawbacks, along with gold fillings, is that they do not match the color of the teeth.
  • Ceramic or porcelain fillings have a lifespan comparable to that of gold fillings, lasting 15 years or more, and they are among the best fillings resistant to staining.

Signs that indicate the need to replace a dental filling

When the patient starts to feel pain in the tooth that was previously filled, this indicates the need to visit a dentist because there are problems with the filling that need to be repaired or replaced. Other symptoms include:

  • Gaps in the dental filling.
  • Unbearable tooth pain.
  • Cracked teeth.

How much does it cost to install a dental filling?

The cost of dental fillings varies depending on the dentist’s skill and experience, the level of services at the medical center, the techniques and equipment used to install the filling, and the type of material or composition used for the filling. The average prices are as follows:

  • If the filling is made of ceramic material, the average cost of a regular filling ranges from 700 to 1,750 pounds.
  • A regular silver filling costs an average of 500 to 700 pounds.
  • Glass ionomer fillings for a regular filling cost between 500 and 700 pounds.

What are the risks of dental fillings?

Among the risks of dental fillings is the potential for the filling to fracture or the filled tooth to develop new cavities due to neglecting oral hygiene. Recently, there have been beliefs about the dangers of dental fillings associated with the amalgam or lead filling due to its high mercury content. Some believe that mercury is a toxic and harmful substance and can cause certain diseases such as memory loss and autism. However, the opposite is true. The American Dental Association and many medical bodies have stated that the lead filling has no risks or dangers, and these beliefs have no basis in fact or scientific evidence.

Can I brush my teeth after a filling?

Yes, you can brush your teeth after getting a filling. In fact, it is strongly recommended that you continue to brush your teeth regularly after any cosmetic or medical procedures in the mouth, including fillings.

After dental fillings, patients often stop brushing their teeth due to feeling pain and discomfort. Therefore, dentists recommend brushing and flossing teeth after a filling to maintain overall oral hygiene and keep the filled tooth clean, to prevent recurrence of cavities. However, it is important to brush gently twice a day and also use dental floss after the filling to prevent the formation of sticky plaque that causes cavities.

Complications of dental fillings

Dental fillings are a procedure used to treat tooth decay and restore the function and appearance of the teeth. Although dental fillings are considered a safe and effective procedure, some complications can occur in certain cases. Common complications may include:

  • Tooth sensitivity to the filling material.
  • The dentist using a poor-quality filling material, resulting in fractures or cracks in the filling, and possibly its complete detachment.
  • Failure to properly prepare the filling site, leading to its detachment due to the presence of remaining decay in the tooth cavity.
  • The patient’s neglect of the filling and consumption of hard substances, subjecting the filled tooth to constant pressure.
Complications of dental fillings

Complications of dental fillings

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