How to fill a nerve and cap and information about prices at the Medical Center for Dental Care - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

How to fill a nerve and cap and information about prices at the Medical Center for Dental Care

Nerve Filling and Crowns, Fillings are therapeutic and cosmetic methods that solve the problems of decay and erosion of teeth in addition to their effectiveness in cases of fractures and cracks in the teeth. Therefore, let us talk in this article about a type of fillings, namely nerve filling and crown placement in detail.

Nerve Filling and Crowns

Nerve Filling and Crowns

Nerve Filling and Crowns

Dentists usually follow several methods in treating patients’ problems, especially the most widespread problems of decay among children and the elderly, making it a significant obstacle or annoying factor for doctors before patients. In some cases, decay or damage may reach the nerve, prompting doctors to resort to nerve filling to treat it and get rid of the severe pain associated with it.

There are many reasons that can cause nerve inflammation, including severe decay, adding repeated fillings in the tooth cavity, exposure of the tooth to impact, or cracks in its structure. If the inflammation is not treated, an abscess may form. Therefore, it is necessary to treat nerve sensitivity quickly, as the situation does not require worry or fear because the nerve’s role is sensory to cold or hot things and does not affect the tooth’s functional performance.

The technique of nerve filling relies on getting rid of nerve inflammations by removing it along with the decay material and placing antiseptic chemicals that eliminate bacteria in its nerve endings. The composition of nerve filling is distinguished because it is made from different and varied raw materials that suit the patient’s condition, in addition to the cosmetic role of some of its types, which adds shine and luster to the affected tooth. Installing a crown is an additional step to protect the filling and the tooth from any pressures or changing conditions in the mouth. Protect your smile with our leading nerve filling services, where we try to help you maintain your teeth healthy and beautiful at The Dental Center.

The Importance of Crowns After Nerve Filling

Nerve filling procedures have become widespread recently due to neglect in brushing teeth and cleaning the mouth resulting from reliance on fast food and sweets in restaurants and cafes. There is no opportunity to brush teeth with toothpaste after meals and the day’s busyness for many people, leading them to neglect cleaning their teeth before going to bed and their teeth getting decayed. We offer multiple options for treating tooth gaps, including innovative and cosmetic filling techniques at The Dental Center.

After nerve filling procedures, the tooth’s structure may be weak, making it prone to collapse at any time. Installing a crown on top of the tooth works to reinforce it and give it the necessary strength to perform its functional tasks in the best way, thus preserving the filling from falling or cracking.

Is it possible not to install a crown after nerve filling?

Yes, but most cases require installing a cap or crown on the surface of the affected tooth to be repaired after fixing the nerve filling in the cavity due to its weakness and brittleness, making it easy to break.

What is a dental post?

What is a dental post?

What is a Dental Post?

A dental post is a technique that some dentists may resort to in cases of nerve filling where the post is placed in the tooth’s root as a substitute for the nerve after fixing the filling in the cavity of its nerve endings and extends part of it to the top surface of the tooth so it can connect with the crowns or caps that may be installed to support the tooth.

The post technique is used in cases that suffer from short tooth length, and therefore the teeth are unable to bear the crowns that are manufactured from different raw materials such as porcelain, E-max, and zirconium later. The post is fixed by the frictional force between its surface and the targeted tooth surface and its special adhesives that fix it inside the tooth cavity. Then the core is placed from different raw materials so that the crown can be fixed on it.

The main role of the post is to prepare the core

and distribute the tooth’s force from the root to the crown to try to prevent the tooth structure from breaking when the upper part is exposed to any pressure. However, it has been proven that the post may not support the tooth but cause the root to break when prepared incorrectly.

Problems You May Face After Installing Dental Crowns

Installing dental crowns helps in the success of many nerve filling cases due to their solidity and ability to withstand pressure and assist the affected teeth in performing their functional tasks with high quality and efficiency. Despite that, problems with the crowns may occur, negatively affecting the teeth and mouth, including:

  • Pressure of the crown on the gums causing severe inflammation.
  • Gaps between it and the surrounding teeth.
  • Severe gum sensitivity.
  • Nerve inflammations.
  • Nerve sensitivity and the need for medical filling.
How long does a dental crown last?

How long does a dental crown last?

How Long Does a Dental Crown Last?

Many dentists recommend changing dental crowns every 3 to 5 years, but it has been scientifically proven that changing the crown is not necessary and does not cause any harm or risks to dental and oral health. The cases that require replacing the crown are those that suffer from changes in mouth or adjacent teeth conditions or any problem in the crown itself or its structure that caused its breakage or scratching.

Alternatives to Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are among the technologies that help solve various dental problems, but they may not be suitable for some cases. If there is a medical reason that prevents the patient from installing the crown or they do not wish to install it, doctors look for other safe alternatives. These alternatives that can replace the crown and perform the same role include:

  • Dental Implants: This technique suits cases that lose one or more teeth and may have the crown, post, or cap installed but after implanting the permanent implant in the jawbones.
  • Dental Bridge: This technique is used in cases that need to fill the gap between more than two adjacent teeth, and the bridge consists of a setup that includes a group of connected crowns.
  • Dentures: These are dental fittings that replace lost teeth, suitable for cases that suffer from the loss of a large number of teeth in both jaws or complete tooth loss that needs a temporary alternative before dental implants or those who prefer not to have dental implants. Read more about the possibility of fitting a tooth after extraction and the best center for fitting through this article.

When to Install a Dental Crown

Many dentists clarify that cases suffering from cracks or fractures in the molar or those with misalignment or gaps appearing over time between their teeth need to install a dental crown to protect and support the weak enamel coating it. You can read more about the shape of the dental crown and the prices of dental crowns by clicking on this link.

Types of Dental Crowns

Types of Dental Crowns

Types of Dental Crowns

There are many types of dental crowns that we will mention in detail below:

Temporary Crown

  • Used to protect and restore teeth for short periods not exceeding two weeks.
  • Needs an adhesive material to help it stabilize on the surface of the teeth.
  • Typically installed by the dentist in the clinic prior to installing the permanent crown.
  • Does not have the same stability and strength as the permanent crown.

Permanent Crown

  • The main role of the permanent crown is to protect the teeth.
  • The dentist installs it on the tooth’s surface after preparing and shaping it to adhere continuously to its surface.
  • The dentist, with the help of wax molds, takes measurements of the patient’s teeth to fit the crown suitable for them in size and shape.
  • Gives the teeth stability and durability against any pressures that occur when speaking or eating.

Same-day Crown

  • Installed within a single session in the dentist’s clinic.
  • This type of crown is installed using high-quality modern techniques such as CAD/CAM that perform 3D printing of the permanent crown and digital printing for the teeth.

3/4 onlay Crown

  • This type cannot cover the full structure of the tooth.
  • The purpose of using this crown is to cover only three-quarters of the tooth.

The Materials Used in Making Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are made from many raw materials that we will mention below:

  • Metal Crown: This crown is made from various metals such as gold, palladium, nickel, and chrome. These raw materials are characterized by their hardness and resistance to breakage, thus lasting long periods with the patient.
  • Porcelain: The crown can be made from porcelain material coated over a metal layer. This type is characterized by the porcelain color resembling natural teeth color, making it used for cosmetic purposes.
  • Composite: Types made from resin that is known for its cosmetic role in hiding teeth defects.
  • Zirconium: This type of crown is the most used due to its strength, hardness, and attractive cosmetic appearance it adds to the teeth.
  • E-max: The latest type used by doctors, characterized by its manufacture from light lithium disilicate material that adds shine and brightness to the teeth while resisting any pressures.

Who is the Ideal Candidate for Dental Crown Installation?

We will clarify the cases that need dental crown installation as part of their therapeutic or cosmetic procedures in the following lines:

  • Cases suffering from cracks in their teeth or part of them being broken.
  • Damaged teeth that need restoration.
  • Cases in which a large part of the tooth cavity is removed and needs support.
  • Teeth with surface stains, defects, or affected by misalignment.
  • Supporting teeth that have been implanted in the jaw.
  • Protecting the nerve filling in some affected teeth.

How to Find the Right Doctor for This Procedure?

Many patients search on various social media sites and search engines for the best dentists specialized in dental fittings. There are several factors that help the patient in determining and choosing the suitable doctor for their expectations or financial capabilities. Therefore, let us mention these factors in the following lines:

  • The medical certificates obtained by the doctor in his specialty.
  • Certificates of previous experience in various hospitals and government and private centers.
  • Reading previous patients’ opinions about his practical skills level, the correctness of his decisions, and the therapeutic protocols he sets.
  • Ensuring through some photos that show the success of some of his previous operations.
  • The doctor’s way of dealing with his cases, his appreciation and respect for them, consideration for their health condition, and his constant care for their comfort during the treatment phase.
  • The suitable cost for the medical services he provides or searching for discounts or offers he may provide on certain occasions or times.
  • His follow-up on the emergency situations that occur for patients and his attempt to assist them until the time of the check-up.
  • The doctor’s presence in the clinic or center most of the time.

The Best Dental Fittings Center in Egypt

The Dental Center in Nasr City in Cairo is one of the best medical centers that provide therapeutic and cosmetic dental services for all layers of society. The center offers the latest technologies used in dental fittings globally and includes a group of doctors who rank high at the Arab and Middle East level and always strive to present the latest treatment methods and update the medical devices used in the center whenever the best and most efficient are discovered. The center’s management ensures contracting with the best dental cosmetics labs to guarantee the desired results for patients.

Dental Crown Prices

Several factors determine the prices of dental medical services, including the diversity of raw materials used and their varying prices, in addition to the constant change in local currencies of many countries against the dollar. Despite that, we notice the presence of high discounts on dental crown prices at The Dental Center in Cairo, where the price of a metal crown for one tooth reaches 350 Egyptian pounds, while a porcelain tooth crown ranges between 1000 and 1800 Egyptian pounds. The E-max crown, considered the best quality and most expensive, can reach up to 3700 Egyptian pounds and not less than 2000 Egyptian pounds.

د. أسماء سمك

"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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