Tips After Dental Crown Installation, Installing a dental crown is one of the methods many dentists resort to in order to protect teeth that have been decayed or broken and filled. In this article, we will learn about the types of dental crowns, their prices, and their features.
The dental crown is installed after removing decay from the nerve canal of the damaged tooth or molar and fixing the filling to replace the cavity that was removed. Here, the role of the crown in maintaining the stability of the filling, preventing its fall from the cavity, and supporting the tooth or molar to perform all its functional tasks appears. The crown can be made from various raw materials such as zircon, Emax, porcelain, or metals. Therefore, there are some tips that should be followed to maintain the stability of this crown, especially during the days immediately following its installation, which we will explain as follows:
What Do You Know About Dental Crowns?
A dental crown is a cap for a damaged tooth or molar placed after removing decay from its cavity and adding a filling to fill the void of this cavity. Here comes the role of the crown in protecting the filling from falling out of the cavity or cracking when exposed to pressure when eating or talking, in addition to supporting the tooth and giving it the rigidity it needs. The dental crown or cap, as it is called, does not require any care other than brushing the teeth well and always keeping them clean and preventing any food debris from depositing on its surface. Many dentists prefer the crown in some cases, such as:
The dental crown installation process is done after completely removing decay from the nerve canal and cavity of the affected tooth. Then, the doctor places the filling material to fill all the voids in the cavity to prevent any bacterial growth. In some cases, the doctor decides to install a crown on top of the tooth to protect it and the filling inside it and support it to withstand the pressure during eating and talking. In these cases, the measurements of the molar are taken in the clinic or medical center using wax molds, then given to the lab technician to make a crown with the same measurements. When the crown is ready, the steps of installing the crown begin as follows:
Alternatives to Dental Crowns
There are some medical cases where dentists see that they do not require a dental crown, and some patients do not want to install a cap on their damaged teeth. Because of this, it was necessary to resort to other therapeutic alternatives to solve different dental problems or cosmetic alternatives. Let’s display these alternatives in the following points:
In most cases where the nerve is filled, it is necessary to install the crown or cap immediately after fixing the filling, and the percentage of these cases exceeds 90%, to protect the tooth and filling from breaking when exposed to pressure while talking or eating due to the removal of a large part of the enamel layer and tooth cavity. There are very rare cases where the crown is dispensed with and does not require installing a cap on top of the affected tooth or molar because these are cases where the tooth is strong and its tissues and bones are solid; due to decay not reaching its root or depth of its cavity, so a large part of its cavity was not removed, or the used filling is a light-curing filling that does not require drilling a large part in the cavity for its installation. You can learn more about nerve filling and the cost of nerve filling in Egypt when reading this article.
Dentists do not recommend chewing food on the jaw that had the crown installed within the next 24 hours after the procedure. With continued care for oral and dental hygiene using a brush and tooth paste, the pain will subside within two to three days. It is advisable to avoid hard and chewy foods during the first week after installing the crown, then the patient can resume their normal life and eat as they wish.
The process of installing the crown is not painful and often is done without giving the patient anesthesia; because the crown installation step is the next step to the nerve filling process, so it is not painful and does not require the use of anesthesia. However, some side effects may appear as an allergic reaction accompanied by pain during the next 5 days after the installation process due to the patient’s adaptation to the presence of the crown in the mouth where they feel difficulty in speaking or eating. Over time, the patient will adapt and these symptoms and the associated pain will disappear. But if the pain continues more than that and with a more severe intensity, it is necessary to go to the treating doctor immediately.
The crown installation process is completely safe and does not cause any side effects, but it is possible after removing decay from the tooth cavity and nerve filling and fixing the tooth cap that symptoms of swelling or redness in the gums appear indicating they are inflamed. It is necessary to receive immediate treatment for gum inflammation; because not treating it quickly can lead to serious complications later. There are reasons for these inflammations, let’s get to know them in the following points:
The continuity of the tooth cap with the patient for a long time without causing diseases or problems depends on caring for brushing the teeth daily with toothpaste and a brush to remove all food residues and debris so that bacteria do not grow causing infection and gum problems.
Gum problems and diseases occur in a large percentage as a result of neglecting oral and dental cleaning in healthy individuals in addition to neglecting cleaning the installations or tooth caps in case of patients because in both cases, tartar accumulates on their surface leading to inflammation.
The cap itself may be the main reason for gum infection leading to inflammation, and this is due to the following:
To avoid the aforementioned reasons, it is necessary to choose a cap made of high-quality raw material with the treating doctor.
In some cases, the measurements of the cap are not suitable for the tooth and are large in size, loose, not pressed on the tooth surface, giving bacteria the opportunity to accumulate and rot the area under the cap.
After knowing the aforementioned reasons, it is necessary to search for solutions to avoid exposure to complications or problems later, and we will display the treatment methods as follows:
There are preventive methods to avoid gum inflammation and maintain the health of the cap, teeth, and oral health, so it is necessary to adhere to the following:
Installing the crown in the clinic or medical center only takes a few minutes, as it is prepared in advance in the dental lab by the technician who was given the patient’s measurements by the doctor, and the preparation period ranges from two to three weeks. If the teeth are kept clean and all the instructions mentioned in this article are followed after the installation process, the crown can last in the patient’s mouth for 25 years.
Technological advancement in the field of dentistry has contributed to providing many options in treatment methods to solve all the different and diverse problems and diseases for patients. Therefore, we notice the existence of types of dental crowns to suit each type to the nature of the patient’s case, and we will display the types of dental crowns as follows:
The most used type of crowns in dental treatment due to its durability and rigidity that make it last for many years with the patient, reaching more than 10 years without being affected by any conditions occurring in the mouth. This crown is made of gold, copper, and some other metals, and its price can range between 7000 and 10000 Egyptian pounds
This type of crown is characterized by its good connection to the teeth, making it solid to withstand any pressures occurring in the mouth, so it lasts with the patient for a period ranging between 5 and 10 years. In addition to its elegant appearance that does not negatively affect the appearance of the teeth when smiling, its prices range between 5000 and 8000 Egyptian pounds.
Zircon crown is suitable for patients with dental allergies, and this crown is made of zirconium oxide with a white color, making it suitable for the color and shape of natural teeth. In addition to its ability to withstand the pressure of eating and talking, the cost of this crown ranges between 6000 and 9000 Egyptian pounds.
This type consists of a strong cluster of transparent lithium disilicate material, making it a cosmetic solution for flaws of the front teeth. Emax crown is the most expensive type used recently, where its price exceeds 10000 Egyptian pounds.
Dental crowns have many advantages, but at the same time, they have various types of disadvantages such as disadvantages after their immediate installation, disadvantages after a long period of their installation, or disadvantages related to the crown itself. Let’s get to know these disadvantages in detail and how to prevent them as follows:
Disadvantages of Dental Crowns After Immediate Installation
Disadvantages of Dental Crowns After a Long Period of Their Installation
Disadvantages of Dental Crowns
It is possible to prevent the aforementioned disadvantages, especially those related to the quality of crown installation and its measurements not fitting the tooth surface, by choosing a skilled and highly experienced doctor and a medical center that offers medical services at the highest level of professionalism. Therefore, we recommend The Dental Center, which includes a group of specialized doctors in dental installations and crowns, and its management is always keen to provide the latest medical devices used in the field of dentistry and work for the comfort of all patients. Adhering to all dental and oral health care tips that will be provided by the center’s doctors after installing the crown.
There are some guidelines that help in taking care of the dental crown for the longest possible period without being affected by any conditions or pressures occurring in the mouth, so let’s list these guidelines in the following points:
The prices of dental crown installation in Egypt differ from other Arab and foreign countries due to the difference in the local currency price, the Egyptian pound, against the price of the international currency, which is the dollar over time, affecting the prices of raw materials used in the manufacture of dental crowns and the costs of medical devices used that are always updated first hand due to the huge technological development occurring in the field of dentistry. There are other factors that also affect the price, which are represented in the skill of the treating doctor, the location of the center or clinic, the quality of the supporting medical team, the extent of applying sterilization and infection control methods in the place, the affected place, and the number of teeth that will be treated. All the aforementioned factors are available in The Dental Center with suitable offers for all patients where the price of a metal crown made of nickel-chrome without a face reaches 320 Egyptian pounds, whereas the average price of installing a porcelain dental crown ranges between 400 and 600 Egyptian pounds, and the cost is 1000 Egyptian pounds for a zircon dental crown, or 5000 Egyptian pounds for an Emax dental crown.
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