Continuous pain after regular tooth filling and how many days can post-filling pain last? - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Continuous pain after regular tooth filling and how many days can post-filling pain last?

Persistent Pain After Regular Tooth Filling, Pain occurs after a regular tooth filling procedure due to the appearance of some sensitivity symptoms as a natural result of removing the decay from the cavity and replacing it. We will learn in detail about the steps of tooth filling, the duration of pain, its causes, and how to treat it.

Persistent Pain After Regular Tooth Filling

Persistent Pain After Regular Tooth Filling

Persistent Pain After Regular Tooth Filling

The tooth filling procedure is carried out in several steps, including drilling holes in the tooth, removing the decay and bacteria present in the cavity, and replacing it with medical fillings that work to seal the gaps and prevent further growth of harmful bacteria. The deeper the decay, the more of the infected tooth structure needs to be removed, leading to more pronounced sensitivity symptoms. These symptoms are often accompanied by severe pain, but it is possible to control and reduce their intensity by adhering to some instructions and medications prescribed by the doctor. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the pain after the tooth filling procedure.

The persistence of pain after the tooth filling procedure is due to several reasons, including, or the most important reason leading to it, is the lack of regular daily tooth brushing and neglecting oral hygiene. In this case, it is advisable to consult the doctor to determine the cause and treat it, and try to avoid any further complications. Learn about the types of tooth fillings through this article.

What is Tooth Filling?

Tooth filling is a procedure that occurs in case of tooth fractures, cracks resulting from an accident, impact, or congenital defect, in addition to decay resulting from bacterial growth. It takes place in a dental clinic or medical dental center and is carried out through the following steps:

  • Requesting some X-rays and medical examinations to determine the nature of the condition and the level of decay in the tooth, and to specify the necessary procedures to be taken in the protocol of the operation and treatment, then preparing the patient for the procedure.
  • Giving an anesthetic injection in the gum in some cases or a local anesthetic only for the affected area, and there are some cases that do not require taking an anesthetic.
  • Using a drilling device, the doctor drills a cavity in the tooth until it is cleaned from the decay content inside and removes any bacteria or microbes.
  • Isolating the affected area.
  • Disinfecting the tooth cavity with some medical solutions to ensure the elimination of any source of infection inside it.
  • It is possible to place a temporary filling inside the cavity for two or three days at most, until the tooth is prepared to receive the permanent filling afterwards and adapts to it without a severe allergic reaction.
  • Placing the permanent filling in the same session or in the following session in case a temporary filling is used first.
  • Smoothing the surface of the filling with the tooth surface to remove any protrusions or filling edges that may cause pain or sensitivity to the tooth later.
  • In some cases, the doctor places a crown or veneer on the tooth surface to preserve the filling and prevent it from falling out, in addition to maintaining the cosmetic aspect of the tooth and preventing the appearance of the filling. Discover our medical center specialized in dental care and get the best types of tooth fillings in the industry!

Is There Pain After Regular Tooth Filling?

Yes, there is mild pain after regular tooth filling procedures, as the operation is performed under the influence of anesthesia, so the patient does not feel any pain during the operation. However, after the anesthetic effect wears off after a couple of hours, the patient begins to feel pain. Therefore, the doctor prescribes some safe non-steroidal painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications that gradually reduce the intensity of the pain until it disappears completely after a week or two weeks in severe cases.

The doctor advises the patient not to consume anything during the 24 hours following the operation due to the lingering effects of the anesthesia, such as itching, swelling, and inability to speak, swallow, or move the jaw in general. The patient should only drink water and possibly broth. To prevent the pain from worsening, the patient should avoid solid, sticky, or acidic foods that may affect the filling or increase the activity of the decay-causing bacteria during the treatment and recovery period.

Is It Normal to Have Pain After Root Canal Filling?

Yes, there is pain after a root canal filling procedure due to the sensitivity of the nerve and the removal of decay in the nerve area at the end of the tooth or root canal, in addition to drilling the cavity for cleaning purposes. The nature of the procedure requires the use of precise tools that aid in the success of the filling. A suitable drill is used for the nature of the tooth or root canal location and the narrow nerve endings inside it, as well as a medical strip to insert the filling into all holes in the nerve canal and secure it in the cavity completely, leading to the appearance of severe sensitivity symptoms accompanied by pain. However, the doctor also works to make the patient comfortable and provides them with appropriate medications to alleviate their pain. Let our specialized doctors restore the function and health of your tooth nerve through root canal filling at our distinguished medical center.

How Long Can Post-Filling Pain Last?

The filling procedure is performed under the influence of anesthesia, which wears off within two or three hours after the completion of the procedure, and the patient begins to feel some pain that lasts for two weeks or a maximum of four weeks. However, the intensity of the pain is intermittent and gradually decreases until it disappears within the aforementioned period. Medications prescribed by the doctor, especially painkillers, help accelerate healing and reduce this pain, and the patient must adhere to them.

Symptoms of Tooth Nerve Inflammation After Filling

Symptoms of Tooth Nerve Inflammation After Filling

Symptoms of Tooth Nerve Inflammation After Filling

There are some symptoms that appear in case of tooth nerve inflammation after filling, which should be recognized so that the doctor can be visited as soon as possible to prevent any complications. These symptoms can be identified in the following points:

  1. Sensitivity to cold drinks and foods such as juices and ice cream.
  2. Inability to consume food immediately after heating or drinking hot beverages such as tea.
  3. Inability to chew and eat solid foods.
  4. Feeling of movement and instability of the tooth.
  5. Gum inflammation and swelling.
  6. Swelling of the cheek and jaw pain.
  7. Discomfort when consuming acidic drinks and fruits.
  8. Signs of pus formation in the affected tooth.

You can learn more about white fillings, one of the most popular types of fillings among patients, through this article.

Factors That Cause Pain After Filling

Pain after dental fillings usually occurs in rare cases, but it can happen. There may be several factors contributing to the occurrence of pain after fillings, including:

  1. Sugary foods and drinks.
  2. Consuming solid foods.
  3. Acidic foods and drinks.
  4. Hot and cold foods and drinks.
  5. Root inflammation: In rare cases, inflammation may occur in the root of the tooth.
  6. Gum irritation: Irritation may occur in the gum adjacent to the filled tooth as a result of the surgical intervention and the tools used during the filling procedure.
  7. Nerve inflammation: Inflammation may occur in the nerve located inside the filled tooth, also known as dental pulpitis.

What Are the Causes of Persistent Pain After Tooth Filling?

There are several reasons for persistent pain after tooth filling, which we will mention along with how they occur in the following sections:

  • Tooth Nerve Sensitivity

Inflammation in the tooth nerve occurs as a result of its high sensitivity to the chemical substances present in the medical fillings that are placed in the tooth cavity after removing the decay and infection from inside it, especially in cases where the decay reaches the depth of the tooth cavity, resulting in a severe allergic reaction from the nerve if these fillings are close to it.

  • Improper Securing of the Filling in the Tooth Cavity

Failure to completely fill the cavity with the filling, not placing it in its correct position within the drilled cavity, the presence of protrusions or filling edges, or if the surface of the filling is higher than the tooth surface, are factors that make the filling unstable in its place. In case of consuming food or teeth colliding during speech, it will cause severe pain and sensitivity, and may even lead to other complications, including the recurrence of decay in the affected tooth.

  • Tooth Pulp Sensitivity

The presence of inflammation inside the tooth pulp resulting from the tooth being filled more than once or the presence of residual traces of bacteria or microbes that cause decay may cause pain after the filling procedure, or even serious complications if left untreated. However, tooth pulp sensitivity rarely occurs due to the use of high sterilization techniques during the filling procedure in recent times.

  • Mouth Infections

The presence of infection inside the mouth may cause inflammation in its cavities and is often the result of using poorly sterilized tools during the filling procedure. However, this symptom is rare due to the doctors’ commitment to providing the best care for their patients.

  • Tooth Weakness

Exposing the tooth to the removal of a large portion of its cavity in order to secure the filling or in case the decay reaches deep levels may cause weakness in the tissues and bones of its structure.

  • Filling Damage

The filling can be damaged in case of excessive pressure on it when consuming solid foods or during speech, causing holes and cracks inside it.

How to Get Rid of Persistent Pain After Tooth Filling

Persistent pain after tooth filling can be relieved by following these tips:

  1. Regularly taking the medications prescribed by the doctor.
  2. Using a tooth sensitivity toothpaste that contains a high percentage of potassium.
  3. Reducing acidic foods and drinks and rinsing with water after consumption.
  4. Brushing teeth with circular motions to avoid causing gum sensitivity and weakening the teeth.
  5. Cleaning teeth daily with a toothbrush and dental floss.
  6. Avoiding sugary and sweetened foods and drinks.
  7. Avoiding exposing the tooth to cold or heat.

Treatment for Tooth Pain After Filling

If you experience tooth pain after a filling, there may be several possible causes, and different treatments may be required. Here are some common causes of pain after filling and the procedures that can be taken:

  1. Prescribing medications and appropriate toothpaste for the nature of tooth sensitivity during this period.
  2. Using a sensitivity liner or lining for the affected tooth in cases of high sensitivity.
  3. Installing a crown on top of the tooth to give it its natural shape and full function of chewing and grinding food without putting pressure on the filling inside.
  4. Replacing the filling if the patient shows sensitivity to its components.
  5. Leveling the surface of the filling with the tooth surface to prevent pain when eating or speaking.

What to Expect After Tooth Filling

After a tooth filling procedure, it is expected to follow some instructions that the doctor ensures for its success, which include not consuming solid, acidic, sugary, cold, or hot foods, maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing teeth and removing food residue with dental floss and a toothbrush daily, and adhering to medication schedules, especially painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs that will accelerate healing and the integration of the filling with the tooth.

The filling procedure is performed under the influence of anesthesia, which wears off after a few hours, not exceeding three. It is expected that the jaw will become numb and swollen, and the patient will be unable to move it. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume food on the same day as the filling procedure due to the inability to swallow, and the patient should only drink water and light, nutritious soups. The patient can start consuming soft foods the following day and can consume any food after complete healing, which typically takes two to four weeks after the filling procedure.

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