Learn the most important information about German zirconium fittings and their cost in Egypt - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Learn the most important information about German zirconium fittings and their cost in Egypt

German Zirconium Installations are one of the most important and best types of installations that can be used to provide you with the highest possible care for you and the condition of your teeth. In this article, we will answer a range of questions for you, such as when do I know I need zirconium installations? What are the benefits of installing German zirconium teeth? In addition to other questions that we will provide you with answers to, so follow us to find the best answers for you.

German zirconium installations

German zirconium installations

German Zirconium Installations

German zirconium installations are among the highest quality types of dental installations that many doctors and specialists in dental care and treatment can turn to. You may greatly need dental installations in your life, as they solve many problems and are a great replacement for any teeth that you may lose or fall out for any reason.

In this case, the best types of dental installations that you can use will of course be the zirconium dental installations. They are an effective type of installation in eliminating all kinds of dental problems, and we will explain their benefits and how to benefit from them in the best possible way in the following paragraphs of this topic. To learn more about zirconium dental implants, we recommend reading the following article.

The Dental Center ensures the optimal use of German zirconium installations by a team of specialized experts to ensure the best results for patients.

Best Types of German Zirconium Dental Installations

Many doctors at The Dental Center emphasize that installing German zirconium teeth is one of the most important and best types of installations ever, and the reason for this is due to the presence of a lot of strength, durability, and flexibility, which are all essential points that you need in replacements for your natural teeth. German zirconium installations come in more than one type, including the following:

  • German zirconium emax: One of the most important and best types of German zirconium, with unparalleled strength and durability, making it one of the best types ever. It has become one of the types that many doctors have recently started to use frequently.
  • German zirconium porcelain: One of the closest types of German zirconium to natural teeth and a source of great comfort in use, as porcelain installations are among the best types that many people prefer because of their closeness to the shape and color of natural teeth.
Best types of German zirconium dental installations

Best types of German zirconium dental installations

Cost of Installing German Zirconium Teeth in Egypt

Determining the cost of installing zirconium teeth in Egypt depends on the existence of many criteria and factors that greatly control determining the appropriate price or cost for you. In any case, we mention the price for the single veneer as follows:

  • The price of a single German zirconium veneer in Egypt ranges from 3000 to 7500 Egyptian pounds.

Of course, as we have explained to you, this price depends on several different criteria, and therefore it is important that you discuss with your dentist and inform them of all the things you need and determine with them the appropriate price or cost for the procedure you will undergo.

Benefits of Installing German Zirconium Teeth

It is important to know that dental installations in general have many great benefits that you will find in many of our articles, and we suggest you read the article Installing Zirconium Teeth to learn more about this. The following are the most famous possible benefits of German zirconium dental installations:

  • Zirconium dental installations have a lot of strength, durability, toughness, and flexibility, which are all essential points you need in replacements for your natural teeth.
  • Zirconium is one of the purest metals that can be used in dental installations, ensuring complete protection from infection or sensitivity.
  • Zirconium installations can withstand a lot of high mechanical and chemical stress.
  • German zirconium installations provide a very natural appearance for all cases in which they are used.
  • Zirconium installations offer a lot of comfort, smoothness in handling, and ease of use.

German zirconium installations are compatible with all other dental materials, making them the optimal choice for various cosmetic procedures. Get them from the Dental Center.

Benefits of installing German zirconium teeth

Benefits of installing German zirconium teeth

Steps for German Zirconium Installations

There is more than one method for installing German zirconium, and it is one of its most important features. The following are the best of these methods, step by step:

  • The First Method for Zirconium Installation
  1. The dentist takes a special picture and measurement of the teeth and then sends it to the lab to make the required measurement of the teeth.
  2. The lab technician makes the installation that matches the pictures and impressions sent by the doctor and that will suit the patient.
  3. A general scan of the teeth is made, and it is then divided into more than one part.
  4. The pictures are then transferred to a special computer program to design the zirconium crown required for the medical condition.
  5. The lab then sends the veneer to the dentist’s clinic to be installed directly.
  • The Second Method for Zirconium Installation
  1. The dentist puts the patient’s teeth pictures on the computer and makes a model of them by doing a general scan of the patient’s entire mouth.
  2. At the lab, a whole piece of zirconium is cut and shaped into the required design, which can be done through a special machine there to get the pieces in the right shape for the teeth.
  3. The zirconium installations are exposed to high temperatures, which increases their transparency and durability and ensures their installation and suitability for the patient’s mouth.

German zirconium installations can be customized to suit the needs and desires of patients, allowing for unique cosmetic results, only from the Dental Center.

Disadvantages of German Zirconium Installations

Despite what has been mentioned about zirconium installations, they also have many disadvantages that are difficult to deal with to a great extent, and this level of disadvantages can be dealt with through the following:

  • Most of the different types of zirconium generally do not match the colors of natural teeth to a great degree.
  • Many individuals may experience friction with the roots of the opposing teeth.
  • It is very difficult to determine if there are problems or cavities under fixed zirconium installations.
  • Installations cannot be given a comprehensive and complete test to a great extent.
  • Zirconium installations can be very expensive compared to other types of installations.
Disadvantages of German zirconium installations

Disadvantages of German zirconium installations

How Zirconium Crowns are Made

To get zirconium crowns, it is important to know the method by which they are made, which is as follows:

  • Your dentist sends your teeth measurements to the lab so that your zirconium crown can be made.
  • In the lab, a special model of yours is made and placed in a mold that matches your sent measurements.
  • This mold is then processed using a special laser technique, and after that, it is designed using a computer through a program called (CAD). For more details about zirconium installations, read the following article.

German zirconium installations can be customized to suit the needs and desires of patients, allowing for unique cosmetic results, only from the Dental Center.

When Do I Know I Need Zirconium Installations?

Many of our followers have wondered when they might know if they need zirconium installations or not. The truth is, we present to you below the cases in which, if they apply to you, you will then need zirconium installations, which are as follows:

  • If you find discolorations and spots spread on your teeth that prevent you from having a bright and beautiful smile.
  • In case you find any deformities, cracks, or scratches on your teeth that could break them.
  • If you have lost one or more of your teeth, the appropriate solution is dental installations.
  • If you notice any cavities or gaps between your teeth that have a negative impact on the appearance of your teeth and the health of your mouth and gums.
  • If you notice a clear erosion in the structure of your tooth and a difference in its shape compared to the surrounding teeth.
  • Dental installations may be a great suggestion if you want to protect a broken tooth from being completely lost.
When do I know I need zirconium installations?

When do I know I need zirconium installations?

Tips for Caring for Zirconium Installations

To enjoy the highest possible care and protection and get complete comfort from the zirconium installation you have installed, you need to follow a set of great and important tips, the most prominent of which are:

  • Be sure to clean daily with a toothbrush and toothpaste that is rich in fluoride.
  • Do not consume too much sugar and try to get it only from natural fruits and vegetables.
  • Be sure to drink enough water, as it has a significant effect on the health of your mouth.
  • Stay away from smoking and any substances that may cause staining on your teeth as much as possible.
  • Try to use a special mouthwash for installations to maintain their color stability for as long as possible.
  • You must attend regular appointments with your dentist at the scheduled sessions to ensure the safety of the veneer.
  • Do not try to eat any kind of hard or crunchy food, as it can have a significant negative impact on the installation.
  • Stay away from sticky foods that may stick to the installations, and be sure to use dental floss after each meal to ensure that any food stuck between your teeth is removed.

Best Center for Dental Treatment and Cosmetics

When choosing your dental treatment and cosmetics center, you must focus on the availability of most of the required services, in addition to a lot of other care and attention to all matters related to the patient during the treatment period.

One of the most important centers that has this is The Dental Center, which is one of the largest and most important centers specialized in dental treatment and providing the best possible care and attention to teeth. Specifically, dental installations are one of its most important and prominent features, in addition to the presence of many other great treatments that can provide you with everything you need in terms of excellent dental care.

د. أسماء سمك

"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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