Causes of teeth misalignment and how to treat it in the best medical centers in Egypt - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Causes of teeth misalignment and how to treat it in the best medical centers in Egypt

Causes of Crooked Teeth, dental problems are numerous and there are common diseases, most notably crooked teeth, which occur due to many factors that affect the shape of the tooth and make it irregular and cause the problem of misalignment of teeth properly. Therefore, in this article, we explain to you what is the problem of crooked teeth, its causes and methods of treatment, in addition to many medical information about this health condition.

Causes of Crooked Teeth

Causes of Crooked Teeth

Causes of Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth is considered one of the famous diseases that cause a change in the normal shape of the teeth and can cause embarrassment to the person suffering from this problem, which makes the shape of the teeth and mouth in general abnormal and undesirable, which may affect the psychological state of the person exposed to this disease, especially among young people and adolescents.

Exposure to crooked teeth is due to many causes that affect teeth and their shape in the jaw and can also affect the jaw itself, and therefore the person is unable to smile freely or show his teeth because he sees a defect in them that affects their basic shape.

What is Crooked Teeth?

Crooked teeth are medically defined as a health problem that affects the teeth in the jaw and affects the normal shape of the teeth, causing them to tilt to one side or protrude from their original position. It begins to annoy its owner because it certainly makes the tooth shape abnormal and undesirable, and it can reach some unwanted complications.

Deformity and crookedness of teeth can have a negative impact on the teeth and gums if the person does not work to treat it early, and early detection of this problem and starting the treatment program allows the patient to get rid of it in a shorter time and thus improve their health for the better.

Use our specialized team in treating crooked teeth problem at The Dental Center, where we ensure health and a bright smile for you.

Cause of Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth is considered one of the famous diseases that cause a change in the normal shape of the teeth and can cause embarrassment to the person suffering from this problem, which makes the shape of the teeth and mouth in general abnormal and undesirable, which may affect the psychological state of the person exposed to this disease, especially among young people and adolescents.

Exposure to crooked teeth is due to many causes that affect teeth and their shape in the jaw and can also affect the jaw itself, and therefore the person is unable to smile freely or show his teeth because he sees a defect in them that affects their basic shape.

The causes of crooked teeth can be:

  1. Lack of dental and oral hygiene
    Those who do not take care of cleaning the teeth and mouth properly are more likely to develop diseases including crooked teeth. This results from the formation of bacteria that cause problems in the teeth’s supports and tissues in the gums, affecting the tooth and creating spaces between them, exposing the person to dental defects.
  2. Bad habits and failure to quit them
    The person may have the habit of sucking fingers or pushing the tongue, which puts pressure on the front teeth of the jaw in particular, and is therefore more prone to crookedness and inequality of teeth naturally. It is important to be sure to get rid of this bad habit.
  3. Not treating dental problems after extraction
    If the patient has lost or extracted one of his teeth, crookedness can occur in the adjacent teeth, affecting the shape of all the teeth.
  4. Genetic factors
    There are sometimes genetic factors that can affect the patient’s condition and make the teeth become irregular in shape, and this certainly appears if one of the parents is exposed to crooked teeth.
  5. Breathing through the mouth
    This habit can affect the upper jaw of the teeth, which may affect the person with crookedness and a bad overall shape of the teeth.
  6. Not extracting Deciduous teeth in children
    Deciduous teeth usually fall out on their own to grow permanent teeth after them, but deciduous teeth may not fall out at the specified time, affecting the growth of the new teeth.

Being careful to know the causes of crooked teeth is one of the procedures that help you get the tooth shape you want and avoid the chances of being exposed to this problem.

Cause of Crooked Teeth

Cause of Crooked Teeth

Symptoms of Crooked Teeth

The symptoms of crooked teeth are usually visible to the person, that is, they can be seen with the naked eye. The symptoms are an abnormal change in the shape of the teeth with the protrusion of one or more teeth, or the spacing between the teeth, and sometimes the size of the tooth is different from the rest of the teeth, with them tilting to the right or left. These are the visible symptoms of crooked teeth.

Your treating physician will usually need to examine the teeth with x-rays to help the doctor determine the shape of the tooth and the extent of the effect on the gum condition and jaw bone, and determine the cause of the change in the shape of the teeth in order to start the patient’s treatment program.

Book an appointment today and be assured of the health of your teeth with our specialized and dedicated team in dental care within The Dental Center.

Does Crooked Teeth Cause Pain?

Yes, crooked teeth cause pain because like other dental problems, it can affect the condition of the tooth and cause toothache and a number of other symptoms including headache and discomfort when chewing food because the pressure on the teeth is abnormal. This makes the jaw exert greater effort, which affects the jaw muscles and causes the person to feel pain.

The persistence of crooked teeth can cause some problems that affect the condition of the teeth and make the crookedness increase, and sometimes complications begin to appear that affect the jaw and gums. Therefore, a medical examination at our The Dental Center  has become an important step you should take in order to treat crookedness and improve your dental health.

Crooked Teeth in Children

Although children are young, there are certain diseases that children and adults can share in infection with, and crooked teeth is one of these diseases that children may be exposed to. Not only that, but the child may be exposed to the damages of crooked teeth, including improper growth of the tooth, protrusion of some teeth forward, and also affects the ability to chew and eat food.

We should clarify that the crookedness in deciduous teeth is not the problem we are talking about, but the problem lies in the crookedness in the permanent teeth that begin to grow gradually after the deciduous teeth fall out. Crooked teeth can occur in children for these reasons:

  • Being affected by genetic factors.
  • Not extracting deciduous teeth on time.
  • Having bad habits such as thumb sucking in a child.
  • If the child pushes the front teeth forward or breathes through the mouth.
  • Not paying attention to the child’s nutrition, which affects the normal growth of teeth and makes crookedness appear on them.

There are many reasons that make a child susceptible to crooked teeth, and this disease causes them severe pain. It is important that the person responsible for the child be aware of the causes and symptoms of crooked teeth so as not to cause problems for the child. Our medical team at The Dental Center provides you with the opportunity to examine the child and inform you of any problems that are currently happening in their teeth.

Crooked Teeth in Children

Crooked Teeth in Children

How do I prevent my tongue from pushing my teeth forward?

The bad habits that lead to crooked teeth are varied, including sucking fingers or pushing the teeth forward with the tongue, which increases the chances of crooked teeth, especially in young children. Here are some tips and steps from our dental center doctors that help you stop the habit of pushing your teeth forward with your tongue:

  1. You should know the reason for this habit, whether the presence of a disease or inflammation in the tonsils, respiratory allergies, and other causes.
  2. After identifying the cause and treating it, you can use a habit breaking appliance which is a device that hinders the movement of the tongue so that no harm occurs from this habit to the teeth.
  3. If the patient’s teeth have already started to become crooked, he should go back to his specialist at the The Dental Center to start a treatment and correction program for crooked teeth.

Can crooked teeth be corrected without braces?

It is possible to correct crooked teeth without braces and get the desired results, but this requires some time to get the shape you want. The decision to correct crooked teeth without braces may require consulting a specialist doctor to perform the necessary examinations specific to you that help improve your health condition for the better.

Removable appliances can be used that resemble molds that are placed on the teeth, which increases the person’s comfort and helps the person achieve the recovery they want in the best way. You must follow up with your specialist doctor because the transparent molds that are placed on the teeth need some time to produce the expected effect.

We provide special and professional care for you in treating crooked teeth, with a focus on comfort and a positive experience for you at the Medical Center for Dental Care.

Does mouth breathing cause crooked teeth?

Does mouth breathing cause crooked teeth?

Does mouth breathing cause crooked teeth?

Effects of Crooked Teeth

Unfortunately, there are some complications that a person may be exposed to when they have crooked teeth, which lead to bad dental problems, and therefore the person is unable to reach the desired recovery and get rid of the crookedness that occurs in the tooth that negatively affects it.

Here are some of the damages or complications that crooked teeth can cause:

  • Chewing problems: The person may be exposed to problems in eating and chewing food normally because the teeth are no longer occluding naturally.
  • Periodontal problems: It is possible that bad problems will occur due to excessive pressure on the jaw muscles and bone, affecting the tooth’s supports within the tooth, causing the person to have pain when chewing.
  • Speech and pronunciation problems: Crooked teeth can affect the pronunciation of letters, causing the person to have pronunciation problems that negatively affect him.
  • Tooth decay problem: Crooked teeth cause a state of decay in the gums and teeth, especially in late cases, making the patient’s condition lead to cracked teeth.

How to treat crooked teeth?

Methods of treatment for teeth straightening may include many procedures, so it is closer to a comprehensive treatment program through which the underlying cause of crookedness is eliminated, and the crookedness that has already occurred in the tooth that negatively affects it is also treated.

Methods of treating crooked teeth at The Dental Center are:

  1. Braces: The doctor often resorts to braces to treat crookedness, especially if it is in the person’s front teeth. Braces can be fixed or through transparent aligners.
  2. Conservative treatment: The doctor may ask the patient to stay away from factors that affect the patient’s condition and make crookedness increase over time, while maintaining the patient’s braces.
  3. Crooked teeth surgery: Some people may need surgery to get rid of the problem of crooked teeth, and this is in most cases, and the patient must undergo medical follow-up after the operation.
  4. Tooth veneers treatment: If crooked teeth had a slight effect on the teeth and was associated with severe decay or gaps between the teeth, veneers or restorations on the teeth are the best treatment method.

Treating Crooked Teeth in Children

Treating crooked teeth in children is easier than treating adults, and also requires less time than adults. This is due to the fact that children are still growing, which makes correcting the shape of the tooth easier. The most important method of treating crooked teeth in children is braces, which corrects and restores the natural shape of the child’s teeth gradually.

At our The Dental Center, we provide the support you need during the braces phase to treat crookedness, and you will get the optimal treatment for this problem in your child.

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