How many teeth? What is its function? - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

How many teeth? What is its function?

Number of Teeth, Teeth are among the most sensitive and important areas in the body due to the crucial functions they perform and their strong impact on the rest of the body’s organs and various vital processes. Therefore, this article will explore the number of teeth, their function, components, types, differences among them, potential health issues they may face, and the most important advice for maintaining them.

Number of teeth

Number of teeth

Number of Teeth

In the human body, teeth play a vital and influential role in the functional performance of other organs, so it’s important to know their details. Teenagers and adults typically have 32 teeth, while children have only 20. The difference in the number of teeth between adults and children is due to the types of teeth present at each life stage, generally consisting of four canines, eight premolars, eight incisors, and 12 molars.

Humans have more teeth than most mammals, and an excess number of teeth in a child or person’s mouth requires immediate intervention for treatment, as it’s a pathological condition known as dental crowding, posing significant risks. There are many treatment methods, so do not hesitate to obtain one of these methods, and get rid of these health and aesthetic problems with effective orthodontic treatment and our specialized team at The Dental Center.

What is the Function of Teeth?

We’ve learned about the number of teeth and their parts, and the specific functions of each part can be mentioned as follows:

  • Incisors: Responsible for biting food due to their sharp surface.
  • Canines: The longest part of the teeth, assisting in cutting food along with the incisors.
  • Premolars: Responsible for grinding food, comprising two sets.
  • Molars: The largest in the mouth, with each upper jaw having 3 and each lower jaw having 2 in both directions, typically bearing any strong pressure thus they chew and grind food well before swallowing, playing the primary role in the food digestion process.

How Many Teeth Do Humans Have?

Children have 20 teeth, differing from adults who have an additional 12 teeth, totaling 32. This is a brief answer, but details on the differences in numbers between children’s and adults’ teeth were previously explained, and differences between milk teeth in children and permanent teeth in adults will be mentioned later. You can learn about the appearance of children’s teeth through this article.

What are the different parts of a tooth?

What are the different parts of a tooth?

What Are the Different Parts of a Tooth?

A tooth consists of several parts as follows:

  • The Crown: The visible part of the tooth at the top.
  • Gum Line: The point where the teeth meet the gums and their tissues.
  • The Root: The lower and deepest area of the tooth embedded in the jawbone.
  • Enamel: The outer layer that covers the teeth and protects them from any changes.
  • Dentin: One of the coating layers of the teeth, following the enamel layer.
  • The Pulp: A spongy tissue inside the tooth cavity containing nerves and blood vessels.

Dental Problems and Their Treatment

Teeth face many problems due to their vital location, exposing them daily to numerous bacteria and germs present in food, drinks, air, and chemicals passing through the area. The most common health issues that may occur will be explained as follows:

  • Tooth Decay: Themost widespread problem among children and the elderly, beginning with damage to the enamel layer to the dentin and reaching the cavity and nerve inside. It’s easy to control decay in its early stages by maintaining oral hygiene.
  • Teeth Bleeding: Indicates tooth sensitivity and a significant problem requiring treatment intervention. Neglecting it can lead to several complications, including tooth loss. Daily brushing can prevent it and its harms.
  • Bad Breath: Caused by various issues and bacteria resulting from poor oral hygiene or chronic diseases like sinusitis, diabetes, and hypertension. Maintaining use of toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss helps eliminate these odors and associated risks.
  • Teeth Misalignment: Often resulting from spaces between teeth due to extractions or gum crowding. Orthodontic treatment is the best solution to improve the overall appearance of the teeth. Discover how orthodontic treatment at The Dental Center can change your life for the better!.
  • Teeth Loss: Arising from developmental issues, tooth decay, fractures, or various gum diseases. The ideal solution is dental implants to fill the gaps caused by missing teeth.

Treatment includes prescribed medications by the doctor along with medical advice, which may involve annual check-ups for teeth whitening, tartar removal, medical examination, rinsing with warm saltwater, adhering to a healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibers, and avoiding sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods.

What are the types of teeth in terms of emergence time in the mouth?

What are the types of teeth in terms of emergence time in the mouth?

What Are the Types of Teeth in Terms of Emergence Time in the Mouth?

Teeth are divided into two types:

  • Milk Teeth

These appear after birth, beginning to emerge at 6 months of age, varying from one child to another based on body growth rate. Some children start teething at 12 months, so the emergence period is between 6 and 12 months, completing growth by age 3. You can read about getting beautiful children’s teeth and the best medical center for this through this link.

It prepares the mouth for the growth of permanent teeth, thus requiring regular cleaning. Typically, lower teeth emerge first, followed by upper teeth, then incisors, then canines. Milk teeth consist of 20 teeth distributed as follows: 4 first molars, 4 second molars, 4 canines, 4 lateral incisors, and 4 central incisors. At The Dental Center, we offer specialized treatments for milk teeth decay, designed to maximize your child’s comfort and effectively improve their dental health.

  • Permanent Teeth

Starting at age 6, permanent teeth begin to appear, replacing milk teeth, continuing until age 12. Permanent teeth emerge between ages 6 and 12, completing growth by age 13, followed by wisdom teeth emergence before age 21.

Permanent teeth consist of 32 teeth distributed as follows: 4 first molars, 4 second molars, 4 third molars (wisdom teeth), 4 first premolars, 4 second premolars, 4 canines, 4 lateral incisors, and 4 central incisors.

If permanent teeth are delayed, it’s essential to visit a doctor for treatment, as it’s often a condition caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals. This type of teeth requires careful attention and continuous follow-up with the doctor for any arising issues.

What’s the Difference Between Milk Teeth and Permanent Teeth?

We’ve previously mentioned milk and permanent teeth types and their differences, which can be summarized as follows:

  • Number: Milk teeth consist of 20 teeth, whereas permanent teeth consist of 32.
  • Size and Shape: Milk teeth are small, square, and straight-edged, while permanent teeth are larger and rounder.
  • Strength: Permanent teeth are stronger and more durable compared to milk teeth, given their importance in lasting throughout a person’s life and performing essential functions such as speaking, eating, and giving the face its distinct shape.
  • Color: Milk teeth are shinier, whiter, and brighter compared to permanent teeth.
Tips for dental care

Tips for dental care

Tips for Dental Care

There are some medical guidelines that should be followed to maintain the teeth and their health, preventing them from weakening and causing many diseases and health problems to the mouth and the rest of the body, represented as follows:

  • Brushing teeth with fluoride-rich toothpaste twice daily, morning and evening.
  • Using dental floss to clean teeth from any deposits and impurities that could cause bacterial growth.
  • Avoiding foods and drinks rich in sugars.
  • Avoiding extremely cold and hot foods and drinks as much as possible.
  • Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals to enhance tooth strength and assist in healthy growth.
  • Regular follow-ups with the doctor for continuous examination to address any problem early before any complications occur.

The Best Medical Centers for Dental Treatment and Cosmetic

The Dental Center in Nasr City, Cairo, is one of the highest-rated centers by patients on Google search engines and various social media platforms, due to its excellence in the following:

  • Including the highest efficiency doctors in various dental medicine fields.
  • A nursing team that provides service to patients at the highest level.
  • Providing advanced sterilization methods that ensure patient safety and prevent any harm.
  • Offers and discounts on various cosmetic techniques.
  • The vital location of the center, as Nasr City is an area that connects all cities of Cairo.

د. أسماء سمك

"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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