A luxurious smile at an ideal cost with Emax dental lenses - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

A luxurious smile at an ideal cost with Emax dental lenses

Emax dental lenses, there are many lenses that are installed in order to get rid of different dental problems, and all lenses have proven their efficiency in treating and beautifying any deformities or defects that appear on the tooth surface, including emax dental lenses, and as a result of the demand for these lenses by many patients, we will discuss in this article emax dental lenses and their definition, how to install them, the cases in which they are used in order to solve their problems, their special advantages and the disadvantages that may occur.

Emax dental lenses

Emax dental lenses

Emax dental lenses

Emax dental lenses are aesthetic ceramic lenses whose main goal is to get rid of gaps between teeth and discoloration that appears on their surface, in addition to trying to solve the problem of crooked and displaced teeth from their natural position in the gum, and these lenses are manufactured in the lab and are similar to other aesthetic veneers that work to improve the overall appearance of the teeth in general.

And emax dental lenses technology is characterized by being done by computer and not manually as happens in other traditional lenses, which gives it preference and importance over them as a result of obtaining the desired results without any trouble or complications and in the shortest possible time, but they are expensive and thanks to technology for that.

Restore your beautiful smile and mouth functions thanks to advanced emax dental lenses at our dental center.

What is the composition of Emax?

The Emax composition works to hide the many problems and deformities of the teeth and give them a good general appearance, and this composition consists of a thin layer of porcelain ceramic material which is characterized by many aesthetic properties in addition to strength and hardness properties. The Emax element, which consists of lithium disilicate glass ceramic, is characterized by strength and beauty, which also supports the teeth and improves their appearance and gives them strength and durability, and the Emax composition is one of the best dental compositions that are formed from a single layer of porcelain and does not contain any metal unlike metal compositions which consist of multiple layers coated with porcelain, and when compared to zirconium and different metals used, zirconium is stronger and more beautiful which makes it suitable for anterior teeth.

What are the steps to design an Emax 3D smile

What are the steps to design an Emax 3D smile

What are the steps to design an Emax 3D smile

There are some steps that should be followed in order to design an ideal Emax 3D smile, and these steps may include the following points:

  • Medical examination of the teeth and conducting medical examinations and x-rays that help the doctor identify problems related to the teeth or gums and try to treat them.
  • In case of reaching an agreement between the doctor and the patient to install an Emax 3D smile, the doctor prepares the teeth and mouth for the restorations and takes pictures of the mouth.
  • The doctor takes measurements of the patient’s teeth in order to manufacture similar restorations.
  • Entering the teeth image into the computer and analyzing its data to get the image of the ideal teeth in order to manufacture a similar restoration.
  • Giving this image resulting from the computer to the lab.
  • Treating any problems in the mouth in order to prevent any complications that may occur after the installation of the restorations.
  • Testing the restorations on the patient’s teeth until he makes the necessary modifications to ensure that they match each other.
  • Properly installing the Emax lenses on the tooth surface.

Important tips after Emax installation

There are some medical instructions that should be followed in order to protect these restorations from damage and keep them in the mouth for many years as much as possible, and these instructions may include one of the following points:

  • Clean the teeth daily with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Use dental floss or miswak to remove food debris stuck on the surface of artificial restorations.
  • Regular follow-up with the doctor every 6 months to check on the restorations and solve any problems that the teeth may be exposed to early before complications occur.
  • Avoid hard or sticky foods so as not to put pressure on the lenses.
  • Avoid cleaning products that work to bleach and scrape the tooth surface as this causes damage to the lenses.
  • Avoid any wrong habits and behaviors that may cause scratches or cracks in the surface of the lenses such as opening solid objects with teeth.

Do Emax restorations appear with the look of natural teeth?

Yes, the technology by which Emax teeth are installed is characterized by maintaining the aesthetic appearance of the teeth and trying to give them a natural, lively, harmonious natural appearance, as the artificial lenses installed for them are the same natural color of the patient’s teeth, in addition to putting the gum with the restorations when fixing them so that no black marks appear, and fixing the restorations properly so that they can perform the same functional tasks of natural teeth, so we conclude from that the doctor is very keen to discuss with the patient the type of raw material appropriate for him and the degree of color that matches the color and shape of his natural teeth and their function. You can see pictures of different dental veneers when reading this article.

Fundamentals of restoration before dental cosmetic procedures with Emax lenses

Preparing damaged teeth and anesthetizing them in order to withstand any expected pain as a result of filing a thin layer of the enamel layer covering them and when installing the crown on their surface and taking a picture of the teeth before and after installation that shows their details using a digital wand.

Emax uses

Emax uses

Emax uses

There are many uses for Emax that benefit many medical conditions with different benefits that help them get rid of any problems they face and feel comfortable and look good, and some of these uses can be mentioned as follows:

  • Emax is used to solve problems of cracked teeth that have been subjected to great pressure or violent collision leading to that.
  • Emax is highly effective in cases suffering from tilting and displacement of their teeth from their natural places in the gum.
  • Emax is one of the techniques that most helps solve problems of deformities of damaged fillings in the tooth cavity.
  • Emax are lenses capable of hiding any congenital defects in teeth that a person is born with or result from hereditary factors and diseases. We care about providing comfort and reassurance during the Emax lens experience, with the care of the professional our dental center who cares for you attentively.

Candidates for Emax restorations

Emax restorations are one of the most artificial restorations used to solve many functional dental problems related to their appearance, which makes them suitable for all medical conditions related to teeth, but there are some cases or health problems for which the installation of Emax is the ideal or only solution due to the lack of conditions for other therapeutic or cosmetic techniques in them, and these cases may suffer from the following problems:

  • Inability to grow the enamel layer coating the teeth due to a hereditary disease in the family, which always appears in the grandchildren generation.
  • Various tooth discolorations, whether yellow, white, gray, and usually these spots result from wrong habits and behaviors when eating food, such as eating spices extensively, overdoing stimulants, or smoking excessively.
  • People who do not respond to advanced teeth whitening sessions.
  • Large gaps and spaces between teeth.
  • Erosion of teeth or beginning to lose part of their structure or fall out.
Emax restorations advantages

Emax restorations advantages

Emax restorations advantages

Emax restorations have many advantages that benefit the patient’s dental health with a positive effect and improve their overall appearance, and these advantages can be mentioned in the following points:

  • They do not need adhesives to fix them to the tooth surface.
  • They have high stability so they are fixed well on the tooth surface.
  • They give amazing results that last for many years exceeding 20 years if medical guidelines are followed after fixing the restorations.
  • They give the teeth the strength and durability they need as they support them to improve their ability to perform their functional tasks to the fullest.
  • Improve the overall appearance of the teeth and the overall appearance of the person.
  • It improves his psychology and enhances his self-confidence.
  • It keeps the tooth structure strong as it does not require filing the enamel layer covering it.
  • It strengthens broken or cracked teeth.
  • It gives the teeth the bright whiteness that improves their appearance and gives them radiance and shine.
  • It helps the teeth get their natural size again.
  • It blends with the gums, which gives the mouth a natural, vibrant, flowing appearance.
  • It fills the gaps between the teeth resulting from their damage and having to extract them.
  • It helps restore the jaw structure to its natural position, improving the appearance of the face.
  • It helps the teeth chew food well, reducing indigestion and preventing digestive problems.

Emax restorations disadvantages

Although Emax restorations provide many benefits for patients of different age groups, they still cause some damage to them, negatively affecting them to some extent, and these disadvantages can be mentioned in the following points:

  • They must be changed or replaced with others if they are scratched or damaged.
  • They do not suit gum disease patients who suffer from inflammation, sensitivity or any damage related to it.
  • They cause bad odors in the mouth if they are not properly fixed on the tooth surface.
  • They do not withstand the pressure exerted on the molars and back teeth, so they only suit the front teeth.
  • Expensive, learn about dental veneer problems by reading this article.

Emax restorations cost

The cost of Emax restorations is determined by many factors, including the price of raw materials used in their manufacture, the cost of techniques used to fix them, medical devices that assist in that, and sterilization methods followed, in addition to the health status of the patient’s teeth and his medical history and the necessary procedures for fixing the restorations for him, the doctor’s experience and the medical team assisting him are also factors that affect determining the cost, and in general the cost of Emax restorations ranges between 2400 and 4850 Egyptian pounds.

Emax restorations results

Emax restorations work to solve many dental problems that have been explained in detail in one of the previous titles in the article, in addition to mentioning its many uses very clearly, so it is expected to obtain the desired results for all patients as well as doctors, as these lenses ensure closing gaps between teeth and hiding discolorations on their surface and crookedness and lack of symmetry in their structure, in addition to their bright, shiny white appearance, and they can also be used in various other dental restorations.

Does the color of Emax restorations change over time?

No, one of the most important features that give Emax restorations great importance and make many patients and doctors prefer to use them is their permanent color that does not change over time, which gives broken teeth the strength they need.

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"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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