Learn with us about dental surgery tools and the best medical center in Egypt for dental care - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Learn with us about dental surgery tools and the best medical center in Egypt for dental care

Dental Surgery Tools, one of the most important factors that can ensure the success of many surgical procedures performed on them. In this article, we will learn about many of the controlling worlds of these tools, such as how to sterilize dental surgery devices and tools? What are the prices of dental surgery tools? What are the basic dental surgery tools? In addition to other important and distinctive information that we will learn about in detail, so follow us until we can provide you with more information in this regard.

Dental Surgery Tools

Dental Surgery Tools

Dental Surgery Tools

Dental surgery tools include a variety of instruments and devices used in oral and dental surgery procedures. These tools are used by the dentist for diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical purposes. Some common tools in dental surgery include mouth mirrors, dental elevators, dental handpieces, and other tools.

These are just some of the common tools in dental surgery or non-surgical dentistry. There are many other tools used depending on the type of procedure and specific diagnosis. Remember that in every case, all tools need to be regularly sterilized and cleaned to maintain patient safety and prevent infection, as the dentist has a considerable number of these tools, which require continuous sterilization as mentioned before.

“We offer you the ideal solution to get rid of toothaches with our outstanding dental surgery tools and services used by the dentists at the Dental Care Medical Center.”

What are the basic dental surgery tools?

The basic dental surgery tools are varied and different, and the dentist needs them to treat their patients. The most prominent of these tools include the following:

  • Chair
  • Spittoon
  • Light
  • Instrument tray holder
  • Handpiece, triple syringe
  • Suction
  • X-ray viewer
  • Foot control
  • Intraoral camera
names of dental filling tools with pictures

What are the basic dental surgery tools?

What are the secondary dental surgery tools?

As we mentioned before, dental surgery tools are essential for the dentist, but the basic ones are indispensable for all patients. This is in contrast to the secondary tools, which may be used with some patients but not others. The most prominent of these tools include the following:

  • Scalpel
  • Scalpel handle
  • Artery forceps
  • Allis forceps
  • Periosteal elevator
  • Curette
  • Bone file

“Enjoy a comfortable and pain-free dental experience with our diverse range of dental treatment tools used by the dentists at the Dental Care Medical Center.”

How to sterilize dental surgery devices and tools?

Sterilizing dental surgery devices and tools is vital for maintaining patient safety and limiting the spread of infection. It is recommended to follow local, national, and international sterilization guidelines. However, here are the general steps for sterilizing dental surgery devices and tools:

  • Initial cleaning: The instruments and devices, especially dental filling tools, should be thoroughly cleaned with water, medical-grade soap, or specialized instrument cleaning solutions. Any organic matter or debris should be removed from the instruments before sterilization.
  • Dry heat sterilization: Some devices and instruments can be sterilized using dry heat, typically using specialized sterilization ovens that operate at high temperatures for specific durations.
  • Moist heat sterilization: Moist heat is used to sterilize heat-sensitive instruments, typically using steam autoclaves, which use pressurized saturated steam to sterilize the instruments.
  • Gas sterilization: Ethylene oxide gas is used to sterilize heat and moisture-sensitive materials and instruments.
  • Ultrasonic sterilization: Ultrasonic waves are used to clean and sterilize some instruments and devices that are difficult to access using traditional methods.
  • Chemical sterilization: Specialized chemical solutions are used to sterilize heat-sensitive instruments and devices.
  • Ultraviolet sterilization: Ultraviolet radiation is used to sterilize surfaces and instruments that are difficult to sterilize using traditional methods.
how to sterilize dental surgery devices and tools

How to sterilize dental surgery devices and tools?

Prices of dental surgery tools?

It is important to note that determining approximate prices for dental surgery tools can be difficult due to the varying costs and prices among different cities, clinics, and suppliers. However, the closest possible prices for these tools are as follows:

  • Root Canal Motor: The price may be around 800-2000 Egyptian pounds or more, depending on the brand and quality.
  • Digital X-ray Sensor: The price range may be between 5000-15000 Egyptian pounds.
  • Dental Implant System: The price of a single dental implant system may be around 2000-6000 Egyptian pounds or more, depending on the brand and type.
  • Oral Surgery Instrument Kit: The price range may be between 1000-5000 Egyptian pounds or more, depending on the quality and number of pieces.

What is the blue material applied to teeth?

Many of us have experienced a dentist applying a blue substance to our teeth during a dental visit. Many individuals feel embarrassed to ask the dentist about the nature or purpose of this material if the dentist does not explain it. However, there is no need for embarrassment, and you can freely inquire about this material and its uses whenever you wish.

This material is sodium hypochlorite, and it is used to flush the root canal space after the nerve tissue has been removed, in order to clean the canal of any remaining organic debris. When used at the prescribed concentrations and according to the guidelines set by your dentist, there are no known harmful effects of this material.

Best Center for Dental Treatment and Beautification

There are many centers where you can find your goal of receiving appropriate treatments for various dental problems you may be experiencing. However, this situation can leave you in a state of confusion when it comes to choosing the best option for you. We recommend one of the most prominent and distinguished centers, which is the Dental Care Medical Center.

It is one of the most important and best distinguished centers that can closely monitor your condition. Do not hesitate to visit us for unparalleled follow-up and treatments with a highly skilled medical and nursing staff.

best dental center for treatment and beautification

Best Dental Center for Treatment and Beautification

Important criteria to help choose the ideal dentist

Choosing the right dentist is crucial for maintaining the health of your mouth and teeth. Here are some basic criteria that can help you select the right dentist:

  • Check the dentist’s license and educational qualifications. You may find this information on the clinic’s website or by inquiring with the dentist’s office.
  • Preferably choose a dentist with experience in the field and specialization in the clinical procedures you require. You can review their record of previous procedures and assess their experience and professionalism.
  • Inquire about the dentist’s reputation and reviews from previous patients. You can also check online patient reviews or ask for opinions from your friends and family.
  • The dentist should be able to communicate effectively and clearly explain the treatment plan in detail. The dentist should be patient and willing to answer your inquiries.
  • Ensure that the clinic is equipped with the latest medical technologies and equipment to provide effective and modern patient care.
  • Preferably choose a dentist located near your home or workplace for easy access in case of emergencies or frequent appointments.
  • Inquire about the cost of various treatments and ensure they are within your budget.
  • Check the dentist’s policy for handling emergency cases outside office hours, and ensure there is a means of emergency contact, such as an available 24-hour phone number.
  • Ask about other patients’ experiences with the dentist and their satisfaction with the quality of care they received.

Tips for caring for teeth after surgery

After dental surgery, proper oral and dental care is essential for promoting the healing process and preventing potential complications. Here are some tips for caring for your teeth after surgery:

  • Follow your dentist’s instructions carefully after the surgery. Your dentist may advise you to take prescribed pain medications, avoid solid or hot foods, and refrain from smoking and drinking through a straw if your lip was involved in the surgery.
  • The gums may be sensitive and swollen after surgery, so avoid rubbing them vigorously. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently clean your teeth and gums. You can also use a warm salt water rinse after eating.
  • Avoid solid foods, spicy meats, and crunchy snacks for some time after the surgery. Instead, choose soft foods, cold liquids, and pureed items.
  • If you are a smoker, refraining from smoking is essential for promoting the healing process. Smoking delays wound healing and increases the risk of gum and dental problems.
  • If you have undergone a root canal procedure, you may experience some pain after the surgery. Follow your dentist’s instructions regarding taking antibiotics, pain relievers, and applying ice to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Avoid allowing food to accumulate in the surgical area, and gently rinse your mouth after eating to remove any food debris around the surgical site.
  • Attend regular follow-up visits with your dentist to ensure the healing process is progressing properly and to check for any potential issues.
  • If you experience bleeding after the surgery, place a damp tea bag or a cold tea bag on the area to help stop the bleeding.

Be sure to contact your dentist immediately if you experience any unusual issues after the surgery or if you have persistent pain or abnormal swelling, as it is important to have your condition assessed and receive proper care, especially after undergoing this significant surgical procedure.

د. فردوس الشريف

"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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