Find out the causes of pain after nerve filling and how much does it cost in Egypt? - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Find out the causes of pain after nerve filling and how much does it cost in Egypt?

Reasons for pain after a nerve filling, Nerve filling surgery is one of the best surgical techniques that help get rid of various dental problems, most notably decay and damage or the appearance of cracks and fractures in its structure. This procedure is considered one of the safest therapeutic methods that does not cause any complications for the patient. The possibility of feeling pain after undergoing the filling process is due to many reasons, which we will mention in detail in this article and talk about how to get rid of it.

Reasons for pain after a nerve filling

Reasons for pain after a nerve filling

Reasons for pain after a nerve filling

Nerve filling is a procedure that works to fill the void of damaged teeth that have been exposed to decay or damage by removing the decay material and fixing a filling as a substitute for it. Usually, the filling process is done under the influence of anesthesia, so it is painless and does not cause any feeling of pain or discomfort for the patient. However, it is possible for the patient to feel pain after the completion of placing the filling in the tooth cavity, due to several reasons as follows:

  • Pain in the structure of the affected tooth.
  • Exposure of the filled tooth to pressure, causing it to move and wobble.
  • Damage and sensitivity of the nerve to chemicals after cleaning its nerve endings.
  • Fragility of the tooth after being exposed to the pressure of the filling process.
  • Inflammations in the tooth structure, which mostly leads to the formation of abscess in case of negligence, Get rid of tooth decay pains and prepare for a completely beautiful smile with our innovative fillings that provide long-term results at The Dental Center.
How to place nerve fillings

How to place nerve fillings

How to place nerve fillings

Nerve filling is a simple technique that does not require many procedures or complex steps to complete it, which can be explained by mentioning the following steps:

  • Applying local anesthesia to the surface of the affected area or resorting to sedatives that help relax a bit.
  • Installing a medical isolator around the affected area.
  • Using a drilling device to remove the damaged tooth cavity and get rid of any decay material or bacterial accumulation inside it.
  • Removing the nerve from the nerve endings in the depth of the damaged teeth.
  • Cleaning the cavity with chemical disinfectants that eliminate any residues of bacteria inside the damaged tooth cavity.
  • Installing the filling in the cavity and ensuring it is fixed in the same shape and size.
  • Installing a crown or veneer on top of the affected tooth to support and protect it against changes and pressures it faces.

How long does the pain last after a nerve filling?

Nerve filling surgery is one of the safest therapeutic methods and does not cause any harm to the patient. It is expected for the patient to feel mild pain after the operation

after the anesthesia wears off, which is a natural side effect after undergoing any surgical operation in the mouth. Usually, this pain lasts only a few days, and the doctor prescribes some painkillers that control this pain until it gradually decreases and then disappears.

How can the pain be alleviated after a nerve filling?

As we mentioned in the few previous lines in the article, the pain after filling is likely to occur as a natural side effect after any operation, and it is possible to control it with non-steroidal painkillers prescribed by the doctor such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Adhering to medical instructions that eliminate any chance of causing any complications such as; rinsing with medical mouthwash that eliminates any inflammations that may appear in the gums or teeth, in addition to using dental floss and a miswak to remove any stuck residues so as not to grow bacteria and brushing teeth with toothpaste and brush daily, and in case the pain persists after 5 days or a week, it is necessary to consult the treating doctor to identify the problem and try to treat it.

Reasons for toothache after a period of nerve filling

Toothache after a nerve filling is a side effect, as we mentioned in the previous titles, in addition to knowing how to control it but we have not yet learned about the reasons that lead to it, so it is possible to identify these reasons in detail in the following points:

  • Close decay to the nerve, which affects it when exposed to the chemical substances used in disinfection and filling.
  • Not using a protective substance for the nerve in the contents of the laser filling.
  • Neglecting regular tooth brushing.
  • Consuming a lot of sugars, starches, and acids.

What are the expectations after a nerve filling

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the filling process is done under the influence of anesthesia, and after it wears off, some natural side effects such as numbness, numbness, and inability to move the mouth and difficulty swallowing appear, making the patient unable to speak or eat, so the doctor advises him to drink only water and warm liquids during the few hours following the operation.

And after 24 hours, it is possible to start eating soft, easy-to-swallow foods, and then gradually over the following days, the rest of the foods can be introduced gradually until all foods are consumed freely, and it is necessary on the day after the filling to start applying the instructions for dental

hygiene, and in case the situation worsens and does not improve after taking painkillers, antibiotics, and prescribed medications, it is necessary to head to the treating doctor as soon as possible.

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Advantages of nerve filling

Nerve filling, as clarified through the points discussed at the beginning of the article, is one of the most practical techniques that benefits the patient and improves the ability of his teeth to face difficulties and perform their functional tasks, in addition to improving their aesthetic appearance somewhat, so it is possible to mention these advantages in the following points:

  • Soothing the discomfort and pain felt by the patient.
  • Preventing any complications such as the occurrence of inflammations and the formation of abscess.
  • It eliminates the infection in the structure of the damaged teeth and prevents its spread in the mouth.
  • It protects the tissues surrounding the affected teeth from damage such as bones, nerves, and gum tissue.
  • Easy to apply and quick in giving results.
  • Less in the complications that it may cause after application compared to the extraction operation, which is somewhat painful.
  • It preserves the structure of the damaged teeth from loss because it gives it a chance to recover from bacteria, regain its functions and nature, and not be extracted, a bright smile and strong teeth reflect special care, discover the nerve filling techniques offered by our Dental Center to maintain the health of your smile.

What are the disadvantages of nerve filling?

Nerve filling has many positives and that was clarified in many of the previous points in the article, but despite that, some damages that it causes to the patient over time have appeared, and these damages can be clarified in the following points:

  • Drilling using a drilling device may lead to the tooth breaking or suffering from fragility and weakness.
  • The operation may succeed, but with the tooth structure being affected by cracks and fissures that may affect it negatively later on.
  • Exposure of the tooth to decay again in case of not completely getting rid of bacteria when cleaning.
  • Extraction of the tooth in case it cannot withstand the pressure resulting from installing the filling.

How many sessions are needed for nerve filling?

Nerve filling is an easy, simple technique that does not require many procedures and is only done in one or two sessions at most, and some factors control the determination of the number of filling sessions such as the type of tooth and its location because the front teeth only require one session unlike the back teeth and molars that need two sessions, and this is due to the desire to install the appropriate crown in a separate session until it is ensured that the filling is well fixed.

What should I do after a nerve filling

What should I do after a nerve filling

What should I do after a nerve filling

There are some medical guidelines that must be adhered to after undergoing the filling operation in order to protect the fillings from damage and maintain them for as long as possible in the mouth and prevent any complications later on, and these instructions include the following points:

  • Brushing teeth with the appropriate toothpaste: After 24 hours from the time of the filling operation, it is necessary to start using the brush and toothpaste to clean the teeth daily twice.
  • Using dental floss: This step is of great importance in preserving the teeth from damage because it prevents the accumulation of food residues between the small spaces of the teeth, and it is preferable to commit to using it daily at least.
  • Avoiding sticky foods: Sticky foods such as gum cause damage to the fillings often because they may stick to them and attract bacteria to grow on the surface of the teeth, exposing them to decay again.
  • Reducing hard foods: Hard foods are clearly and directly threatening factors to the fillings because they cause pressure on them, exposing them to falling or damaging their structure with cracks or fissures.
  • Drinking water: There are some fillings that do not prefer drinking water immediately after installing them like white cement filling but in other fillings, water does not cause any harm but on the contrary, it is beneficial and prevents exposing the mouth to any harm.

Does nerve filling fall out

Yes, it is possible for nerve fillings to fall out of their place, and this is due to several reasons, among the most famous of which is exposure to pressure when rubbing during speaking or eating hard foods and opening hard objects with the mouth, or not adhering to cleaning the teeth and mouth regularly, giving a chance for bacteria to grow on its surface and affecting it with cracks and falling over time.

How much does nerve filling cost

The price of nerve filling is determined based on several factors, including the price of raw materials used in the filling and the difference in this price with the difference in the dollar price, the experience of the treating

doctor and the medical team assisting him, the cost of the technique used in treatment and the medical devices that help in that and sterilization methods followed.

In addition to the patient’s condition, health status, and medical history are important and distinctive factors in determining the price, and based on that, the average price of nerve filling can reach 1500 Egyptian pounds, and this price is subject to increase and decrease with the difference in the type of filling, and among the most famous nerve fillings used are composite fillings that range in price between 300 and 800 Egyptian pounds.

The best medical center for dental treatment and cosmetics

The Dental Center is one of the best centers that provide dental care and treatment services in Cairo, and the center offers many modern techniques that have been reached in the treatment and cosmetic of various dental problems and resorts to using the most advanced laser devices in applying these techniques with following modern sterilization and infection control methods, and a medical team of the highest level of efficiency and professionalism supervises the provision of various medical services, and the official website of the center can be followed continuously to learn about the offers and discounts offered on various therapeutic and cosmetic methods.

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"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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