Restoring front teeth for children and when dental filling is the best option! - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Restoring front teeth for children and when dental filling is the best option!

Restoring Front Teeth for Children,Tooth restoration is one of the most important cosmetic procedures in dentistry due to its advanced techniques and radical transformation of a person’s overall appearance. The restoration process has solved many problems resulting from accidents causing fractures and deformities, as well as cavities and erosion issues. Children were among those who suffered the most from this problem, as they are more prone to these accidents and cavity issues.

Restoring Front Teeth for Children

Restoring Front Teeth for Children

Restoring Front Teeth for Children

In the modern era of technology and visual communication, everyone strives to have a bright and attractive smile. However, due to numerous accidents that led to fractures and deformities in teeth, which affected the overall appearance of some patients, it became necessary, with all the scientific advancements in various fields, for dentists to find a solution to this problem.

The result of much scientific research was the front teeth restoration procedure, which eliminated many fears and psychological problems for those suffering from cavities or dental problems in general. The childhood stage is characterized by mischief, constant movement, and play, so many children are exposed to various accidents that cause them to break their teeth. Additionally, neglecting their dental hygiene causes them to develop cavities and plaque. To learn about dental problems in children, click here.

“A beautiful smile is your child’s most important feature. Bring them to The Dental Center now to transform their teeth and achieve a captivating smile that will give them confidence and pride.”

What is Tooth Restoration?

Tooth restoration is a process of solving dental problems and deformities using different cosmetic techniques, including:

Fillings: Fillings are made from materials such as gold, composite, and others to replace the parts of the teeth affected by cavities or damage with these fillings.

Crowns: These are zirconium or ceramic coverings that take the exact shape of the teeth and are fixed onto them.

Dental Bridges: These are porcelain or ceramic molds that take the shape of complete teeth to fill in gaps between teeth. With proper care, they can last a lifetime.

Veneers: These are porcelain shells placed on discolored, crooked, or deformed teeth.

Root Canal Treatment: When bacteria infect the nerve inside the tooth pulp, inflammation occurs in this area. This inflammation can be mild or accompanied by severe pain, indicating the severity of the infection and the formation of an abscess. In this case, the dentist must clean the nerve and place a gutta-percha filling to prevent further bacterial infection.

Dentures: Due to some gum diseases or cavities, tooth implants may be necessary. Dental implants are fixed into the jawbone, making them strong and treated like natural teeth because they last a long time with the patient.

How to Deal with Broken or Cracked Teeth in Children?

There are several suggestions for treating broken or cracked teeth in children, which will be presented below:

  • In case of pulp damage and injury, the dentist may suggest placing a crown to secure the tooth from the base to the top, providing a strong and stable tooth in its place, which helps overcome the severe pain associated with the broken tooth.
  • If there is only a break in the visible part of the tooth without pain or discoloration, the dentist will resort to filling and restoring the tooth.
  • In case of a crack in the enamel layer, the dentist will place a tooth-colored filling to conceal the crack.
  • In some severe cases where the crack or break cannot be concealed with a filling or restoration, the dentist may resort to fixing a porcelain veneer.

There are some home remedies that can help deal with broken or cracked teeth in children, including:

  • Lime: Apply lime juice to the teeth to alleviate the pain.
  • Warm Salt Water: Rinse with a cup of warm salt water after meals to prevent infection.

How Do Broken or Cracked Teeth Appear in Children?

Broken or cracked teeth in children affect their external appearance, but to varying degrees. This can be explained as follows:

  • In mild cases, a crack appears in the tooth from the bottom to the gum line.
  • In some moderate cases, the break occurs in the root area that reaches the gum line, with no accompanying symptoms, but extraction may be necessary.
  • In more advanced cases, the teeth may be divided into two parts, with the crack occurring in the tooth cusps near the filling at the enamel surface without reaching the pulp.

What Causes Cracked Teeth in Children?

There are several causes for cracked teeth in children, including:

  1. Improper Movement: During the early stages of learning to move, children under two years old are prone to many accidents or bumps due to their inability to move straight and their frequent falls.
  2. Some Self-Defense Sports: Taekwondo, karate, wrestling, and other sports that involve physical contact with another person can cause various accidents that may lead to severe fractures in teeth.
  3. Falls: Children are more susceptible to falling and sustaining tooth fractures while running or playing.
  4. Excessive Movement: Children with higher activity levels compared to their peers are more prone to tooth fractures.
  5. Disabilities: Cerebral palsy and epilepsy in children make them more susceptible to falls and numerous collision accidents, leading to tooth fractures.
  6. Some Congenital Defects: Protrusion of the teeth or jaws in the future may cause damage and subsequent cracking, which many people are unaware of the long-term severity, making it crucial to seek prompt treatment.
Can a Dentist Fix a Child's Broken Teeth?

Can a Dentist Fix a Child’s Broken Teeth?

Can a Dentist Fix a Child’s Broken Teeth?

Yes, the location of the break, the accompanying symptoms, and its size are all factors that determine the method the dentist uses to fix the broken tooth in a child. It is essential to seek prompt treatment for the break to prevent it from worsening and increasing in size. There are several treatment options that can be followed, which will be explained in the following points:

  • The dentist may use some medical tools to bind the crack with the teeth and improve the overall appearance.
  • A crown of the same size or dimension as the damaged tooth may be placed on the tooth to conceal any defects.
  • Fill in the protrusions and cavities in the teeth resulting from the break.
  • In some severe cases, the dentist may have to extract the tooth to avoid any further complications that could affect the surrounding teeth.
  • If the broken tooth was previously filled, the dentist may remove the filling to examine the extent of the break and determine how to treat it.

Don’t worry about your children’s teeth; we’re here to care for them! At The Dental Center, we can transform their teeth with innovative techniques and extensive experience, ensuring a bright smile and strong oral health. Continue reading the next article.

When Do We Opt for Dental Fillings for Children?

If the primary or permanent teeth of a child are neglected and not cleaned, they may develop cavities that require fillings to fill those cavities and prevent further tooth damage or the need for extraction. Additionally, injuries that cause broken or cracked teeth in children require prompt intervention from the dentist to prevent any complications.

Preventive Tips for Broken Teeth

Here are some tips to prevent complications in case of broken teeth:

  • Constant supervision of the child’s movements during play, activities, or sitting in places where they may be exposed to potential dangers.
  • Use protective gear when participating in any self-defense sport to avoid injury from physical contact with the other party.
  • When a child is learning to walk, surround them with all protective measures and choose safe places, such as their room free of sharp furniture, and use carpets to prevent injury from falling.
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"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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