Tooth Implantation has become one of the most widespread methods in our time to replace a missing or damaged tooth. The experience involves many advantages and several steps that we will discuss in detail in the following article. So, if you want to be familiar with all the information related to tooth implantation and the preparation steps for it, you should read the following paragraphs.
Tooth Implantation
Tooth implantation procedure is considered more of a therapeutic step than a cosmetic one, unlike dental implants. This is because the tooth itself does not appear when smiling or laughing, and no one notices it, unlike the teeth. However, losing it has a significant impact on eating, making it difficult and painful. In addition, it affects the health of the surrounding teeth and increases the likelihood of losing them in the future.
The tooth implantation procedure aims to replace the damaged or missing tooth with another artificial tooth that closely resembles the natural tooth. This is done by placing a titanium metal base to secure the tooth, then placing a support on top of it, and then covering it with a crown, which is the artificial tooth.
“Get to know tooth implantation and the best methods to perform it with only The Dental Center.”
Before tooth implantation, the doctor holds a consultation session with the patient, during which they discuss the patient’s medical condition and learn from them the reasons that led to tooth loss and the need for tooth implantation. The doctor will also discuss the expected results of tooth implantation, the side effects that may result from the procedure, and the stages of performing the implantation and the steps they follow to achieve the final result.
The important stage included in the session is learning about the patient’s medical history, any diseases they suffer from, the treatment regimens they follow, and whether they have undergone a tooth or dental implant before. If the information the patient received from the doctor is not sufficient, the doctor will ask them to undergo necessary medical tests and analyzes to avoid future health complications.
There are some questions that a person undergoing tooth implantation should ask the surgeon performing the procedure during the consultation session, including the following:
Highlights of the consultation session before tooth implantation surgery
We note that there is no difference between the steps of performing a tooth implantation procedure compared to anterior tooth implants, and it is done through the following steps:
Before tooth implantation, the doctor will request a preparatory step, which is to perform an X-ray scan of the jaw area to assess the condition of the bone, its density, and the health of the surrounding teeth.
After reviewing the X-ray results, the doctor will schedule an appointment with the patient to perform the implantation. If the X-ray results are unsatisfactory and the patient’s condition does not allow it, the doctor will postpone the procedure, and the patient will undergo a treatment program to strengthen the bones and increase their density to the appropriate level to receive the titanium implant.
If a person has lost two or three adjacent teeth and wants to replace them, it is better for them to get a permanent dental bridge with added implants, as this is the optimal choice for their condition. Through this, two or three crowns are added to each other.
We find that the cost of a single tooth implant is relatively high compared to cosmetic dental procedures. The price of a single tooth can start from 10,000 and reach 15,000 Egyptian pounds, and this figure may be exceeded in some cases.
The variation and difference in prices are affected by several factors, including the patient’s health condition, the procedures that need to be performed before the implantation itself, as well as the location where the implantation is performed and the competence, skill, and experience of the doctor performing the procedure.
Cost of a single tooth implant
Tooth implantation is one of the procedures that boasts a high success rate, and its steps are not complicated at all. However, it is required to be performed under the supervision of an experienced and specialized dentist qualified to perform the procedure.
There are some countries that are renowned for their medical advancements and modern breakthroughs in the field of dentistry, in particular. Therefore, people from all over the world travel to these countries to undergo tooth implantation procedures because they offer high-quality medical services, in addition to a group of highly skilled and competent doctors, including the following:
Once the tooth implantation steps are completed and the patient has the replacement tooth, they can interact with the tooth naturally, as they have obtained a permanent and high-quality replacement for their missing tooth.
Doctors advise patients who have undergone tooth implantation to take care of it and follow proper oral hygiene practices, such as those they follow for their natural teeth. They should use a toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss regularly and avoid bad habits that can harm the health of the mouth and teeth. They should also schedule regular visits to the dentist to ensure the implant’s health.
“Get the best outstanding results for tooth implantation only with The Dental Center.”
Results of tooth implantation surgery
Dental implantation procedures, in general, are considered simple and safe procedures with a guaranteed success rate and do not pose severe health risks. However, there are some minor side effects that the patient may experience in the initial days, which appear in the following points:
Doctors address these side effects through proper preparation for the procedure and attention to the necessary examinations and X-rays for the patient. These side effects occur at a low rate and can be controlled by taking pain medications, and they last for a few days before disappearing.
For people who are not suitable candidates for dental implants, there are also some alternatives that suit their condition, which include the following:
These are a set of artificial teeth that are strongly attached to each other to replace missing teeth and fill the gap left by them. Bridges are placed by attaching them to the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth on each side. They are best used in cases of missing one or a few teeth.
They are a good alternative used to replace missing teeth, and there are three types:
These are caps made of porcelain, zirconia, or ceramic used to cover teeth affected by decay, fractures, or cracks. They help reduce discomfort and pain resulting from dental problems and resemble the shape of natural teeth.
In the normal state of the mouth, the presence of teeth adjacent to each other helps fill the designated space for teeth completely. When a tooth is lost, the remaining teeth may move due to the gap left by the missing tooth, leading to spaces between the teeth. To overcome this problem, a device called a space maintainer is used to fill the empty space by attaching it between the remaining teeth.
Alternatives to dental implant procedures
Dental implantation is one of the procedures that boasts a high success rate and offers many advantages for those who undergo it. However, despite this, there are some disadvantages, like any surgical procedure, which include the following:
All artificial items placed in the body have a theoretical lifespan, of course, reaching 15 years or more for dental implants. Dental implants may fall out due to the loss of the titanium implant or any other medical reasons that cause implant failure and loss of the dental implant.
Dental implants are considered a permanent solution that can last a lifetime as long as the person maintains them and follows up regularly with their doctor to ensure their health. Undoubtedly, neglecting the implant and ignoring the doctor’s instructions can have an adverse effect on the health of the dental implant, leading to infection, inflammation, and possibly failure of the procedure and eventual loss of the implant.
“Say goodbye to the loss of implanted teeth and various dental implant problems you may encounter with The Dental Center.”
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