What is nerve filling and symptoms of nerve inflammation - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

What is nerve filling and symptoms of nerve inflammation

What is root canal treatment? Root canal treatment is known to be one of the therapeutic procedures that aim to preserve teeth by treating nerve inflammation and replacing the damaged nerve with a new root filling. In the following paragraphs, we will learn in some detail about how to place a root canal filling, the precautions followed during installation, as well as its main advantages and disadvantages.

What is root canal treatment

What is root canal treatment

What is root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is a simple therapeutic procedure that helps get rid of tooth pain resulting from cavities and preserve natural teeth as much as possible. People who suffer from inflammation or infection in the roots of their teeth need it. The dentist removes the tooth pulp, cleans and sterilizes the area, shapes the root canal and tooth canals, and then places a filling to seal this space.

Causes of root canal treatment

There is more than one reason that makes the dentist perform root canal treatment for the patient to preserve the natural tooth and prevent its deterioration, which are:

  • The tooth is cracked or broken
  • The patient has suffered a severe blow or trauma to the jaw area or through collision with a solid object.
  • In case the person was suffering from cavities and neglected and did not treat them until their effect reached the tooth pulp.
  • If there is a need for more than one treatment for the same tooth, such as having fillings on different surfaces.
  • If the tooth or molar was hit by a strong thread that had a significant impact on the tooth pulp or if it is inflamed due to being affected by cavities, which then requires intervention and nerve removal.

Root canal treatment procedure

“Get complete relief and peace of mind when getting a root canal with our professional and specialized dental team at The Dental Center“. Root canal treatment is done by the dentist following a series of organized and sequential steps to achieve the best result, which includes the following:

  • Initially, under the effect of local anesthesia, the dentist makes an opening in the upper part of the tooth.
  • Then they remove the tooth pulp from the cavities and canals.
  • The dentist uses a sodium hypochlorite solution or another sterilizing solution to disinfect the canals.
  • The canals are shaped using a set of instruments with different diameters, ensuring that all affected areas in the teeth have been removed and that there is enough space for the filling.
  • A series of X-rays are taken during all stages to ensure that these instruments reach the end of the root and that all canals have been completely sterilized.
  • The dentist may use a medication such as calcium hydroxide at the bottom of the nerve canal to kill bacteria at the end of the root.
  • The dentist prescribes some medications for the patient, including antibiotics to combat infection, and then places a temporary filling to seal the opening created in the tooth. A second appointment is needed a week or more later to fill the nerve canal.
  • The dentist anesthetizes the teeth again during the root canal filling and places a rubber dental dam. Then they remove the temporary filling and fill the canals with a rubber-like material known as gutta-percha.
  • After the root canal is completed, the teeth generally need more support and protection from breaking and weakening, which is done by immediately installing a crown or the dentist may wait until the tooth pain subsides.

When does a patient need root canal treatment?

Not all cases of tooth decay require root canal treatment, but there are some signs that if they appear on the patient, they indicate that they need root canal treatment, which are:

  • The teeth appear dark in color.
  • There is an abscess in the tooth.
  • The patient feels pain in their teeth when chewing food, especially.
  • Tooth sensitivity when consuming extremely cold or hot foods and beverages.
  • Noticing the presence of a set of cavities on the surface of the tooth affected by decay, and its color changing rapidly to become dark.
  • Loosening or wobbling of the tooth in its place.
  • The patient complains of persistent headaches.

Symptoms of nerve inflammation

There are some symptoms that appear on the patient that indicate that they are suffering from nerve inflammation, which include the following:

  • Swelling in the face.
  • Feeling warmth in the gum tissues.
  • Suffering from severe pain in the molar or tooth, which is especially evident when exposed to cold or high heat.

Number of root canal treatment sessions

The average number of root canal treatment sessions ranges from one to three sessions, and this variation is due to the influence of several factors, which we will discuss as follows:

  • Tooth condition: In terms of whether it is sound from the outside or severely damaged and requires other procedures such as isolation or modification in the gum, or in terms of whether it is recently infected and the pulp is still alive or if it has been infected for a long time, and the pulp has decomposed during that time.
  • Number of roots: In addition to the number of nerve canals within each tooth root.
  • Type of tooth: The type of tooth plays a significant role in determining the number of sessions required for root canal treatment. Back teeth require more sessions than front teeth.

What problems may occur during root canal treatment?

It is essential that the length of the root canal filling used is the same as the length of the tooth nerve to replace it within the nerve canals. If the filling is too long or too short, it may cause some problems, causing the patient to feel continuous pain.

One common problem is the breakage of one of the cleaning needles inside the nerve canals. In that case, the dentist has to try to remove it, or they may resort to sterilizing the broken tool in the tooth if they fail and cannot remove it.

For more details regarding the risks of root canal treatment, you can read this article by clicking here.

Precautions for installing root canal treatment

  • If you show any signs of infection such as fever or severe swelling, you may take some antibiotics to help prevent further infection.
  • After completing the root canal treatment, you return home, and then the dentist will complete the treatment within a few weeks by placing a permanent crown or a similar restoration on the upper part of the teeth.
  • If the patient has an abscess in their teeth, which is a swelling filled with pus, the dentist will be able to drain it immediately.
  • Considering the condition of the teeth, the dentist may need to place a small post inside the root chamber so that the crown or restoration is more stable.

What happens after root canal treatment?

After completing the root canal treatment and the anesthetic wears off, the patient may feel some pain after the session, which is perfectly normal and may last for a few days after the treatment. This is because the root canal treatment may have irritated some nerves and tissues surrounding the affected tooth.

In some cases, the patient may experience swelling in the gum in the area surrounding the tooth, which is especially evident in cases that require more than one session due to the death of the tooth nerve as a result of decay.

During this situation, the dentist prescribes some antibiotics, pain relievers, and anti-inflammatory medications to help eliminate aerobic and anaerobic bacteria for the best expected outcome.

What are the alternatives to root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment and root therapy aim to preserve natural teeth as much as possible so that the patient can use their teeth for normal functions such as chewing and eating food, and producing sounds correctly, in addition to maintaining the patient’s appearance and smile.

The tooth affected by nerve inflammation may be broken or too weak to accept treatment, or it may break during treatment, which poses a significant risk and possibility of losing it. The only available solution then is to extract the tooth or molar and replace it with one of the following methods:

  • Dental implants.
  • Removable dental prosthetics.
  • Installing a fixed bridge.
What are the alternatives to root canal treatment?

What are the alternatives to root canal treatment?

Tips for those who want to undergo root canal treatment

  • The patient who wants to undergo root canal treatment should not use the side where the canal was treated until it is completed.
  • As soon as the dentist completes the root canal treatment entirely, the patient can use the tooth normally for eating and chewing.
  • Most cases require only one session with the dentist, but if there are curved or multiple canals, the patient may need two sessions to complete the root canal treatment.

Is root canal treatment painful?

Generally, root canal treatment is not painful as it is performed under the effect of local anesthesia and takes one or two sessions, depending on the condition of the tooth and the extent of damage to the nerve. A temporary filling is then placed in the tooth root or pulp. After the dentist completes the root canal treatment steps, the patient may experience some varying pain, which differs in terms of pressure on the tooth, but it usually subsides within a few days.

Advantages of root canal treatment

Discover a modern technique that preserves the beauty and health of your teeth with our root canal treatment at The Dental Center. Root canal treatment is one of the therapeutic procedures that aim to preserve teeth from damage, and it has the following advantages:

  • Preserving natural teeth from damage and avoiding extraction.
  • Preventing the tooth from breaking by installing an artificial crown for the molar after the filling, which also gives it a good and consistent appearance.
  • Relieving the patient from the pain resulting from damaged pulp tissues.

Complications of root canal treatment

There are a few cases where complications may occur after root canal treatment, which include: exposure to infection, incomplete nerve removal, or tooth fracture due to failure to follow proper care and maintenance procedures. If the patient experiences excessive pain and swelling, they should consult their dentist about their condition.

Should a crown be placed after root canal treatment?

Yes, the dentist must install a crown or cap after placing the root canal filling to protect the tooth and prevent it from breaking, as it becomes more brittle and weaker than it was before the root canal treatment. Placing a crown after the nerve removal procedure is considered one of the best medical options to be performed, as dental crowns help make the tooth or molar stronger and increase its strength to last 5 to 15 years, which makes the patient satisfied with the result they have achieved.

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"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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