Explore with us the cost of dental implants in Egypt and their most important features and challenges! - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Explore with us the cost of dental implants in Egypt and their most important features and challenges!

Cost of Dental Implants in Egypt, with the widespread use of dental implants in recent times, many people are considering getting them but are confused and worried about the total cost of the complete implant procedure. This is what we will discuss in some detail in the following paragraphs that talk about how to perform dental implants, their advantages and disadvantages, and the best types.

Cost of Dental Implants in Egypt

Cost of Dental Implants in Egypt

Cost of Dental Implants in Egypt

Dental implant prices in Egypt vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The experience and skill of the specialist doctor in performing the operations.
  • The tools used by the doctor and their cost.
  • The number of teeth the person is getting implanted.
  • The designated place where the doctor performs the implant procedure.
  • The patient’s health condition.

We find that dental implant prices in Egypt range from 5000 to 10000 Egyptian pounds, and they may increase or decrease from these amounts depending on the factors mentioned above.

Get ready to smile with confidence and enjoy fully functional natural-looking teeth with our superior and effective dental implant services at the Medical Center for Dental Care.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are considered one of the ideal options for replacing damaged or missing teeth, as the implant acts as a strong base to secure the new tooth. Then, the abutment is placed on it, and finally, it is covered with a crown.

The screws are made of titanium, and the dentist makes an incision in the gum to secure them. Then, a hole is drilled into the jawbone to place the screw.

In some cases, there may not be enough bone, and the dentist needs to perform a bone graft procedure and then leave the area to heal completely before attaching the abutment. The abutment is also made of titanium and is secured in the middle of the implant.

The final step is to place the crown on the abutment, matching the color of natural teeth. This completes the implant process.

What are Dental Implants?

What are Dental Implants?

What are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are considered the ideal solution in many cases of tooth loss, whether a single tooth or the entire jaw. They offer many advantages, including:

  • Dental implants help restore the natural bite in areas where teeth have been lost, improving the way you eat.
  • Dental implants are considered a cosmetic procedure that helps maintain the appearance and smile of your teeth.
  • They are a good investment because the implants are secured in the bone, and with proper oral hygiene and teeth cleaning, they can last a long time. This is in contrast to fixed or removable dentures, which need to be adjusted or replaced every 5 to 10 years.
  • Dental implants help improve the patient’s psychological state and boost their self-confidence, as they feel comfortable speaking with others and are satisfied with their beautiful smile, which is one of the secrets to facial beauty.
  • Dental implants significantly improve the patient’s physical condition, as they will be able to eat and chew food properly, leading to better digestion and nutrient absorption.
  • Dental implants help maintain the health of the jawbones because after tooth extraction, the bone gradually recedes over time due to the absence of a tooth or implant in that area to stimulate it.
  • They allow for immediate dental implant procedures.

What are the Disadvantages of Dental Implants?

Despite the many advantages we listed together in the previous paragraph, there are also some disadvantages resulting from dental implants, which include the following:

  • One of the main disadvantages of dental implant surgery is that it requires making an incision in the gum and inserting the implant into the bone, followed by stitching the wound. However, we can avoid this by performing immediate implant placement without making a gum incision.
  • The long waiting period of three to six months for the patient before they can have the crowns and bridges installed and achieve a harmonious look with beautiful teeth.
  • Implants do not provide the same pressure sensation as natural teeth because they are artificial materials without the periodontal ligaments surrounding natural teeth that provide the pressure sensation during chewing.
  • The dentist may lack the necessary skill and experience, which can lead to future complications. If any mistakes are made, such as a jaw fracture, persistent bleeding, implant failure, or infections in the area, it can be problematic. To learn more about the disadvantages of dental implants, click here.
What are the Disadvantages of Dental Implants?

What are the Disadvantages of Dental Implants?

How Much Does a Single Tooth Implant Cost in Egypt?

The cost of a single tooth implant in Egypt ranges from 5000 to 7000 Egyptian pounds, and this variation is due to several factors that determine the price.

Some factors that affect the cost of the implant include the tools used by the dentist, their experience and skill, and the location where the procedure is performed.

To learn about the types of dental implants and their prices, click here.

How Much Does a Front Tooth Implant Cost?

The cost of a front tooth implant ranges from 5000 to 10000 Egyptian pounds. Implanting a front tooth can be somewhat painful, and upper jaw teeth require a longer recovery and healing time compared to lower jaw teeth.

There are some requirements that must be met to undergo dental implant surgery, including:

  • The gum must be in good condition.
  • The patient should not be a smoker.
  • The patient must not suffer from osteoporosis, and their bones must be in good condition and able to support the artificial roots.

What are the Best Types of Dental Implants?

There are three main types of dental implants, which we will explain in the following points:

  • Endosteal implant: This is the most common and widely used type in dental implant procedures. It is suitable for many patients, but the patient must have sufficient bone to allow for the integration and adaptation of the implant.
  • Subperiosteal implant: This is an alternative to the endosteal implant if there is not enough bone to support the implant. The subperiosteal implant is placed on top of the bone rather than inside it and is covered by the gum, which then heals around it.
  • Zygomatic implant: This is one of the less common methods because it involves complex and difficult steps. It is only used if the previous methods fail, and it involves placing the implant in the zygoma bone instead of the jawbone.

Discover the permanent and reliable solution to overcome missing teeth with our specialized dental implant team at the Medical Center for Dental Care.

What are the Best Types of Dental Implants?

What are the Best Types of Dental Implants?

What Types of Dental Implants are Available in Cairo in 2023?

The First Type is Traditional Surgical Dental Implants in Cairo

Surgical dental implants are one of the most widespread methods in many dental clinics and centers in Cairo, and their prices vary depending on the dentist, the cost of materials used, and include the following steps:

  • The dentist uses local anesthesia in the area before performing any steps.
  • Then, the dentist makes an incision in the gum to expose the bone, drills a hole in the jawbone, and places the metal base.
  • The patient waits for a period of time for the jawbone to heal and fuse with the implanted tooth.
  • After this period, the dentist makes another incision in the gum to expose the implanted tooth, attaches the abutment, and closes the tissue around the gum.
  • The final step is to place the crown, which resembles natural teeth.
  • There are two types of crowns: fixed and removable, which can be removed for cleaning and then reattached. This is one of the important factors that determine the cost of dental implants.

The Second Type is Laser Dental Implants in Cairo

Laser dental implants have become a widespread method in many parts of the world, and they involve the following steps:

  • Laser dental implants are performed under local anesthesia and typically take between 15 to 30 minutes.
  • The dentist uses a laser to cut the mucosal membrane, which provides excellent results and helps with faster healing. The implanted tooth, made of titanium, is then placed using specialized tools.
  • The implanted tooth is covered with the mucosa at the top and then closed with surgical sutures.
  • The patient then waits for a period of 3 to 6 months to have the permanent implanted tooth placed, during which time the jawbone fuses with the implant. The patient uses a temporary crown during this period.
  • The dentist uses a laser on the mucosal membrane around the implant, and then the permanent crown is placed.

What is the Difference Between Immediate and Traditional Dental Implant Costs?

Immediate dental implants are similar to traditional dental implants, but immediate dental implants tend to be more expensive than traditional dental implants.

In immediate implants, the damaged or affected tooth is properly extracted before the dental implant is placed during the same session. Additionally, a temporary crown is also placed, which increases the overall cost.

Can a Person Live Without Teeth?

In reality, it is not easy at all for anyone to live well without teeth. They will have great difficulty eating, drinking, talking to people, laughing, and smiling.

Therefore, dental implants have been considered an ideal solution that provides effective results, as they can replace missing teeth. They have a high success rate and provide an opportunity for everyone to live life with teeth.

To find out if dental implants are painful, click here.

What are the Requirements for Dental Implants?

There are some requirements that must be met for someone who wants to get dental implants, and they include the following:

  • The gum must be free of diseases that prevent bone healing or hinder the procedure, including immunodeficiency diseases or radiation therapy for cancer patients.
  • The patient must not be taking certain medications that prevent bone healing and fusion.
  • The patient must have enough bone to support the metal base and abutment in the jaw, and be willing to undergo a bone graft procedure if necessary, such as if the jawbone is not thick enough or too soft.
  • The patient undergoing dental implant surgery must inform their doctor about any medical conditions they have and all medications and nutritional supplements they are taking.
  • The patient must inform their doctor about any previous dental procedures they have undergone, and the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infections.

There is much debate about whether patients with diabetes can undergo dental implant surgery. In fact, these individuals are more prone to dental implant failure as they have greater difficulty healing from wounds compared to others, and their gums and bones may not heal and fuse properly with the implants.

What are the Requirements for Dental Implants?

What are the Requirements for Dental Implants?

How Long Does It Take for Dental Implants?

The total duration required for dental implants ranges from three to six months for the implant to fully heal and fuse with the bone. We may notice that this period increases in some cases, depending on the bone quality.

Most implants in the upper jaw require 4 to 6 months, while the lower jaw requires about three months. In both cases, if a bone graft is required, a minimum waiting period of six months is also necessary.

To find out the duration of dental implants, click here.

How to Care for Your Teeth After Dental Implants?

  • The patient should avoid eating or drinking for two hours after the procedure and then start with soft, cold foods, avoiding hot drinks.
  • Take the prescribed medications and painkillers to promote faster healing and resume daily activities easily.
  • If the patient is a smoker, it’s best to quit smoking after dental implants, as it may cause complications with the implant process.
  • Avoid hard foods like candy and ice to maintain the health of both natural and artificial teeth.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste daily to avoid any gum problems and accelerate the healing process.
  • Use dental floss to remove food debris and reach areas that the toothbrush and toothpaste cannot.
  • Use an antibacterial mouthwash to prevent infections.
  • Avoid touching the implant area with your finger or tongue to prevent inflammation or infection.
  • Visit your dentist regularly to monitor the success of the implant procedure.
  • Maintain constant communication with your dentist and inform them of any unusual symptoms, and consult them if you have any questions about the implant procedure.

“Find the lasting solution to missing teeth and get ready for healthy, beautiful teeth with our innovative dental implants offered at our medical facilities at the Medical Center for Dental Care.”

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