How is the process of dental braces done? And what is the best medical center for dental treatment and cosmetic dentistry in Egypt? - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

How is the process of dental braces done? And what is the best medical center for dental treatment and cosmetic dentistry in Egypt?

Teeth Straightening Process, There are now many different treatments that dentists use to solve the dental problems that people face, which help restore their functions and improve the appearance of their teeth by organizing their shape. In this article, we will discuss the most famous of these treatments, which is teeth straightening, and we will discuss the most important reasons for installing it and recommend the most specialized centers for you.

Teeth Straightening Process

Teeth Straightening Process

Teeth Straightening Process

The teeth straightening process is one of the most important therapeutic methods used in dentistry, as it helps to solve many dental problems such as protruding mouth, crowded teeth, and crooked teeth, by placing a set of devices that are used to press the teeth and move them to their natural position, which improves the shape and appearance of the teeth. In the following paragraphs, we will talk about the straightening process, how to install it, and its advantages.

How long does it take to install braces?

The installation of braces takes between two to five years, but in some cases it may only take about 6 months. As is clear, there is a big difference in the duration, as there are many factors that the installation period depends on, including:

  • Patient’s age: where a teenager or child takes less time than adults, as their teeth are less thick and the facial and jaw bones are still in the growth and movement stage, which facilitates the work of braces and reduces the installation time.
  • Severity of the dental problem: The duration of braces depends on the problem that the patient’s teeth are exposed to. For example, crooked teeth take less time than the problem of malocclusion, which is one of the most difficult and longest problems.
  • Type of braces: There are many different types of braces in terms of the type of material and method of installation, and this affects the duration of braces. Metal braces take longer than clear removable braces.
  • Teeth and mouth hygiene: The duration of braces depends on the type of dental and oral care routine. Various types of brushes for cleaning and specialized toothpaste must be used, in addition to learning the correct way to clean teeth.
  • Commitment to the dentist’s instructions during treatment: It is necessary to commit to regular appointments to visit the doctor, and to deal properly with the braces by caring for their cleanliness and avoiding things that may cause them to break, as all these things may delay or advance the installation process of the braces.

Teeth Straightening Steps

There are many conditions that must be met to install braces, which we will learn about throughout the article, but in this paragraph we will present the most important steps that are taken during the installation of braces:

  • The doctor examines and diagnoses the patient’s teeth to determine the patient’s problems and develop a long-term treatment plan. Then, the patient undergoes some tests such as X-rays and panoramic photos for more accurate diagnosis of the condition of the teeth, and takes photos of the shape of the mouth and teeth before and after installing the braces for comparison.
  • In the case of removable clear braces: where it lasts from 6 months to a year, the patient wears a set of clear plastic removable molds during that period, which must be changed once every two weeks. They must be worn for at least 21 hours a day, and it is preferable to remove them when eating and cleaning teeth. The mold must be cared for by cleaning it with a brush and warm water.
  • In the case of installing fixed braces: The doctor installs a set of metal arches characterized by their hardness and resistance to rust on the surface of the front teeth, and connects them with metal wires and presses on them to facilitate the movement of teeth, then places some rubber pieces between them. During the installation period, the teeth must be cleaned well and make sure that there are no food remnants between the arches.
  • Braces are installed for a long period, so the patient must regularly visit the doctor at intervals determined by the doctor, but usually at least once every 4 weeks. The purpose of this visit is to ensure the effectiveness of the braces, the results achieved, and the absence of any problems that the braces may have encountered.
  • After achieving the desired results, the braces are removed and the teeth are cleaned of any residue. A retainer is then installed for a period ranging from 3 to 6 months in order to maintain the movement of the teeth without returning to the old position.

Discover the amazing ways to beautify your front teeth with the braces we offer at The Dental Center to get an amazing and beautiful smile.

Teeth Straightening Steps

Teeth Straightening Steps

Types of Orthodontic Surgery

There are several types of surgeries that fall under orthodontic surgery, including the following:

  • Orthognathic Surgery for the Upper Jaw: It is one type of orthognathic surgery where the surgeon makes a surgical opening inside the upper jaw, then moves the jawbones in one of the directions (forward – backward – up – and down). It is resorted to in cases of protruding jaw or incomplete closure of the jaws.
  • Orthognathic Surgery for the Lower Jaw: A slit is opened behind the molar area along the length of the lower jaw bone, where the jawbones can be moved backwards or forwards. It is used in cases of protruding lower jaw.
  • Cosmetic Chin Surgery: This type of surgery is used to expose the lower jaw bones or to enlarge the shape of the chin. It is done by cutting the chin bone and moving and fixing it forward.

Who is the ideal candidate for braces?

When installing braces, there are several conditions that the patient must meet in order to be a candidate for installation, including:

  • The gums must be free of any problems.
  • The teeth must be healthy and free of cavities.
  • The jawbones must be healthy and strong enough to withstand the pressure from the braces.
  • Absence of any chronic diseases that conflict with braces, such as diabetes.
  • The patient must be able to take care of their teeth during the installation period.

Braces Treatment

Braces: It is one of the therapeutic and cosmetic methods in the field of dentistry, and it consists of a variety of materials that may be metallic or ceramic, and their use varies from one brace to another. It is used to treat crooked teeth and in cases of tooth spacing or crowding and protruding jaw. There are many types of braces such as traditional fixed braces and removable braces.

Get amazing and sustainable results by experiencing braces at The Dental Center and get ready to be amazed by the transformation of your smile.

What are the reasons that would make you undergo a teeth straightening procedure?

There are many reasons that make the patient choose braces as a therapeutic method for dental problems, and the following are the most important reasons that drive the doctor to perform teeth straightening:

  • Protruding upper jaw: where the teeth in the upper jaw become protruding and prominent compared to the teeth in the lower jaw, as the upper jaw grows larger than the lower jaw and may cause many problems such as biting.
  • Anterior reverse bite: where the growth of the lower jaw teeth is more than the upper jaw, which causes an inability to close the jaws together.
  • Crowded teeth: This is the lack of sufficient spaces for all teeth, causing teeth to overlap on top of each other. It occurs as a result of incomplete jaw growth or an increase in the size of the teeth.
  • Lateral reverse bite: It is the inability to close the jaws due to crowding of the teeth, which occurs due to the size of the teeth being larger than the jaw space.
  • Spaces between teeth: It results from the presence of large spaces between the teeth due to the lack of growth of some teeth or the loss of some teeth at different stages of age.
What are the reasons that would make you undergo a teeth straightening procedure?

What are the reasons that would make you undergo a teeth straightening procedure?

What are the complications of jaw straightening surgery?

Jaw straightening surgery is performed to improve congenital deformities in the jaw or in cases where the oral tissues have been damaged. Despite its importance, sometimes complications may occur as a result, including:

  • Infection in the surgical incision: Where the infection spreads in the area where the surgery was performed, and it is easy to treat. However, there are cases of infection in the tissues under the skin, which may require the patient to reopen the wound and clean it.
  • Bleeding: Bleeding is one of the common symptoms in surgical operations, including jaw surgery. When severe bleeding occurs, the doctor may give blood bags to replace the lost blood.
  • Scars: These are stitches resulting from the surgical operation that remain visible even after the wound heals. However, their appearance depends on the doctor’s skill in suturing the wound, and some medical preparations can be used to hide their effects.
  • Risks of anesthesia: Before anesthesia, the patient’s medical history must be reviewed, and a specialist anesthesiologist must be consulted to determine the appropriate dose for the patient’s age and health to avoid any problems during or after surgery.

Advantages of Braces

Braces are one of the most commonly used therapeutic and cosmetic methods to improve the shape and appearance of teeth, as they have many advantages that we will discuss in this paragraph:

  • Improve the shape and appearance of teeth and organize them.
  • Treat teeth that have spaces between them and organize their shape.
  • Treat speech problems and pronunciation of sounds in children.
  • Maintain gum health.
  • Restore the functions of teeth such as chewing and grinding, which improves digestion.
  • Treat protruding jaw and improve its shape.
  • Reduce the spread of cavities.
  • Increase the patient’s confidence in themselves and their teeth.

What is the recovery period required for surgical braces?

The period for the patient to start recovering from jaw surgery takes around 30 days, and for the wound to heal completely, it may take 60 days. Then, the teeth are prepared for the installation of braces after ensuring the healing process, and the braces remain on the teeth for 12 to 18 months.

Is jaw straightening surgery painful?

No; because the surgery relies on giving the patient a general anesthetic injection before the procedure by an anesthesiologist. However, after the surgery and the wearing off of the anesthetic effect, the patient may feel some pain similar to the pain of a wisdom tooth. For this reason, the doctor will prescribe a group of medications containing painkillers to gradually reduce the pain until it disappears completely.

Restore the beauty of your teeth, jaw, and self-confidence in your facial appearance with our outstanding offers for teeth and jaw beautification.

What is the duration of jaw straightening surgery?

The duration of jaw straightening surgery depends on two factors: the degree of deformity and its location, and the doctor’s skill. However, in many normal cases, a single jaw surgery may take from one to two hours, while for both jaws, it may take from 3 to 5 hours as a minimum.

What is the duration of jaw straightening surgery?

What is the duration of jaw straightening surgery?

Can the patient speak after jaw straightening surgery?

No, the patient needs to avoid talking for at least 14 days until they partially recover. This period may vary depending on the patient’s physiological condition and the degree of the problem they were suffering from. However, after two weeks, the patient can start opening their mouth gradually until they can speak.

What are the things to consider before jaw straightening surgery?

Before undergoing jaw straightening surgery, there are some things that must be taken into account, including:

  • You must choose easy-to-wear clothes that are loose and do not need to be removed from the head, such as button-down shirts.
  • You should choose the type of food and drinks you will consume after the surgery.
  • The doctor must prescribe the treatment plan and medications you will use after the surgery, and you should prepare them.
  • You should prepare a list of foods that do not require chewing.
  • Choose a good blender to puree foods instead of chewing them.

What can you expect from a teeth straightening procedure?

There are many results that the patient wants to achieve and that braces can achieve, including:

  • Getting a beautiful smile, which increases the patient’s confidence in their teeth.
  • Improving the shape and appearance of teeth.
  • Improving the health of teeth and gums for long periods.
  • Helps in restoring proper speech pronunciation and sound production.
  • The spaces between teeth are filled, making the teeth neatly arranged next to each other.
  • Improving the shape of the jaw and protecting it from any injuries.

Cost of Braces

The prices of braces in Egypt in 2023 range from 7,000 to 20,000, and the reason for this variation is the presence of several factors, including:

  • The patient’s age.
  • The experience and skill of the doctor in installing braces.
  • The location of the center
  • The location of the center or clinic where the orthodontic procedure will take place.
  • The type of orthodontics used, for example, the price of metal braces ranges from 26,000 to 30,000 pounds, clear braces range from 35,000 to 45,000 pounds, and ceramic braces range from 32,000 to 42,000 pounds.

Best Medical Center for Dental Treatment and Cosmetic Dentistry

The Dental Centeris one of the best centers currently available in Egypt, providing a large elite of dentists with diverse specialties ranging from dental implants to orthodontics and cosmetic procedures. They possess experience and skill in performing various procedures with guaranteed results, utilizing the latest devices and technologies to treat all dental problems. The center provides care and services to its patients with offers provided to alleviate the cost burden for some patients.

Best Medical Center for Dental Treatment and Cosmetic Dentistry
Best Medical Center for Dental Treatment and Cosmetic Dentistry

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"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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