Discover the best dental implants in Egypt and what is their success rate? - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Discover the best dental implants in Egypt and what is their success rate?

Best Dental Implants in Egypt, Specialists in the medical field try to provide various therapeutic methods to help patients replace their missing teeth. Technological advancements have helped them avoid some complications that may be caused by some old treatments. In our article, we will discuss the latest types of these treatments, especially dental implants, and the most important centers that specialize in them.

Best Dental Implants in Egypt

Best Dental Implants in Egypt

Best Dental Implants in Egypt

There are many different types of dental implant procedures to suit all cases, which may vary in terms of the type of technology used, whether laser or medical tools, or whether they are made of different materials such as titanium. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss types of dental implants such as immediate implants or laser implants, and how they are performed.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most important therapeutic and cosmetic procedures that a doctor may use to replace missing or damaged teeth. They consist of several things: implants, artificial teeth, and a crown that acts as a support for the implant. They are characterized by their longevity, lasting up to 25 years.

The prices for our dental implant procedures are reasonable and competitive compared to current market prices.

How to Get Dental Implants at the Medical Center for Dental Care

  • When visiting The Dental Center, you will be provided with the best doctors to help solve your problem. The doctor will diagnose your teeth, identify the problem, and develop a suitable treatment plan for your condition.
  • After that, you will be referred to one of the center’s rooms for a comprehensive body examination, including your teeth, through X-rays, CT scans, and panoramic images.
  • In another session, the doctor will treat any issues such as cavities or gum inflammation. If there is a problem with the jawbone, a bone graft surgery will be performed, and you will wait around 9 months for healing. During this period, the center’s staff will monitor you.
  • After healing, the specialist doctor will perform a deep cleaning with sterilized medical tools or use the latest techniques provided by the center. Then, they will make an incision in the gum to expose the jawbone and place the metal implants, leaving some protrusions and covering the rest with gum tissue. This will be left for 3 months while monitoring the implant’s integration with the jawbone.
  • Afterwards, the doctor will check the placement of the implants, then place the artificial tooth and the supporting crown on top of it. They will ask you to try biting down to ensure there are no issues that may bother you.
  • The specialized department at the care center will schedule several follow-up sessions with you to ensure no complications arise from the procedure.

Advantages of Dental Implants

There are many advantages that make dental implants the first procedure recommended by doctors to solve a patient’s problems, including:

  • Dental implants are characterized by their longevity, lasting up to 25 years or more with proper care, meaning the patient will not need any other procedure.
  • They restore the basic functions of teeth, such as chewing and biting food and withstanding their pressure.
  • They improve the appearance and alignment of teeth.
  • They increase the patient’s self-confidence when speaking and smiling.
  • They maintain the health of the gums and surrounding teeth.
  • The patient regains the ability to speak correctly.
Advantages of Dental Implants

Advantages of Dental Implants

Why Are Dental Implants Performed?

The doctor may have to resort to dental implants after diagnosing the patient’s mouth, in cases such as:

  • If the patient is suffering from the loss of one or more teeth.
  • If the patient’s condition is not suitable for dentures.
  • If the patient is having trouble pronouncing words correctly.

Risks of Dental Implants

Like any procedure, dental implants have many advantages as well as some potential risks that may or may not occur. The following are some of these risks in detail:

  • Infection: This is one of the most common issues that may occur if the implant is not performed properly. It can happen due to the doctor’s failure to clean the teeth before the procedure or sterilize the tools used. This is why it is important to choose a reputable center or doctor. Symptoms of infection include a foul odor in the mouth, bleeding in the implant area, swelling and inflammation of the gums, and pain in the implant area.
  • Allergic reaction: The body may have an allergic reaction to the materials used in the artificial tooth, such as titanium. It is important to inform the doctor of any materials you are allergic to before the implant procedure.
  • Breakage of the artificial tooth: This is one of the most serious issues that can occur after a dental implant, as another one cannot be implanted if it breaks due to a lack of sufficient jawbone. The artificial tooth may break due to the patient’s neglect of oral hygiene, excessive smoking, or consuming hard foods such as nuts.
  • Sinus problems: This issue may occur if dental implants are placed in the upper jaw, which can directly affect the sinus cavities. Therefore, the doctor must exercise extreme caution when performing this procedure.

Immediate Dental Implant Procedure

The immediate dental implant procedure is the latest type of implant surgery. It follows the same process as traditional implants, but the difference is that it is performed in a single session. This method was introduced to address the issue of the long treatment period for traditional implants and avoid potential complications such as bleeding and bacterial infections. It is characterized by a faster healing process if the patient adheres to the doctor’s instructions after the procedure.

Success Rate of Dental Implant Procedures

Dental implant procedures are among the most successful medical procedures, with a success rate of 95% to 100%. The success rate of the procedure depends on choosing a skilled and experienced doctor in performing this type of procedure, as this is one of the key factors for success, as well as the patient’s care for their teeth and adherence to the doctor’s instructions after the procedure.

Success Rate of Dental Implant Procedures

Success Rate of Dental Implant Procedures

How Long Does a Dental Implant Procedure Take?

It is not possible to specify a fixed duration for a dental implant procedure, as it depends on several factors, including the doctor’s skill and experience, the severity of the patient’s condition, and the type of technology used in the implant procedure. However, we can estimate the average time taken for the procedure in normal cases, which may range from one to two hours per session, and may vary according to the aforementioned criteria. Each session may be separated by 6 months, which is the time needed to ensure the integration of the implants with the bones.

What Are the Signs of a Failed Dental Implant?

In some cases, several signs may appear that, if clearly present, indicate a failed dental implant. The following are the most important of these signs:

  • Experiencing severe pain after the implant procedure that persists for more than a week.
  • Feeling looseness in the implant or artificial tooth when touched with the tongue.
  • Difficulty chewing food.
  • Swelling in the area surrounding the implanted tooth for more than a week after the procedure.
  • Experiencing numbness in the implant area that lasts longer than 24 hours, especially after the anesthetic wears off.
  • Seeing a large portion of the metal implant under the gum.

Is the Dental Implant Procedure Painful?

Yes, the dental implant procedure is painful, which is why the doctor is careful to administer a local or general anesthetic during the procedure, so the patient does not feel any pain. However, once the anesthetic wears off after the procedure, the patient will experience pain for several days, up to 7 days. The pain will gradually subside until it disappears completely. During this period, the patient will take painkillers to reduce the pain and antibiotics to reduce gum swelling and associated pain.

“Tooth loss can cause long-term damage to your teeth. Trust the experts at The Dental Center for comprehensive care of your oral health.”

Tips for After Dental Implants

There are several tips that doctors provide to patients after undergoing a dental implant procedure, including:

  • Dental Care: This is done by following a daily oral hygiene routine, where a suitable toothbrush and toothpaste are chosen for the patient’s condition and used after every meal. In addition, dental floss is used to remove food debris stuck between the teeth, and it is preferable to use a mouthwash before bedtime to kill harmful bacteria.
  • Daily Habits: The patient must avoid habits that may lead to implant failure, such as quitting smoking, chewing tobacco, and avoiding alcoholic and carbonated beverages. They should also avoid using their teeth as tools to open things, biting nails, neglecting oral care, and wearing a mouthguard if they suffer from teeth grinding.
  • Diet: It is necessary to follow a diet that excludes hard foods such as nuts and chewy foods such as gum. These should be replaced with healthy foods containing natural fibers and vitamins, such as fruits and vegetables.
Tips for After Dental Implants

Tips for After Dental Implants

Alternatives to Dental Implants

Dental implants may not be suitable for some patients, so doctors may resort to alternatives such as:

  • Dental Bridges: These are a set of molds made of certain materials and shaped like teeth. They are fixed and attached in a specific way by bridges to fill the gaps left by missing teeth. The surrounding natural teeth must be sound and healthy, as they act as support for the artificial teeth. However, they may cause some problems such as gum inflammation or cavities in the adjacent teeth. They come in various types, including fixed and removable.
  • Dentures: These are a good alternative to dental implants and consist of materials shaped in the lab after taking measurements and sizes of the teeth. They are used to replace one or more missing teeth. They are characterized by not requiring surgery or a strong jawbone. There are several types, including removable dentures for one or both jaws.
  • Dental Crowns: These are one of the best restorative methods for missing teeth. They are a cover or cap made of certain materials such as porcelain, used to replace damaged or broken teeth. They protect weak teeth and act as a support and stabilizer in bridge installations and dental implants. They are characterized by taking the shape of the teeth.

Laser Dental Implants

Laser dental implants follow the same procedures as traditional implants, except that a laser device is used instead of medical tools. A blue beam is directed onto the gum to make a small incision to expose the jawbone, and this method is used because it is safer, as it does not cause bleeding or bacterial infections. It is also characterized by a shorter recovery period due to the absence of sutures. However, it may not be suitable for some people due to its high cost.

My Experience with Dental Implants

Many people are concerned about undergoing dental implants because it is a surgical procedure. In this section, we will present some experiences and opinions of others regarding the results:

  • Ahmed’s Experience: Ahmed says, “I am 60 years old and live in one of the Gulf countries. Due to the nature of my work as a petroleum engineer, I neglected my dental care, which caused me to lose several teeth. When I went to the doctor, they suggested dental implants to replace the teeth I had lost. I was a little apprehensive about getting them, but after consulting with several doctors, I was convinced and went through with the procedure. Afterwards, my ability to chew food improved, and I felt that my digestion became better.
  • Lena’s Experience: I am 35 years old and I was involved in a car accident that resulted in the loss of several teeth and damage to others. This affected my self-confidence, especially since I am still young. One of the doctors suggested dental implants, but my jaw injury was a concern. Therefore, the doctor decided to help me by performing bone grafting surgery to compensate for what I lost. After about 9 months of recovery, I was able to undergo the dental implant surgery, which took about months. Despite the long treatment period, I regained my self-confidence when I saw my teeth and jaw return to normal.
My Experience with Dental Implants
My Experience with Dental Implants
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"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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