Get information about the cost of dental lenses and find out whether they need to be refilled or not! - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

Get information about the cost of dental lenses and find out whether they need to be refilled or not!

Cost of Dental Lenses: Dental lenses have become one of the most important methods recently to achieve an attractive dental appearance, in addition to their role in treating many dental problems. In this article, we will learn about their types, installation steps, prices, and much more.

Cost of Dental Lenses

Cost of Dental Lenses

Cost of Dental Lenses

The cost of one dental lens can reach 5000 Egyptian pounds in Cairo cities, while the price can range between 1000 and 1500 Egyptian pounds in the provinces, whether they are veneers or lumineers. The cost is determined based on several factors, including the location of the clinic or medical center, the experience of the doctor and the medical team assisting them, the sterilization level of the place and its compliance with infection control instructions, the position of the tooth in the jaw, the number of teeth needing lenses, the material of the lenses, the cost of their preparation in the laboratory, and the molds used in taking measurements.

Types of Dental Lenses

Doctors follow many treatment methods to solve dental problems, but the appropriate method for each patient is determined based on the illustrative result of medical examinations and radiographs requested after the examination and knowing their medical history. Dental lenses are the optimal solution for some cases to solve the many problems that may affect all teeth in the jaw, such as decay or fractures, in addition to their cosmetic role in hiding dental defects and obtaining the Hollywood smile that everyone rushes to possess. There are two types of dental lenses, let’s get to know them in detail below:

  • Lumineers.
  • Veneers.

There is no fundamental difference between the two types, but the doctor determines, based on the result of the radiographs and medical examinations, the most suitable method for the patient’s condition. Dental lenses consist of two different chemical materials, porcelain and resin. However, doctors prefer the porcelain material over resin for dental lens installation at The Dental Center due to its resistance to dark stains that affect teeth, preventing them from yellowing, and its strong structure. It resembles the natural tooth color as it reflects light on it.

Steps for Installing Veneers

The steps for installing dental lenses for a patient, whether lumineers or veneers, are the same as there is no fundamental difference between them, but the difference lies in some characteristics or properties that distinguish each layer. The veneer layer, which is 5 mm thick, is thicker compared to lumineers. Let’s know step by step how to install the veneer layer on the patient’s affected teeth below:

  • Preparation process: Treating any damage to the teeth, such as decay, fracture, or any other medical problem during the initial sessions, then taking measurements of the patient’s teeth shape and size.
  • Preparing the teeth for lens installation: The doctor removes a portion of the enamel layer coated on the patient’s teeth in a separate session to facilitate sticking the lenses later on.
  • Final measurements determination stage: Where the veneer layer is prepared in the laboratory with the same measurements taken in another session.
  • Lens installation: The lenses are installed on the affected teeth during the last session, and in some cases, it can be done in two sessions.

Do Dental Lenses Require Grinding?

The common question among patients who install dental lenses is whether installing dental lenses requires grinding. The answer depends on the type of lens the doctor decides to install; whether there is grinding for the teeth or not is determined. Because simply dental lenses consist of two types, each of them has the same installation technique and steps, but they differ in thickness. The veneer is thinner than the lumineer, and because the thickness of the lumineer ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 mm, there is no need for grinding the teeth to stick the lenses. On the contrary, the veneer, which is 5 mm thick, may require grinding the teeth and removing a portion of the enamel layer to facilitate the lens sticking process to its surface.

How Long Do Dental Lenses Last? How Long Do Dental Lenses Last?

How Long Do Dental Lenses Last?

There are many possibilities for the duration that dental lenses can remain in the patient’s mouth. Some studies have shown that they can last between 7 and 15 years, after which they should be replaced. Some believe that they can last for 20 years without any negative effects on oral health and general body health. The latter belief is that permanent dental lenses can continue indefinitely with the patient due to their need for new dental structure to facilitate the sticking of new lenses to it. These periods are determined, or they can be extended for many more years based on the patient’s attention to dental hygiene and adherence to medical instructions to maintain shiny healthy teeth and a mouth free from any infections.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Dental Lenses

Many patients resort to dental lenses because of their efficient therapeutic role in solving various dental problems and their cosmetic role in hiding dental defects. Due to the demand for them by patients and the recommendation of doctors as the first and optimal solution, they have become one of the high-cost medical services in the field of dentistry. There are many factors controlling the determination of the cost price, so let’s get to know them below:

  • The location of the clinic or medical center.
  • The country in which the patient resides and the price of its currency against the dollar.
  • The experience of the doctor and the certificates obtained.
  • The efficiency of the medical team assisting them.
  • The materials used in the manufacture of lenses.
  • The location of the injury and the number of teeth damaged.

Cases Where Veneers Are Used

Veneers are a modern method for treating tooth damage and cracks. After examining the X-rays taken by the patient on their teeth, the doctor may decide that the veneer treatment protocol is the most effective solution. These X-rays reveal the following points:

  • Yellowing and staining of the teeth with dark spots.
  • Fractures in the teeth or erosion of a part of them.
  • Presence of an infection in one of the teeth and decay in the cavity.
  • Irregular and misaligned teeth in the jaws.
  • Spaces between the teeth and each other.

This type of lens works to conceal the flaws and deformities of the teeth mentioned above. They are manufactured in the dental lab in the same shape and size as the patient’s natural teeth, and they are characterized by their ease of adaptation, making them play a key role in helping natural teeth perform their functional role when speaking and eating.

Tips When Visiting the Dentist for Dental Lens Installation

The dentist advises the patient on some guidelines to ensure the successful installation of dental lenses and their continued integrity and strength in the mouth for long periods, which may exceed 20 years. These guidelines can be summarized as follows:

  • Brushing the teeth after every meal.
  • Using dental floss to remove food debris between small gaps in the teeth.
  • Keeping the lens from any collision to prevent it from breaking, as it is not repairable if it breaks, which may cause tooth fragility.
  • Using mouthwash to eliminate any infections.
  • Adhering to rinsing with a saline solution daily.
  • Limiting sugar and starchy food intake, especially before bedtime.
  • Eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Regular follow-up with the dentist every 6 months or a year to examine the teeth and ensure their health.

Maintaining Veneer Dental Lenses After Installation

Veneer dental lenses do not require much maintenance because of their ability to last for long periods in the patient’s mouth without being affected by any changes in conditions. Veneer lenses made of porcelain can last up to 15 years, while resin lenses range between 5 and 7 years.

However, there are some simple steps that, when followed, can make the lenses last for many years in the long run. Therefore, dentists at The Dental Center recommend brushing the teeth with a toothbrush designed for sensitive teeth and toothpaste containing an appropriate fluoride level and free from any chemicals that trigger tooth sensitivity. It is also important to use dental floss after each meal to remove food residues stuck between the teeth.

Additionally, rinsing the teeth with the prescribed medical mouthwash daily before bedtime, limiting the consumption of caffeine beverages such as coffee or tea, avoiding sweetened carbonated drinks and sweets, quitting smoking, avoiding pressure when biting or chewing hard food, avoiding opening hard objects with the teeth, relying entirely on the back teeth and molars when performing any functional task such as speaking or eating, avoiding stressing the front teeth, wearing a night guard if accustomed to strong tooth pressure, protecting the teeth with a mouthguard during any type of sports activity.

To learn more about the impact of dental lenses before and after, click here.

Price of Dental Lenses

There are factors mentioned at the beginning of the article that control the determination of the price of dental lenses. Therefore, there is a variation in prices from one place to another in the same city or from one country to another. Dental lenses have two types, veneers and lumineers, which differ in a characteristic or property, affecting the number of steps or procedures taken when installing the lenses. Additionally, the raw materials used to manufacture the lenses, such as porcelain and zirconia, vary. Therefore, the price of a veneer lens for one tooth at The Dental Center ranges between 3500 to 4500 Egyptian pounds, depending on the type of raw material it is made from or whether the veneer is fixed or removable. It is possible for the price of a lumineer lens for one tooth to reach 10000 Egyptian pounds and start from 4000 Egyptian pounds. The treating doctor at the center determines the suitable raw material for the patient, whether the fixed lumineer or the removable lumineer.

Best Medical Center for Dental Lens Installation

The Dental Center in Nasr City, Cairo, is the best medical center that offers its doctors the installation of dental lenses in both types, veneers and lumineers. The qualified and specialized doctors, who hold prestigious certificates from leading Egyptian and international universities, install the lenses in just one session. The center’s doctors deal with various medical conditions that require some special procedures based on their medical history or what the medical examinations and X-rays reveal.

The center’s management is keen on updating all medical devices used for all operations and medical services provided to patients periodically so that patients can enjoy the services provided without bothering themselves searching elsewhere. Patient comfort is the top priority for the management, so they are keen to attract medical teams to assist the doctors from the best hospitals in Cairo and at a high level of craftsmanship. In addition, they provide services at reasonable costs to all our patients and with good quality. If you want to receive this cosmetic dental care for your teeth and obtain an attractive bright smile, you can contact the center by simply visiting the official website by clicking on this link.

د. أسماء سمك

"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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