Removable dental prostheses, doctors offer multiple solutions for patients who suffer from tooth loss, whether due to accident, aging, or other factors. Among these solutions are removable dentures. These prostheses are characterized by ease of removal and installation and are a comfortable solution for the patient.

Removable dental prostheses
Removable dental prostheses
Many people ask what are removable dental prostheses? The answer is that they are artificial teeth; these prostheses are the medical solution offered by doctors to patients who have lost their teeth. This type of solution aims to restore aesthetic appearance and function of the mouth.
These prostheses are characterized by ease of removal and installation, allowing the patient freedom of movement. These prostheses include complete removable dentures used to compensate for tooth loss in the upper or lower jaw, or both, as well as partial removable dentures that compensate for the loss of specific teeth in the mouth.
“Immediate and comfortable treatment. Easily and quickly installed in one visit only at the Dental Care Center. End procrastination and enjoy an aesthetic smile that makes all your dreams come true”.
Materials used in manufacturing removable dental prostheses
Removable dental prostheses include a range of materials used in their manufacturing. These materials are safe for medical use and are completely compatible with the human body, making them a good option for treating dental problems. These materials include:
- Titanium prostheses: These are artificial prosthetic teeth used to replace missing teeth. These prostheses are characterized by toughness, rigidity, and strength that allow them to withstand high pressure and tension without damage. They also have a long service life compared to other types of prostheses.
- Porcelain prostheses: The material used in prostheses known as porcelain is greatly capable of imitating the color and durability of natural teeth. Its high durability significantly exceeds that of other dental materials. Due to its natural, tooth-like appearance, it is often chosen by patients.
- Zirconia prostheses: Zirconia is one of the most important modern materials in cosmetic dentistry. Its widespread use is primarily due to its lack of metals in its composition; this unique trait avoids any allergic reactions such as toxicity or other problems associated with metallic prostheses that tend to recur annoyingly. This material is often used to make anterior prosthetic teeth due to its high purity and aesthetic properties.
- Gold and silver prostheses: The use of gold and silver elements in manufacturing fixed and removable dental prostheses is advantageous because of their high resistance and durability under high pressure conditions, making them more suitable for posterior teeth that require great pressure. However, the unaesthetic appearance of this type of prosthesis makes them unsuitable for anterior teeth.
What is the difference between fixed and removable dentures?
Dental prostheses are common solutions resorted to by many people in case of tooth loss or damage. Dental prostheses are classified into two main types: fixed and removable prostheses. The difference between them is as follows:
- Fixed dentures: Installed by the dentist and cannot be removed except under his supervision. They are installed if there are few missing teeth, one or two, and also include implants, crowns and veneers. The dentist resorts to fixed prostheses in certain cases such as root canal treatment or loss of anterior or posterior teeth, provided that adjacent teeth are present in addition to good gum and patient health. They are used as cosmetic or restorative prostheses.
- Removable dentures: This type of prosthesis can be inserted and removed by the patient whenever they wish. They are installed if the number of missing teeth is 3 or more, including wisdom teeth missing till the end of the jaw. Removable dentures include only dentures. They are used in cases of chronic diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, pressure, and gum problems.
Types of removable dental prostheses
A removable dental prosthesis consists of molds used to manufacture artificial teeth identical in size and shape to the original teeth. They are used to compensate for gaps resulting from loss of one or more teeth. They are attached to the natural teeth. There are two types:
- Complete removable dentures: This type of procedure is used to compensate for complete tooth loss in the upper or lower jaw. The main objective of this procedure is to protect the jawbones from erosion over time and age, especially in cases of chronic diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis and rheumatic diseases.
- Partial removable dentures: These removable dentures are designed to compensate for damaged or missing teeth in the jaw, not all teeth. They help patients chew by taking accurate measurements of the teeth and manufacturing alternative teeth using different materials, then making the necessary adjustments to ensure that the dentures fit the patient’s mouth.
What is the cost of installing a removable denture?
Many people look for the cost of installing a removable denture in Egypt; Egypt is known for providing medical treatments at reasonable prices and is one of the leading countries in dentistry. The Dental Center comes first. It should also be noted that the cost of installing a removable denture varies depending on the type of denture and the number of teeth in it, in addition to the type of material it is made of and the skill and reputation of the treating dentist.
Dental cosmetic centers for installing removable dentures can be found throughout Egypt, and the costs of this service vary from place to place but in general, the cost of installing a removable denture can start from 500 EGP up to 5000 EGP.
Best medical center for dental treatment and cosmetics
The Dental Care Center is one of the best medical centers in Egypt; it provides dental cosmetic services using the latest medical techniques and technologies available in the market, making it the ideal choice for many individuals looking for dental cosmetics in Egypt. This center provides diverse services that comprehensively and effectively cover dental treatment and cosmetics. These services are characterized by full commitment to implementing health standards and high quality in all its services.
Our medical center is distinguished by providing the latest medical technologies and devices, in addition to collaborating with specialized doctors in this field, which makes it deserve trust and reliance when looking for the best medical center for dental treatment and cosmetics in Egypt. It also strives to provide distinguished services at competitive prices, and cares about listening to patients’ requirements and closely following them during the course of treatment, which makes it one of the leading medical centers in Egypt for dental treatment and cosmetics.
Steps to get a removable prosthesis
Removable teeth are installed in several steps:
- The dentist places dental implants and leaves them to adhere to the jaw bones for at least two months, allowing the bone to grow into the implant at the cellular level.
- Custom dentures are manufactured to fit the mouth size without causing any discomfort.
- Bridges are attached to the implants to get fixed and non-slip teeth.
Reasons for resorting to dental prostheses
There are several reasons that lead people to resort to dental prostheses, as tooth loss is a common problem facing many individuals. These reasons include:
- Severe fracture and damage to teeth due to accident or naturally.
- Extensive tooth decay that cannot be filled by fillings.
- Crack or fracture in the teeth; veneers can maintain the integrity of the teeth and prevent them from breaking in the future.
How to clean removable dentures
- Remove the dentures after a meal, wash them, then wipe the denture with water and suitable denture cleanser to remove food debris and impurities.
- Place a towel on the shelf or in the basin or even fill the basin with a little water so that the teeth are not exposed to breakage if they slip out of your hands.
- Handle the removable denture carefully and do not cause any damage to the plastic or clips during cleaning.
- After removing the artificial teeth, you should clean your mouth using a soft toothbrush to clean the natural teeth, and use interdental brushes or floss and mouthwash to clean your tongue and mouth in general. Any adhesive residues should also be removed from the gums at the site of the removable dentures.
- Soak dentures overnight in water or diluted solution to keep the denture moist.
How to care for removable dental prostheses
- Dentures should be removed before sleeping.
- Avoid eating hard or rubbery foods while wearing them.
- Avoid unhealthy oral habits such as nail biting and opening bottles with your mouth.
- You should quit smoking.
- Be careful when removing and wearing them to avoid injuring the mouth or gums.
By reading this article you can learn about caring for teeth in general.
Side effects of removable dental prostheses
Removable dental prostheses may cause some side effects for the patient, including:
- It takes a long time to get used to them while eating or speaking.
- These prostheses require constant care to protect them from breakage and contamination, so proper storage is required.
- Some patients need to replace removable prostheses after wearing them because they cause changes in jaw shape.
- Incorrect use or when dentures are not properly fitted can lead to gum inflammation.
Signs indicating the need to replace removable dental prostheses
There are several signs indicating the need to replace removable dental prostheses, most notably:
- Severe discomfort during use and instability indicate they are improperly designed or installation procedures were not properly followed to ensure stability.
- Occasional severe swelling and redness of the gums and soft tissues surrounding the prosthesis usually indicates irritation or inflammation of the gums or bone at the site of the removable prosthesis.
- Discoloration, cracking, or decay of the prosthetic teeth or a foul smell.
- An unpleasant taste in the mouth and severe itching noticeable when using the prosthesis may be due to some contaminated materials inside it.

Signs indicating the need to replace removable dental prostheses
Who are candidates for this type of prosthesis?
- Individuals with good oral health who do not suffer from any health problems or other diseases that may lead to loss and erosion of teeth, as is the case with diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer patients, etc.
- People who lack teeth due to decay or accidents can easily solve this problem by installing removable teeth.
- Some individuals suffer from fracture of some parts of their teeth due to bad habits such as carelessly biting hard objects or using teeth to open metal cans or cut things, which constantly exposes their teeth to fracture, erosion and brittleness.
- Individuals who do not wish to undergo dental implant surgery and seek to find easier, less costly alternatives.
What are the advantages of removable dental prostheses?
Removable dental prostheses are a good solution for people who have lost one or more teeth. Removable dentures have several advantages:
- They help improve the aesthetic appearance naturally and attractively, thus allowing the person to smile confidently and comfortably.
- Freedom to use and remove them whenever the patient wants makes removable dentures advantageous for those looking to enhance their aesthetic appearance in a short period of time.
- A comfortable, painless experience during use.
- Removable dentures can be adapted to the condition of the mouth. They are flexible pieces that easily fit the human jaw, and are not painful during installation.
By reading this article you can learn about removable veneer prostheses and their prices.
What are the disadvantages of removable dental prostheses?
Removable dentures are an easy and suitable solution to compensate for missing teeth. Many people ask does a removable denture have risks? The answer is yes, it has some risks including:
- Removable dentures may cause difficulty in speaking and swallowing food in the first few days due to lack of adaptation.
- The patient who has removable dentures installed suffers from water leakage from the mouth and bacteria accumulation, causing bad breath and gum irritation.
- Removable dentures may be easily damaged due to collisions between teeth, chewing food or abnormal jaw movements.
- The patient needs to take care to clean them daily to avoid health problems such as gum inflammation and plaque buildup.
- Removable dentures may cause discomfort and pain in the mouth due to continuous friction and pressure.
- They negatively affect the patient’s psychological state due to feeling they are aging.
- They may break during cleaning.
- They embarrass the patient if they fall out of the mouth while eating or talking.
- Difficulty adapting at first as the patient may feel they are too big and heavy on the mouth.
By reviewing this information, you can learn about caring for teeth in general through this article.
"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center
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