What is the price of dental veneers in Egypt 2023? And learn about their benefits - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

What is the price of dental veneers in Egypt 2023? And learn about their benefits

Dental Veneers Prices in Egypt 2023, With technological advancements, there are now many cosmetic dental treatment methods to help people achieve a white smile and healthy teeth. Experts continuously work on developing these methods, including dental veneers. In this article, we will discuss them in detail and recommend the most specialized centers.

Dental Veneers Prices in Egypt 2023

Dental Veneers Prices in Egypt 2023

Dental Veneers Prices in Egypt 2023

Dental veneers are a set of structures and shells that are prepared in the laboratory specifically for each patient. They are made of ceramic materials such as thin porcelain, which is resistant to stains and hard enough to withstand pressure. Dental veneers come in various types, which we will discuss in the following paragraphs, along with an estimate of their cost.

“Restore your white smile and self-confidence with advanced dental veneer placement techniques, considering the highest quality and care standards in our medical center for dental care.”

The Difference Between Dental Veneers and Hollywood Smile

Both dental veneers and Hollywood smile are used to improve the appearance of teeth and achieve a white smile. Although the Hollywood smile consists of veneer lenses, there are some differences, including:

Dental Veneers

Hollywood Smile

  • Dental veneers are shells or structures placed on the surface of teeth.
  • Veneers can be placed on one or more teeth, which is one of the early stages of the Hollywood smile.
  • Their cost is moderate for many people.


  • The Hollywood smile consists of veneer shells placed on the surface of teeth, meaning the Hollywood smile is made up of dental veneers.
  • The Hollywood smile is installed on all the teeth of both jaws.
  • Its cost is very high for a large number of patients.

Types of Dental Veneers

There are two main types of dental veneers: Lumineers and veneers. In this section, we will present them in detail:

  • Lumineer Dental Veneers: These are one of the newest types of current veneers. They are structures or shells made of some thin ceramic materials and are placed on the surface of teeth without the need to remove part of the tooth’s enamel layer. This is because they have a thin thickness of up to 0.2, which helps fix the veneers without drilling. In this case, they can be removed easily without any side effects. They are used to treat discoloration on teeth and in cases of problems such as cracks and fractures, they help conceal them. Despite their many advantages, their cost is higher than veneers.
  • Veneer Dental Veneers: These are the most famous and widely used types of veneers. They are shells made of porcelain or ceramic material, which is characterized by hardness, allowing them to last for long periods and be resistant to stains. They are installed after cleaning the teeth and removing part of the tooth’s enamel layer by about 0.5mm, which is the same thickness as the veneer veneers. This will help them adhere strongly. They prevent discoloration from reappearing and fill gaps between teeth and conceal problems such as crooked and crowded teeth.

Steps of Installing Dental Veneers

The process of installing dental veneers goes through several steps that must be followed in an organized manner to ensure the success of the procedure, including:

  • The preparatory session begins with the doctor examining and diagnosing the patient’s teeth and identifying the patient’s problem and any other problems the patient may be suffering from.
  • In some cases, the patient may undergo some diagnostic tests to refine the examination and diagnosis and take measurements and dimensions of the teeth and mouth.
  • In case the patient suffers from problems in their teeth, such as gum inflammation and cavities, they must be treated first before starting the teeth installation process.
  • The doctor initially gets rid of bacteria and tartar by cleaning the teeth with sterile medical tools. They start by removing part of the tooth’s enamel layer by 0.5, which is the same thickness as the veneers in case they are made of veneer shells. However, if they are Lumineers, there is no need to drill the teeth.
  • They send the dimensions and measurements of the teeth and mouth, as well as the type of materials used in their manufacture and the appropriate shade of the veneers for the patient’s appearance, to the laboratory.
  • The doctor installs temporary veneers to protect the teeth from any infection until the permanent veneers are ready.
  • After two weeks, the permanent veneers are installed after the temporary ones, and the teeth are thoroughly cleaned. They are bonded with a strong veneer bonding agent that does not cause any harm to the teeth.
  • At the end of the session, the doctor provides some advice and instructions regarding the care of dental veneers.
Steps of Installing Dental Veneers

Steps of Installing Dental Veneers

Benefits of Dental Veneers

Many dentists resort to installing dental veneers as they offer many advantages, including:

  • Improving the shape and appearance of teeth, making them healthier.
  • Harmonizing and organizing teeth in terms of shape, size, and color.
  • Achieving a bright, shiny, and attractive smile.
  • Lasting for long periods, up to 20 years.
  • Filling gaps between teeth.
  • Hiding tooth defects such as crookedness and crowding.
  • Eliminating stains and yellow spots and preventing their reappearance.

Disadvantages of Dental Veneers

Dental veneers have several disadvantages, which we will address in the following points:

  • They are one of the procedures that are expensive for many people.
  • After installation, the patient cannot restore their natural teeth again due to the tooth reduction procedure that takes place before installation.
  • If the teeth become cracked or broken, they cannot be repaired, and the dentist may eventually have to replace them completely.
  • In some cases, they can cause tooth sensitivity to many hot and cold foods and drinks.
  • In some cases, the patient may develop gum diseases or tooth decay if they do not take care of their hygiene.
  • It is difficult to change them if they are unsuitable for the patient, so it’s essential to ensure the correct shade of dental veneers before installation.
  • They cause tooth weakness due to the loss of calcium from removing part of the tooth enamel.

Caring for Dental Veneers

At the end of the veneer installation session, the dentist offers some tips for caring for the veneers and maintaining them for long periods, including:

Dental Care: by following a daily routine for cleaning the teeth, such as:

  • Brushing teeth with a suitable toothbrush for the patient, which has soft and small bristles, using a circular motion from bottom to top.
  • Choosing good toothpaste that contains ingredients that protect teeth from decay and prevent tooth sensitivity, such as fluoride, which can be used daily after every meal.
  • Using dental floss to remove food residue between teeth after every meal.
  • Using a good mouthwash that protects teeth from bacteria by eliminating and preventing their reappearance. It can be gargled at least twice a day and before bedtime.

Diet: There are some foods and drinks that should be avoided, including:

  • Avoiding hard and solid foods, and if consumed, it is preferable to cut them into small pieces.
  • Avoiding rubbery and sugary foods.
  • Refraining from drinking staining beverages that contain caffeine, such as coffee and tea.
  • Consuming reasonable amounts of vegetables and fruits that contain fibers, vitamins, and natural supplements that help strengthen the immune system and bones.

Daily Habits: Many patients have habits that can affect the veneers, including:

  • Excessive smoking and chewing tobacco.
  • Avoiding using teeth to break or open things.
  • Preventing nail-biting by the patient.

Cases Where Dental Veneers are Used

Anyone can get dental veneers installed for cosmetic purposes, but there are cases where patients may have problems that require the dentist to use dental veneers, including:

  • If the patient has yellow teeth with deep stains that other treatments have failed to address.
  • If the patient has large fillings that have changed color compared to the surrounding teeth.
  • If the patient has cracks and fractures in their teeth.
  • If the patient has crowded or crooked teeth.
  • If there are gaps between the patient’s teeth.

“Your smile is our priority! With a team of experts in dental veneer installation, we strive to provide an exceptional experience that achieves a white smile through our dental health center.”

Cases Where Dental Veneers are Used

Cases Where Dental Veneers are Used

Places for Installing Dental Veneers

“Invest in your smile with the Medical Center for Dental Care! We understand the importance of dental care and support you in achieving it with affordable prices. With the increasing costs of dental care, we offer good and cost-effective solutions. So don’t waste your time searching, as our medical center is the comprehensive solution for all your dental problems and ensures a complete service under one roof. Our specialized and qualified team provides immediate and professional solutions to all your needs.

Join us today and get the white smile and healthy teeth you deserve with our trust and expertise.”

Price of Dental Veneers in Egypt 2023

It has become difficult nowadays to determine a fixed price for many procedures, including dental veneers, as their prices are affected by various factors, including:

  • The type of veneers chosen by the dentist and suitable for the patient’s condition.
  • The type and quality of materials used in the manufacture of the veneers used in the installation.
  • The type of technologies and devices used in the veneer installation process.
  • The number of teeth that need veneers.
  • The experience of the chosen dentist in diagnosing and determining the suitable veneers and their precise skill in installing all types of veneers.
  • The location of the center or hospital chosen by the patient for installing the veneers and the offers and services provided to patients.
  • The cost of treatments that the patient may undergo in case they suffer from a problem in their teeth, whether in gum inflammation or tooth decay.
  • The number of sessions determined by the dentist for installing the veneers for the patient.
  • The type of procedures performed by the patient for examining and diagnosing the teeth before installing the veneers, such as X-rays and panoramic photos. According to these criteria, the average prices of veneers range from EGP 2,500 to EGP 10,000 for a single tooth. In the case of Lumineers, the average price for a single tooth can range from EGP 5,000 to EGP 10,000.

If fixed Veneer veneers are chosen, the average price can range from EGP 2,500 to EGP 5,000 for a single tooth. The cost of 3N Veneer without tooth reduction is EGP 9,000 for a single tooth, and the price of removable Veneer for a single jaw starts from EGP 2,500 and EGP 4,000 for both jaws.

 Price of Dental Veneers in Egypt 2023

Price of Dental Veneers in Egypt 2023

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"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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