What are the problems of tooth decay? And find out the best center for dental treatment and cosmetic dentistry - المركز الطبي لرعاية الأسنان

What are the problems of tooth decay? And find out the best center for dental treatment and cosmetic dentistry

Dental Caries Problems, tooth decay is one of the most common conditions seen by dentists. It is small cavities that appear on the teeth and cause pain and many problems that make the person suffer. Through this article, we will learn about all the stages that the tooth decay problem goes through and what the patient faces.

Dental Caries Problems

Dental Caries Problems

Dental Caries Problems

Tooth Decay: It is a condition that affects a person due to the accumulation of large amounts of bacteria and plaque on the surface of the teeth, causing an infection that spreads inside the mouth and affects it, leading to the formation of dental cavities that cause severe pain and bad breath. If left untreated, it can lead to complications that may result in tooth damage or extraction.

It is well known that the most vulnerable group to tooth decay is children and adolescents, so it is necessary to commit to regular visits to the doctor and work on cleaning the teeth regularly, using the appropriate dental floss, toothbrush, and toothpaste to reduce tooth decay. Through the following article, we will delve deeper into dental problems and what surrounds them.

Symptoms of Tooth Decay

It is well known that the symptoms of any problem vary from person to person, and for the problem of tooth decay, the symptoms vary from person to person depending on the severity of the damage to the teeth. Although in its early stages, tooth decay does not cause any reaction at all and the patient does not feel it, however, the patient may experience several symptoms, including:

  • Bad breath.
  • White spots and discoloration on the teeth.
  • Persistent tooth pain.
  • The person suffers from sensitivity to very hot or cold drinks.
  • In severe cases of tooth decay, the person may develop a dental abscess, causing swelling of the face or fever.
  • Gum inflammation or even bleeding.
  • Tooth decay can cause redness in the mouth, either inside or outside.
  • Neglecting oral hygiene and leaving food residues can cause tooth decay.
    Symptoms of Tooth Decay

    Symptoms of Tooth Decay

Causes of Tooth Decay

There are several reasons that cause a person to suffer from tooth decay, including:

  1. Tooth decay due to genetic causes.
  2. Tooth decay due to food accumulation on the tooth surface.
  3. Tooth decay due to salivary gland dysfunction.
  4. Tooth decay due to consuming foods high in sugar.
  5. Tooth decay due to not consuming foods high in fiber.
  6. Tooth decay due to neglecting regular teeth cleaning.
  7. Tooth decay due to not committing to regular doctor visits.

“Join our satisfied customers and get the best results in treating dental problems with modern and effective methods.”

Complications of Tooth Decay

When a person suffers from tooth decay but neglects it without treatment, in this case, it causes many complications that are difficult to treat later, and among the most important of these complications are the following:

  1. Severe pain and discomfort.
  2. Infection due to the accumulation of bacteria and microbes.
  3. Possible fracture, leading to tooth loss.
  4. Developing decay, which can lead to a dental abscess.
  5. Tooth decay can cause tooth inflammation and swelling of the face.
  6. Possible injuries such as ear and neck pain, and swollen lymph nodes.
  7. Tooth sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods and drinks due to enamel erosion.
  8. Unbearable pain and inability to bite down on the teeth.

When the patient experiences any of these symptoms, they must seek medical attention immediately to diagnose the condition and develop a treatment plan to prevent affecting other teeth.

Complications of Tooth Decay

Complications of Tooth Decay

Prevention of Tooth Decay

“The Dental Care Medical Center offers the latest techniques for treating dental problems and ensuring your complete comfort during treatment.” There are many ways a person can follow to prevent cavities and tooth decay. This is done by maintaining proper and regular oral and tooth hygiene to protect the teeth from decay and decay. This is done by following a set of tips, including:

  1. Maintain oral and dental hygiene after every meal on a regular basis.
  2. Use a toothpaste high in fluoride and a soft toothbrush.
  3. Use dental floss to remove food particles stuck between the teeth and gums once a day before bedtime.
  4. Stop consuming foods high in sugar.
  5. Reduce consumption of acidic fruits like lemons and grapefruit.
  6. Stop smoking of all kinds and reduce consumption of carbonated drinks.
  7. Rinse the toothpaste immediately during cleaning and leave it for a few minutes to allow the fluoride to settle and benefit the teeth.
  8. Regularly attend follow-up appointments with the doctor every 6 months.
    Prevention of Tooth Decay

    Prevention of Tooth Decay

Stages of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay has several stages that it goes through, and each stage differs in its treatment method from the other stage. The patient feels discomfort and pain as a new stage of decay progresses. The stages of tooth decay are as follows:

Spotting Stage: The spotting stage is the first stage of tooth decay, which is the appearance of white or yellow spots on the teeth. This occurs due to a lack of minerals resulting from plaque accumulation. The person must remove them at the outset before they progress, as they are not noticeable in the beginning. This is done by cleaning the teeth using a toothbrush, dental floss, and fluoride toothpaste.

Enamel Decay: During this stage, tooth erosion continues due to bacteria, causing the exposed dentin layer. It is common in this stage for the teeth to change color and become highly sensitive. Therefore, it is necessary to seek medical attention immediately to prevent the decay from progressing. The dentist will treat this problem with fillings or crowns.

Dentin Decay: When the patient neglects to treat the decay in its early stages and allows the bacteria to spread rapidly, it reaches the dentin layer, which has a sponge-like consistency. For this reason, treatment is necessary at this stage, as it is accompanied by pain, discomfort from the teeth, and sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks. The level of pain varies from person to person based on their tolerance level and the extent of tooth damage from the decay. Based on this, the dentist will clean the damaged part of the teeth and place a filling or crown where needed.

Pulp Decay: At this stage, the infection reaches the final layer under the dentin, which is the pulp layer. The patient experiences severe pain and discomfort at this stage due to the nerves present in the pulp layer. However, it is possible to remove the infection before placing a crown to prevent the decay from spreading further.

Abscess Formation: This stage represents the most severe and painful stage, as the bacteria spread to the end of the root canal. The infection can cause other parts of the mouth and gums to become infected. This is the final stage of decay that requires surgical intervention from the dentist, and the situation may progress to tooth extraction.

“Enjoy the best results in treating dental problems with our professional and specialized team atThe Dental Center.”

Types of Tooth Decay

It is well known that tooth decay occurs when the enamel layer on the teeth erodes due to the interaction of bacteria with food residues in the mouth. Over time, the acids that cause decay reach the dentin and pulp areas, causing the cavities that appear directly on the teeth. Therefore, the types of decay vary based on the degree of decay and are divided into:

1- Pit and Fissure Decay: In this type, cavities often occur on the upper part of the teeth used for chewing, but they are widespread in the back of the molars and are very common during adolescence due to the ease with which food and plaque can seep into the crevices on the tooth surface, especially for people who do not clean their teeth.

2- Smooth Surface Decay: It is known that this type of decay can take up to 3 years to form a cavity on the outer tooth surface. It often occurs in the cheek area of the mouth. Due to the slow progression of this type, the person can easily treat it initially by using a toothbrush and fluoride-rich toothpaste or by visiting a dentist for fluoride treatments. However, as it progresses to the enamel layer, a filling becomes necessary at that point. This type usually affects people in their twenties.

3- Root Decay: This type occurs in people who suffer from gum recession below its normal level, which happens naturally with age, especially in the elderly. This leads to the formation of cavities on the tooth surfaces. The root is essential for maintaining the tooth, but cavities form rapidly on the roots and are difficult to treat due to the lack of a protective enamel layer on the tooth roots.

Types of Tooth Decay

Types of Tooth Decay

Treatment of Tooth Decay

There are many people who suffer from dental problems that are similar to each other, but the treatment plan developed by the dentist differs based on the condition of each patient and the stage of decay the tooth has reached, as well as the level of pain experienced. Therefore, there are several different treatment methods, including:

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is a mineral that works to strengthen tooth enamel to help it resist the acids formed by plaque and bacteria accumulation. It does not provide results except in the early stages of decay and is used through toothpaste or during sessions with the dentist, which are quick and take only a few minutes.

Filling Treatment

As the stage of decay progresses and causes cavities to form, at this stage, the dentist resorts to placing fillings after removing the damaged part of the teeth, then fills the cavity with suitable materials such as resin or ceramic.

Crown Treatment

The dentist resorts to placing crowns in advanced stages of decay where large cavities form. The crown is used instead of a filling, covering the upper part of the teeth. The dentist removes the damaged parts of the tooth, either internally or externally, then takes a measurement of the tooth to fabricate the necessary crown, which is usually ready within two weeks at most.

Root Canal Treatment

This type of treatment is resorted to avoid tooth extraction because the pulp is completely damaged at this stage. Based on this, the dentist anesthetizes the area to be cleaned and removes the pulp causing the pain, creating a canal inside the tooth to place medication and eliminate any remaining bacteria.

Tooth Extraction

At this stage, the dentist gives the patient the option of tooth extraction due to the advanced stage of decay. The dentist anesthetizes the tooth and extracts it completely.

“Our services for treating dental problems include teeth whitening, zirconia restorations, and dental implants to ensure a beautiful, lasting smile.”

Does Simple Decay Require a Filling?

Yes, simple tooth decay can be treated by the patient without needing a filling. This is done by using fluoride-rich toothpaste and properly and regularly cleaning the teeth with an appropriate toothbrush to overcome the decay on the teeth.

Can Tooth Decay Spread Between Teeth?

There have been many opinions about whether tooth decay can spread between teeth. Based on this, many researchers have conducted surveys on this point, and it has become clear that tooth decay can indeed spread in several ways, such as through saliva or neglecting oral hygiene.

There is another way tooth decay can spread from one person to another, which is evident in the following:

  • Cooling food with the mouth (blowing on food)
  • Kissing with the mouth.
  • Using another person’s personal items.
    Can Tooth Decay Spread Between Teeth?

    Can Tooth Decay Spread Between Teeth?

Cost of Treating Tooth Decay

The Dental Center offers a range of competitive prices. The cost of root canal treatment in Egypt typically ranges from 1500 to 3000 Egyptian pounds. However, the cost may vary from one dentist to another and one medical center to another, in addition to the type of filling used, the cost of the equipment used by the dentist, the level of the center and its attention to cleanliness and sterilization, the experience and skill of the dentist, and the condition of the tooth to be filled.

Best Center for Dental Treatment and Cosmetics

In Cairo, there are many excellent medical centers for dental treatment, cosmetics, and treating tooth decay on a large scale. This is one of the important and distinguished steps in treating many problems that many people may face early in their lives. Regular follow-up with a large, specialized center ensures proper health care for their teeth in the future and guarantees strong and exceptional teeth later on.

For us, we offer you one of the most important and largest specialized centers for dental treatment, cosmetics, and treatment of tooth decay in Cairo, namely The Dental Center, which is a major medical facility specializing in dental treatments provided. Therefore, if you wish to treat or enhance your teeth at any time,

All you need to do is visit the center and communicate with those in charge.

Best center for dental treatment and cosmetic dentistry

Best Center for Dental Treatment and Cosmetics

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"Professional Dentist at the Dental Care Medical Center Welcome to the Dental Care Medical Center, where we offer a full range of preventive, therapeutic, and cosmetic dental services. We have a team of the best dentists in Egypt, who have extensive experience in all areas of dentistry. Extens ... read more

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